I am so bugged out by the fountain of nations. It is great the way it is and I live it to death but the same little ttings have been broken for years and still dont work right I still dont know why those 6 fountains that go off the sides from te middle still arent as powerful as they used to be tat bothers me so bad those are my favorites and that gieser looking one. Why are the microshooters still crooked and waek cant. They can waste all this money putting a wand up and then taking it down but they cant fix a fiew flaws on a fountain. That is the perfect place for a fountain the music never gets tiring or old and theres always time to go see it. Just those little flawas and they cant just fool around with them. If i worked there i would love to toy around with it after hours. I will just go there when I go get doen there and play with them for free I would love to take a day and do that I love to do that stuff. I can see the computers causeing the sprayers to stay on during the show because those computers are probally from 94 but come on tighten the crooked fountains and fix the middle ones maby repplace some pumps and make a popular attraction presentabul. Thats my favorite thing so I will take it as is but I bet theres no need to. And no adding Hannah montana music and something to do with eric idle is not the solution. It is good the way it is the belagio has horibul music for a fountain I prefer the egzisting music or at least instrumental and the bellagio does great. That one has flaws but that one disnt have a 2 fiit deep pool that gets drained everytime theres a drout thats a lake and they fix things easily.