Cost is the major problem for now. Some new head way has been made with graphene super capacitors that may be the wave of the future. Researcher have been fooling with that and are actually making good progress to making it useable but ??????
A low cost commuter EV would probably catch on pretty fast but it's just not in the cards right now. Always a problem with range, charging, price etc. etc. The Tesla Model S is really the first functional car that is addressing all the problem except it's to expensive for most people. Also cost effective it is not. Other end of that is a golf cart, doesn't function like a car it's to low speed. They make some nice golf carts that top out at 35 MPH have lights and all the road legal stuff but those are limits to 35 MPH or less roads. Something in between is needed but I don't think a hybrid is such a good idea. Hydrogen??? Forget that one.