Originally posted by AkiraRaptor
I thought I read they were doing maintenance on it and one of the workers left a grounding unit on it and when they turned the power back on...BOOM. Bye-bye EPCOT for a day.
Edit: This is what I remembered (from another thread)...
Apparently, third shift was doing PMs on the equipment at CEP. They were working on the 60Kv line (that’s 60,000 Volt) and they put grounding straps on all three phases as a precaution (the power was, of course, off at that point). When they finished they turned on the power, and as a ball of fire headed through the ceiling, one guy said “Did you remember to remove the grounding straps?”
Okay, the last in conjuncture, but the effect was the same...60,000 Volts surging directly to “ground.”