epcot's demise


New Member
TheBig2er said:
And how the hell did I go down to having only two posts and only joined last month? I have been on here for 3 years.

:lol: That's fantastic! Good job mod's lmao.

Anyways, it wasn't sucha "downer" post. Just annoying. So Epcot was "dirty" the day you went. It was fantastic when I went on Feb 5th... maybe nobody cleaned it yet. Maybe some children rubbed their greasy hands on the windows... you never know.

I don't think Epcot is at its demise. Not anywhere close! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
:lol: That's fantastic! Good job mod's lmao.

Anyways, it wasn't sucha "downer" post. Just annoying. So Epcot was "dirty" the day you went. It was fantastic when I went on Feb 5th... maybe nobody cleaned it yet. Maybe some children rubbed their greasy hands on the windows... you never know.

I don't think Epcot is at its demise. Not anywhere close! :wave:

We have seen some dirty parts of Epcot, but what park doesn't have dirty parts to it? I'd have to agree with you.


New Member
I think EPCOT is one of the most beautiful parks in the world. It is not going through a "demise." Let's not be overly dramatic. I agree with what others have said. Just because there's a chip of paint missing here and there, or the glass has a smear on it one day it shoud not affect the overall amazing experience that Disney offers. I think for the thousands of families with sticky fingered kids and all that go through Disney parks every day they do a great job of keeping the parks immaculatly clean. I come to this site to get excited about my next trip and this whining is becoming a downer. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but some things are just not worth complaining about.


New Member
Original Poster
If it offends you that I am negative right off the bat then so be it. My wife and I have been going to wdw for decades so I think we know what we are talking about. Disney is not just any other resort and the parks are not just any other parks. They are a cut above everything else and should be kept that way. If you allow things to begin to go down then soon you won't have a world class theme park.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The parks are still way ahead of the competition, but the competition are catching up. Certainly even 10 years ago you wouldn`t have seen half the things that have been published here and other sites (bad show) - look what happened to Disneyland over 10 years, and what it is taking to get it back to its `usual` standard


Well-Known Member
I have been going to WDW since 1972 and I do agree that the maintence has slipped in the past 10 years. Not sure when I just noticed on one trip. I am not bashing as I love the place and continue to do so. But if WDW management does not take care of issues when they arrise, they grow and become harder to fix. I am not talking about dirty windows but things like rusy railings. If you have some paint peel and some rust shows up, you can sand and repaint and all will be good. If you don't and let it rot then you need to replace the railing. I have seen such railings in the MK. It is a shame as it was an easy fix that became a more expensive one.

I do think though this year the parks looked better than last year at this time so maybe things are turning around.... :)

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
A lot of credit needs to be given to the current Disneyland Ca management for what they're doing to restore the park to what it should be. I think (hope) that that same feeling is working its way across the country to WDW. Things definately seem to be getting better in WDW--not perfect and not quite what it once was, but getting better.


New Member
You can be negative all you want here on the message boards, write a few letters to guest relations if you feel like it. Just don't rain on my parade when I am at the parks. Keep the negative comments to yourself then.

There will always be something dirty, chipping, little trash here and there, faded paint, etc. But, I think its improving, the rehabs are coming slowly.


Park History nut
Premium Member

The neg comments are only truthful ones.

If you don`t like them, don`t read `em!

BTW - welcome to the discussion :wave:


New Member
Wasn't sure if that was about my post or not marni. My main point was that when I am there at the parks, I don't want to hear someone being negative, but here on the boards they can say anything they want. Doesn't mean we have to read them.

Wanted to say also I have enjoyed reading your information on the parks and attractions marni. Hopefully I will get to see a few of your videos as well.


Well-Known Member
I've actually found Epcot and AK to be the two parks that are maintained the best. I've never had a problem with Epcot in terms of maintenance or cleanliness. Living Seas just went through a very nice updgrade and seems to once again be engaging and entertaining all guests. The Land will look like new when it reopens. There is nothing maintenance or cleanliness wise wrong with Imagination (which just had the glass pyramids cleaned and polished). MS is still too new for anything to look bad. TT still looks the same from the day it opened (with the exception of some of the cars/ride vehicles that appear to take some damage). WOL, the most dated looking of the pavilions and the one in need of the most work, is only open seasonly for guests to see how bad its become. Most of Innoventions is new stuff added within the last 2-3 years. And the countries in WS seem to be in a perpetual cycle of rehabs (once again France and China are under tarps...it seemed like they just rehabbed them) MK and MGM have their ups and downs in terms of cleanliness throughout the day, but overall I think we've seen the worst in terms of cut-backs that resulted from the tourism slump and things are turning around. One need only look at all the recent rehabs (and complaints thereof with something being closed on somebody's trip) to see that.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Flbeachbum; Ahah-- my misunderstanding. I interpreted your post the wrong way.. sorry!!

Thanks for the nice comments regarding my stories about the parks.. and I hope you enjoy the vids. And I did sincerely mean welcome :)


New Member
Original Poster
I don't mean to be critical, wdw is still the best vacation destination around but things are wrong and should be corrected. Walt paid attention to detail and so should his successors. I still love the place though.


Account Suspended
I'd have to say that the last thing we look for when there are the deficiencies. Somehow, it seems to me, that you have to have the "mindset" that you are going to look for flaws. The last thing I'm worried about when I'm there is "where they need new paint, or what light bulbs are burned out on what ride or building." That's not to say that maintenance isn't important, as it is. It's to point out the fact that people will look for those things when that's what they have on their mind.


Active Member
I only get to go once a year, IF I AM LUCKY! So, I try not to notice things. I was there last September and I thought everything looked great. Maybe noticing chipped paint is the downside of being so close or going so often. Maybe I just see the glass half full......


Account Suspended
I don't disagree that the attention to detail has slipped in recent years. And we have debated and argued the why's, where's, and when's of that issue to death on these boards. But overall, I'm quite confident that things aren't nearly as bad as some on here would lead you to believe.


Well-Known Member
When I was there last year...I couldn't really see a signifigant difference...looks like the park looked fine to me. Too bad they can't keep it a Retro style park at least keeping the origional logos or at least making newer ones for the park.
As to the comments all negative, I think that people come here and post something of that nature first because they are shocked by something that appears (even to the happy people on Prozac that never see the rain) to be "UNDISNEY" such as the lack of painting, cleanliness, or upkeep. To say that all parks have these issues so why not Disney is well...er...UNDISNEY! Disney sets THE STANDARD for theme parks and attractions and service and because it does so, it is held to THE STANDARD. If these issues weren't brought to the attention of Disney, then nothing would be improved in the first place. So addressing CONCERNS about Disney most definitely has a place on a forum for Disney fans whom DO NOT want to see Disney fail to meet THE STANDARD.

On the other hand, people who find everything wrong with WDW and have absolutely nothing good to say about WDW, must not be genuine fans. But people who do voice some CONCERNS about SOME issues most definitely are fans, and they have a place here. I think that there is an air of revitilization about WDW, in general, with all of the new attractions, and I hope that this continues so the parks are spruced up even more to make the best (which WDW is) continue to be the best by being better and better all the time. What's good for other theme parks is NEVER acceptable for our beloved Walt Disney World parks and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER will be! :)


raven said:
Sometime, we as Disney "experts", seem to notice these things a little more then other guests. Indeed they have some areas that need to be updated, rehabed or just need a fresh coat of paint. But compared to other theme parks that I have seen, Disney is still the best. :animwink:

Well said.

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