EMH: Broken Idea


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for operations at all of the parks (since each one likes to run things differently to thoroughly frustrate and anger guests :hammer:) as my experiences with evening EMHs are limited, but wristbands certainly aren't being handed out at all the parks. The process I witnessed most often was to get to the "wristbanding area" you had to make it past the CM who was checking for KTTW cards (granted, not really taking the time to carefully check the dates but it's nearly impossible to process the number of guests that show up for EMH if you closely inspect the cards and some may still slip past since it's hard for 1 CM to deal with a group of 50 charging the line at once and still watch for those trying to sneak past) and each guest then has the band placed around their wrist, never handed to them. Handing a guest a wristband (especially extra ones for their family members who just happen to be off getting food or on an attraction :zipit:) is pretty much a cardinal sin. Again though, things aren't that strict everywhere and guests love to mention that when they can't get away with something they had no problem with the previous night at a another park.

I think we can all agree that the system as it is now simply isn't working very well and I believe Disney knows that. I don't think they did that wristband free EMH test earlier this year for nothing.


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say every single time we have done the EMH we had to show our room key to a CM who then scanned the barcode with a handheld reader. After that we moved up and another CM put the wrist band on us.........usually catching my arm hair in the little snap.

I've never seen them just casually handing them out.


I've always done well at the AK evening EMH...doing Everest 3 times in a row with no wait was great, if a little rough on the stomach, thankfully I didn't have a big meal before hand :hurl:

Any other park I've been disappointed with the evening hours...waiting 20 minutes for Peter Pan is not a "treat" it's just sloghtly less busy than earlier (it was a 25-30min wait just a few hours before the EMH) so it didn't make much of a difference.

The morning EMH are usually good but in my experience, I usually get the parks for opening whether it's EMH or not and I usually see some characters or entertainment at the gates for the early risers EXCEPT on morning EMH...no DeVine, or Push or Barbershop Quartet or characters or anything.

Are they short changing us for taking in the extra hour?


Well-Known Member
I do think in many ways emh is broken. I think that the evening one is the problem. Only problem I have with the morning one, specifically at the mk, is that not everything is open. So for me, why get up and get there an hour early just to have to wait another hour to get on splash and all the other stuff when it pretty much will be obvious everyone is going to Space. I might as well get up the next non extra morning hour day and hit the MK and be able to do it all.

But as far as emh, I noticed that for the evening at all the parks with the exception of mk, it really isnt that much of a perk. The way I see it is simply as an extra 3 hrs in the park. I really dont expect short lines anymore, therefore for the most part I can enjoy myself. Staying on site gives me more of an oppurtunity to get more done in a day then people staying off site. I can do a water park in the morning, go back to the hotel and nap, go to another theme park, then head to the theme park hosting the emh. And I like the fact of being able to do that. I think during slow times of the year when it isnt crowded on the regular, then emh is pretty much a waste. I figured that out first hand last year in Sept. we pretty much skipped the emhs when we saw that we were waiting longer during the extra 3 hrs. then we were during the day. But if its peak times, then Id say go for it since its already crowded its not like the emh crowds would be bigger.

I think Mk is the best evening emh park. When me and my mom were there, it closed at 2am, and TL still was crowded but it wasnt that bad, and of course by the time the park was getting closer to closing Frontierland was dead so it was fun and worth it, and we got to enjoy ourselves. I noticed that the other 3 parks were crowded like I dont know what, and they did allow fp for ToT and Everest, but I think it was better when they didnt use them because I remember riding E:E about 13 times in one emh night before they allowed fp for those 3 hrs.

All in all, I like the emh, specifically the evening ones. And yes, I do think they need to think of ways to kinda fix them, but one way is def. not charging for them, imo that would be wise, but stupid because its been free for so long. It would def. thin out the crowds but thats not the best way to go about it, imo. Maybe have 2 parks with emh, and no deluxe only moderate here and value there crap.


Active Member
I just wish Disney would bring back E-Ride Nights, or whatever it was called. I was more than happy to pay an extra $13 to have the Magic Kingdom so empty.

I miss them too. I would do the whole park. I remember one night I rode Splash Mountain like 13 times in a row(they just let us stay on), then we did Haunted Mansion like 10 times and still had time of Space, it was GLORIOUS!!:D
Now you go and maybe if your lucky ride something 4 or 5 times and that your entire night without and other rides.:cry:


Well-Known Member
I haven't bothered with EMH is a long time. The evening version is a joke as, like was posted, CM's just hand them out to anyone.

The morning is useless too because only a select few rides are open.

I just wish Disney would bring back E-Ride Nights, or whatever it was called. I was more than happy to pay an extra $13 to have the Magic Kingdom so empty.

Of course now days it would probably be more like $20.


