Well-Known Member
The monorails are programmed so when power is lost, it does an emergency stop. This is a safeguard for many things. There is a way to release the brakes, but without power and potentially not enough air pressure remaining, you cannot (fully) re-apply them if you needed to. So in this scenario, it was best to just let the train be and get the Guests off. Last thing you need is the train to roll while doing an evac via ground equipment.
I'm not sure how feasible this is, but it seems like they could use an emergency generator/engine on-board that would enable the train to move along at a slow speed, just in case of situations like this, where it might be necessary to move just a short distance to get to a safe evacuation point. Is this reasonable? I want to say I've heard of such systems on other transit systems like this, but I don't recall where.