Eating in the bathroom


Well-Known Member
wow- it takes EVERYTHING I have to USE a public potty (and TONS of seat liners). I won't even bring a bottled water in there let alone an entire meal


Well-Known Member
I recall as a CM at Cosmic's that there were people who ate inside the bathrooms due to lack of seating, as we definitely got tray's from the bathroom on several occassions. Also I saw someone at Yakitori House take his food inside the bathroom due to lack of seating in that restaurant. Does anyone here resort to that if needed, or have seen examples of bathroom eaters?

Why? Why? Why??

Never would I and what common sense makes you think it is ok? Go outside, a store, or go somewhere else to eat! I'd hare to go to the bathroom (for its intended purpose) and see someone munching on a burger.


Well-Known Member
OMG that restaurant! That's terrifying. I don't know how someone can eat in a bathroom. I immediately thought of stupid movies where a kid at school who has no friends or is bullied eats lunch in the bathroom. If I were that miserable from being bullied, eating lunch wouldn't be a priority, and it certainly wouldn't make its way into the bathroom with me.


Well-Known Member
I have to say that of all the threads discussing gross things at WDW, this is the grossest.

Eating in the me the willies.



Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that when someone brings up the idea of eating in the restroom almost everyone's response is to be grossed out.(As everyone should be) But so many nursing mothers are told to do just that, feed their baby in the restroom. Anyone who feels that way should think about how they would like to eat sitting on the toilet.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that when someone brings up the idea of eating in the restroom almost everyone's response is to be grossed out.(As everyone should be) But so many nursing mothers are told to do just that, feed their baby in the restroom. Anyone who feels that way should think about how they would like to eat sitting on the toilet.
Nobody said anything about breast-feeding mothers.

To the casual observer, it would appear that you are attempting to pick a fight. I'm sure you aren't, of course, but some might see it that way.

I hope everyone will realize this poster was just blowing off steam and not take her post as if she was attempting to pick a fight and now you're going to give her one.

I've been enjoying this thread and hope it doesn't go down that ridiculous road. (Please! Please! I beg!)

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