So the problem seems to lie in the distribution of the wristbands, or maybe the use of wristbands in general, and not necessarily the EMH perk. And really, the perk of EMH is to get an extra hour in the morning and three at night for a given park. The perk isn't to get free reign in an empty park. If the park was empty, it likely wouldn't be worth the payroll to keep it open and EMH would go away completely. That also may be why we haven't seen it at two parks in one night, but as they add rooms that may be deemed an acceptable expense.

For the wristbands, what if they were distributed at the resorts instead of the parks? It would make it harder for those abusing the system to get a wristband. Or what if they were distributed at check-in? That way all guests receiving wristbands are obviously resort guests, and they also know how many are in each room in order to give an adequate amount.

I doubt you could take distribution out of the parks completely, but if you take out a large chunk of demand at the resorts themselves, it may reduce the crowds during wristband distribution and allow the cast more time to check IDs. Speaking from experience, wristband distribution can be crazy and it is not too easy to verify every bit of information on an ID and room key while being asked 500 questions. But really, it's not like we're selling alcohol. It's just EMH.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
So the problem seems to lie in the distribution of the wristbands, or maybe the use of wristbands in general, and not necessarily the EMH perk. And really, the perk of EMH is to get an extra hour in the morning and three at night for a given park. The perk isn't to get free reign in an empty park. If the park was empty, it likely wouldn't be worth the payroll to keep it open and EMH would go away completely. That also may be why we haven't seen it at two parks in one night, but as they add rooms that may be deemed an acceptable expense.

For the wristbands, what if they were distributed at the resorts instead of the parks? It would make it harder for those abusing the system to get a wristband. Or what if they were distributed at check-in? That way all guests receiving wristbands are obviously resort guests, and they also know how many are in each room in order to give an adequate amount.

I doubt you could take distribution out of the parks completely, but if you take out a large chunk of demand at the resorts themselves, it may reduce the crowds during wristband distribution and allow the cast more time to check IDs. Speaking from experience, wristband distribution can be crazy and it is not too easy to verify every bit of information on an ID and room key while being asked 500 questions. But really, it's not like we're selling alcohol. It's just EMH.
Ahhh, but according to the official site reduced lines and waits are the first thing mentioned about EMH. Pretty much all of us agree that that is no longer the case at an evening EMH. Disney should either revise how they advertise for this resort benefit or modify it so shorter lines will be more consistent at an evening EMH.

Walt Disney World.com said:
Avoid the crowds and long lines, board some of our more popular attractions quicker, and experience more time in the Parks during special extended Theme Park hours — available to you as a Guest of a select Walt Disney World® Resort hotel at no extra charge.

Benefit Extra Magic Hours Detail Page


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
^^^ again tho. The problem is more than just park guests who are not staying on site receiving wristbands. EMH is advertised as an on site exclusive where you can enjoy your favorite park attractions with a smaller crowd and minimal wait. 70 minutes for Soarin' or 40 for Space Mtn is not minimal.

Plus the park is not fully operational during EMH. Most of the shops, restaurants, quick service locations are closed and are being cleaned/restocked for the following day. In fact, an hour into EMH at MK last night, the Emporium, Casey's, Mickey's Star Traders, and the ice cream place in Tomorrowland seemed to be the only food/retail locations opened. So I doubt it's a question of expense.

Plus, if WDW can afford to staff MK for a Pirates and Princess Party...I think they can manage having a second park opened for Evening EMH.


Active Member
A personal experience...last year June we took advantage of late EMH and we thought it worked out pretty good. This year we did it again a few weeks ago and it was terrible, way too many people to offer any kind of advantage, parks were packed all day it seemed and it didn't slacken when the day guests cleared out. I haven't tried Morning EMH, not able to get my kids out of bed early enough. I seriously doubt I will do late EMH again during the busy season, unless some other change occurs.


Active Member
We love emh at MK. Last month, we arrived in time for the first spectro and then did some of the rides, but once emh started we were able to do all the rides, some more than once and ended up leaving the park at 1:45a.

And, for whoever was complaining about a 20 min wait at Peter Pan, we'll that's a very short wait since most of the time, PP is 60+ mins and during emh's they still offer FP's for that ride. I would happily wait 20 mins for PP.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I really like Slappy's idea of having two EMH evenings at two parks and see how that works out.



For my wife and I (especially my wife, who is practically borderline albino), nighttime EMH are good mainly for getting out of the sun. And we've gotten lucky SOMETIMES with EMH. But it's completely random as to when it'll work out to your advantage to use 'em, and when it's best to skip 'em. I can only imagine, with Pleasure Island closing, Epcot will get worse if they keep the bars open.

Going back to another idea, if there are CMs who aren't doing their jobs properly - not checking for resort cards, not checking their expiration date, etc. - then there needs to be kiosks and ticket scan machines - like at the entrance - where your resort ID not only has to be scanned to be used, BUT if you try to hand your ID off to another person (a friend staying offsite), the card will flash some sort of "abuse" signal, letting the CM know there's already a wristband assigned to this particular guest, and to ask for another form of ID.

