Ah do i remember this area well.Sega had been in Innoventions since it first opened back in July 94.At first it had just Genesis,Sega Pico, and GameGear Sonic games as far as the eye could see.They even had a station in there where you could order Sonic and Sega merchandise such as hats,shirts,lunchboxes,etc.They placed giant Sonic statues everywhere as well as giant rings,Sega logos and i think maybe a giant Knuckles.This whole area took up a little more than half of the building i believe(everything seems big when you're young).There were tower like structures in there that had TVs in them and on the TVs they would show either one of the two Sonic cartoons (Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog or Sonic The Hedgehog)and then sometimes you would see commercials for Sega and Sonic stuff and all around the towers were gaming stations.On the walls they had pictures of Sonic games.Then year by year they added more and more stuff and eventually there were more games than just Sonic.In 97 the GameGear got the boot and the Saturn was pushed in.The area got smaller and smaller.Then in late 98 early 99 when everything in EPCOT was going down for the Millenium Celebration the Sega area went down as well,They had a small section previewing the Dreamcast which wouldnt come out until 9-9-99.They had a big box like thing that when you stepped inside it was a giant DC controller,i never got to see what it did tho.They took it out before i could go back and the first time i saw it,it was closed.They had several games for playing including an early beta version of Sonic Adventure.This area got removed when the Videogames of Tomorrow exhibit opened.The small section on The Road To Tomorrow was full of games and was continually updated until it closed.Overhead giant projectors shot images of the Sega,Dreamcast,and game logos all over the floor.Tv monitors lined the walls on one side showing off the Dreamcast and its amazing and raw power.It truly was an amazing and fun exhibit,they even had online stations hooked up so you could play people across the net.Sadly Sega lost in the console market so they never renewed their contract with Disney.I was at the exhibit on its last day before it was going to be changed.I got some pictures,put all he games that people had left on pause back on their title screens and took one last glance at a friend and then said goodbye.It truly never will be forgotten.But still i cant help but wonder what they did with all the Sonic statues.Does anyone here know?