Honestly, the fear of embarrassment will probably dissaude most folks from trying it, once they know a system like that is in place.

I'd also suggest (like anyone listens to me - HA!) that if the CMs were allowed to hand out the EMH wristbands THROUGHOUT the day, as opposed to just a few hours before closing, it would cut down on the amount of waiting on line to get the wristbands, minimizing guests' impatience, so that the CMs won't feel compelled to start handing them out to everyone in an attempt to bring the line down.


New Member

For my wife and I (especially my wife, who is practically borderline albino), nighttime EMH are good mainly for getting out of the sun. And we've gotten lucky SOMETIMES with EMH. But it's completely random as to when it'll work out to your advantage to use 'em, and when it's best to skip 'em. I can only imagine, with Pleasure Island closing, Epcot will get worse if they keep the bars open.

Going back to another idea, if there are CMs who aren't doing their jobs properly - not checking for resort cards, not checking their expiration date, etc. - then there needs to be kiosks and ticket scan machines - like at the entrance - where your resort ID not only has to be scanned to be used, BUT if you try to hand your ID off to another person (a friend staying offsite), the card will flash some sort of "abuse" signal, letting the CM know there's already a wristband assigned to this particular guest, and to ask for another form of ID.

Honestly, the fear of embarrassment will probably dissaude most folks from trying it, once they know a system like that is in place.

I'd also suggest (like anyone listens to me - HA!) that if the CMs were allowed to hand out the EMH wristbands THROUGHOUT the day, as opposed to just a few hours before closing, it would cut down on the amount of waiting on line to get the wristbands, minimizing guests' impatience, so that the CMs won't feel compelled to start handing them out to everyone in an attempt to bring the line down.

I TOTALLY feel your wife's pain. I'm very pale skinned, freckles, red hair, and can't be in the sun for any length of time without burning, regardless of how many times I "reapply liberally as needed".

One thing to let her know though, is that usually (and this is not always the case, but, we have found it more the norm than not), the morning EMH's are a bit overcast and cloudy. I realize she can still burn with an overcast sky, but, the chances are far less than mid afternoon, as she will be able to find a LOT of shady spots with little effort. OT, but let her know to try the Neutrogena Cooling Gel sunblock if she does get a burn. Have her apply it before bed, and it somehow works like magic to lighten the burn. It's a little pricey, but, well worth it.

I like the idea of having to put a key into a system to get a wrist band and only one wristband allowed per key room key. Of couse, then we come up with the problem of only the parents being issued cards. Maybe if it was linked to the number of wristbands allowed (that must match the number of people on the reservation)? For instance, if Mom put in her room key and pressed "4" for number of bands (her, dad, susy and johnny), then Dad couldn't come back with his ticket and try to get one for himself. He would have to track down Mom to find out where his band was. In this case, Mom could also press "3" and get one for her susy and johnny, but Dad would be able to go to another machine and get one for himself, but no more than what was left on the reservation number listed for their party that didn't already have wristbands accounted for.



New Member
Personally, I did feel the line were long for the extra magic hours we went to last month on the days of July 16-18, but tha was only for the first hour or so, the only exceptions were DHS, those lines were horrible the whole time with waits for TSMM and RnRC that lasted the whole night and on the 18th Space Mountain bc it was raining earlier in the day and the line from the afternoon on was 70-120 minutes. I was carded for all of the EMHs, and CMs were checking for the bands at all the attractions i went on, however on the 18th at Laugh Floor, some people had a different color band on and the CM thought they had just ran out of the orange ones they assigned for that day. the night EHMs for me all thined out towards the latter part of the night. I think the shouldn't do away with the night EHMs, just have better enforcement of the wristband system. I enjoyed going on some of the outdoor rides at 1am.


Ahhh, but according to the official site reduced lines and waits are the first thing mentioned about EMH. Pretty much all of us agree that that is no longer the case at an evening EMH. Disney should either revise how they advertise for this resort benefit or modify it so shorter lines will be more consistent at an evening EMH.
Actually, it appears most are indicating the wait times are less than what it was during the day, but simply "not enough." To assume that there will be no lines is asking a bit much. The site mentions reduced waits and more time in the parks. It does not say you'll be able to walk on every ride.

Plus the park is not fully operational during EMH. Most of the shops, restaurants, quick service locations are closed and are being cleaned/restocked for the following day. In fact, an hour into EMH at MK last night, the Emporium, Casey's, Mickey's Star Traders, and the ice cream place in Tomorrowland seemed to be the only food/retail locations opened. So I doubt it's a question of expense.

Plus, if WDW can afford to staff MK for a Pirates and Princess Party...I think they can manage having a second park opened for Evening EMH.
What would be the reason to not do this at all four parks at the same time then? The cost to staff the attractions and the shops (including those at the exits to the attractions) is not a negligible cost. And the P&P is a ticketed event, which is obviously there to offset the cost of the cast staffing the event.

Going back to another idea, if there are CMs who aren't doing their jobs properly - not checking for resort cards, not checking their expiration date, etc. - then there needs to be kiosks and ticket scan machines - like at the entrance - where your resort ID not only has to be scanned to be used, BUT if you try to hand your ID off to another person (a friend staying offsite), the card will flash some sort of "abuse" signal, letting the CM know there's already a wristband assigned to this particular guest, and to ask for another form of ID
How about they make it just like the fastpass system works? Each room key will have to be swiped to provide one wristband, and it can only be swiped once. And they could just provide one room key per person, regardless if it's a child or adult (I thought they were already doing this though). That might help eliminate the need for some kind complex system to be designed.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What would be the reason to not do this at all four parks at the same time then? The cost to staff the attractions and the shops (including those at the exits to the attractions) is not a negligible cost. And the P&P is a ticketed event, which is obviously there to offset the cost of the cast staffing the event.

Not enough people go to the pirate and princess parties for the admission costs to offset the cost of staffing.

and what's the reason for them showing Wishes every night? That's not exactly a negligible that probably costs just as much as staffing the theme park for the extra 3 hrs a night. WDW not opening a 2nd park for Evening EMH simply because of staffing costs is too weak of an argument.

IF ANYTHING. If you had 2 parks open, then the crowds in each park would be less....probably half of the size of what the evening EMH is now. The guests at each park will be happier than all of them being in one park because the waits and crowds are smaller (I know I would be, especially when it is advertised that way). And when people are happier they tend to spend more money! (that's the way I work too). I have left EMH early many times because there have simply been too many people...I bet many other people on here have done so as well. And you keep saying that 65,000+/- people attending EMH is less than on a normal day. Remember, I got that figure by saying Half of the on-site rooms attended with 4 people in each room. I bet 65,000 is about an average daily attendance for DHS and AK...and probably Epcot during the off season. The crowd levels are definitely not what the perk advertises it to be. Does anyone have regular day park attendance figures?


Well-Known Member
Not enough people go to the pirate and princess parties for the admission costs to offset the cost of staffing.

and what's the reason for them showing Wishes every night? That's not exactly a negligible that probably costs just as much as staffing the theme park for the extra 3 hrs a night. WDW not opening a 2nd park for Evening EMH simply because of staffing costs is too weak of an argument.

IF ANYTHING. If you had 2 parks open, then the crowds in each park would be less....probably half of the size of what the evening EMH is now. The guests at each park will be happier than all of them being in one park because the waits and crowds are smaller (I know I would be, especially when it is advertised that way). And when people are happier they tend to spend more money! (that's the way I work too). I have left EMH early many times because there have simply been too many people...I bet many other people on here have done so as well. And you keep saying that 65,000+/- people attending EMH is less than on a normal day. Remember, I got that figure by saying Half of the on-site rooms attended with 4 people in each room. I bet 65,000 is about an average daily attendance for DHS and AK...and probably Epcot during the off season. The crowd levels are definitely not what the perk advertises it to be. Does anyone have regular day park attendance figures?
No way has a park ever hit 65,000 people during evening EMH, and you've grossly overestimated daily park attendance. Just going by the unofficial numbers for yearly park attendance divided by 365, DHS and AK average 28,000 a day.


Well-Known Member
Did someone say EMH? :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No way has a park ever hit 65,000 people during evening EMH, and you've grossly overestimated daily park attendance. Just going by the unofficial numbers for yearly park attendance divided by 365, DHS and AK average 28,000 a day.

ok...maybe DHS and AK don't get 65k visitors average. But I bet Evening EMH during the summer probably hit atleast 50k. Considering that on an average day when all 4 parks plus the 2 waterparks are open DHS and AK average 28k. With only one park open, I don't see it as being That hard to believe.

And plus with TSM open and foreigners traveling here more than before...I bet those #s are alittle off for this summer. The parks have been jam packed this summer! TSM with 100-200 min waits, RnR at 100 mins, ToT at 40... That's more than a 28k visitor day!

My numbers were just estimates...I'm not claiming them to be right. I just took the number of hotel rooms, diveded it by 2 to account for capacity and a number of on-sight guests not going to EMH and multiplied by 4 (ppl per party) to average in Campsites, Villas, Cabins, Rooms, etc to come out with a rough estimate. I also added about 5k of ppl who aren't on-site guests.

But besides all of that...I still think that 50k-65k ppl spread among 2 parks is alot better situation/business decision than that many ppl in only one park. And IMO I don't think the cost of staffing is a key role in WDW not having more than one park open per night.

I'm just saying! :)

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