Early entry question

Right now my cousin and I are in the midst of planning our trip to WDW. We are staying at the Boardwalk Villas Sept 14-21st and then going on the 4-day cruise. There are 12-13 of us going so we are trying to do as much prior planning as possible.

My question is this. Are the early entry mornings at the parks worth it? I've seen people on this site say the parks are too busy on those days. We have several people in our group who have never been to WDW; so we want to make sure that we maximize our time there. Currently, the way we have things scheduled, we are hitting the early entry park most days and then park-hopping in the afternoon.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
I always advise my clients against this. The parks are usually very crowded on the early entry days. If you HAVE to go to the early entry parks, my suggestion is to leave and go to another park when the park officialy opens for the day and the crowds start.


You know, Pam, I tend to agree. During peak, early entry doesn't provide you with much of a headstart and during value you really don't need it. I guess each person really has to see for themself if this "perk" warrants the early morning wakeup. Kudos to you, though, for helping your clients make the best use of their time. :animwink:
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New Member
Unless the unanswered questions can be proven not relevant, your point is moot. You continue to personalize this and to that I object.

You wrote
That's how you should word it... not by calling someone insane, or insinuating that they're stupid.

In the first place, you are rude and ill-mannered to dictate wording to anyone. Secondly, no one did what you imagine.

With all due respect, it is insane to advise people not to do Early Entry!!!
Is this a no-brainer?
These comments/suggestions are directed at the idea, not the person. There is a big difference between refuting a theory and attacking the theorist. Do you not agree?

I appreciate you sharing your touring stategy. Why you would not debate your friend, and would rather misrepresent total strangers' words, is beyond me. I believe we are done here.

Until next time,
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New Member
Originally posted by mkt
Listen Billy, MFLetou, and everyone else.

Pam made a SUGGESTION. She's a travel agent, and goes to WDW 3-4 time ANNUALLY. If she's making a suggestion, she probably has a good reason to. This is a discussion board... for people to make discussion- NOT TO JUMP ON OTHER PEOPLES THROATS.

Get it?

I didn't think that anyone in this thread was doing anything other than having a civil discussion. Sure, we have different opinions. I just think it's a good idea to back up opinions with facts or detailed personal experience. That way all the board members can be better informed and perhaps their WDW travels will be of a higher quality. :D
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Well-Known Member
Re: Thanks again for all of your input

Originally posted by jordanyosh
WOW. I didn't know a simple question would garner so much passionate response...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Just another day on the boards... just another day....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Re: Re: Thanks again for all of your input

Originally posted by SirNimajneb
Just another day on the boards... just another day....

could be worse... this is just a simple defence of a friend. You should see where it goes when I don't like the person.... those are always fun.
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by jordanyosh
I will remember that and try and stay on your good side:D

don't worry about it.. lol. It's REALLY hard to get on my bad side. So.. you're from OC? Nice area..
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Original Poster
Just moved back

i just moved back to Orange Co,CA and i actually am glad to be back home. I do miss San Diego though. Loved being close to the beach.

thanks again for your help. Maybe when we are all down, we could meet. it would be nice to meet some folks from this site who have been so helpful. Our huge group will be down Sept 14-21.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by Stellajack
You know, Pam, I tend to agree. During peak, early entry doesn't provide you with much of a headstart and during value you really don't need it. I guess each person really has to see for themself if this "perk" warrants the early morning wakeup. Kudos to you, though, for helping your clients make the best use of their time. :animwink:

Thank you Stella. I'm happy that you got my point. And I have yet to have one client complain. And thank you Rob for sticking up for me after that unwarranted assault on my being.

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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Re: Re: Re: Thanks again for all of your input

Originally posted by mkt
could be worse... this is just a simple defence of a friend. You should see where it goes when I don't like the person.... those are always fun.

Love ya Rob!
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RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by billybaruch1
Unless the unanswered questions can be proven not relevant, your point is moot. You continue to personalize this and to that I object.

You wrote

In the first place, you are rude and ill-mannered to dictate wording to anyone. Secondly, no one did what you imagine.

These comments/suggestions are directed at the idea, not the person. There is a big difference between refuting a theory and attacking the theorist. Do you not agree?

I appreciate you sharing your touring stategy. Why you would not debate your friend, and would rather misrepresent total strangers' words, is beyond me. I believe we are done here.

Until next time,

1) "Moot"? Nice word....try to sound a little more snobbish next time okay?

2) You're new here...MKT has been here since the beginning and has a long standing reputation and isn't afraid to help out a friend in need. There is a difference between a disagreement, and an attack. We'll defend pam before 99% of these people on these boards. She's earned our respect. Have you?

3)"I believe we are done here" Well thanks for that. Glad to see you now single-handedly dictate the pace and end of this disagreement. Know what? The reason I'm posting this is because you claimed "we're done". Guess you were wrong, huh?

4) Don't call anybody else rude without taking a good long look in the mirror, buddy. And let me save yourself the trouble...yes, I'm being rude. And no - I don't care what you think about it.

5) You object to the personalization of MKT's attack, but yet you flame away at him. Well, you got his running-mate here, and I'm the self-proclaimed "enforcer" around here.....I didn't get that reputation by losing many arguments and being nice to every newbie that shoots off his mouth.

So in conclusion, next time you feel like looking down your nose at us with a post - don't. Think first - then talk....it works.....really.
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Account Suspended

one time Universal had it, (i know they have it now but when we did it u didnt have to stay at their hotel u had to buy some kind of pass) it was WONDERFULLLLLLLLLLLLL

do it! use it!
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks again for all of your input

Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
Love ya Rob!

Pam!! I'm hungry! *opens mouth... points at mouth*
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New Member

Guess its my time to thank someone for sticking up for ME (that'd be billy!).

We have some really sensitive people here I guess. Not what I expected judging from reading other posts and discussion that have been fun but heated at times.

In no, way, shape, manner or from did I call anyONE insane! I don't know the Kingdom Konsultant person (who I guess is Pam), and I'm sure she does a great job. I just felt strongly that on this one particular issue, she was very wrong. That doesn't mean she as a person is insane! There is a big difference!

To me, also this is a no-brainer. It is a fact that the parks will be substantially less crowded during EE than during the rest of the day. Therefore, if you want to experience popular rides, it will take you less time to do it during EE. Now, if you don't care about going on rides, as someone else mentioned, than obviously this isn't a concern for you. And, if you want to sleep late and lounge around, than it isn't for you either. Personally, if I wanted to go on a physically relaxing vacation, WDW would not be my choice. In fact it would probably be one my LAST choices. I happen to find it mentally relaxing, but that's a different story.

I think that jordan is doing the right thing by giving it a shot. Do it once, decide for yourself, and try it. Come to the park in the middle of the day too, and compare. I'm willing to be that you're going to appreciate the Surprise Morning!

MKT, that's my part of the discussion. In a discussion, you discuss. I didn't realize that meant everyone had to agree. I work in an environment where people disagree with each other's ideas all the time but everyone knows that it has nothing to do with their character, but perhaps I shouldn't assume that everyone else is as open to dialogue as I am.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks again for all of your input

Originally posted by mkt
Pam!! I'm hungry! *opens mouth... points at mouth*

Do you need a care package sent? I will send one loaded with goodies. :D

I do feed you well don't I? :lol:

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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Re: hmm

Originally posted by MFLetou
MKT, that's my part of the discussion. In a discussion, you discuss. I didn't realize that meant everyone had to agree. I work in an environment where people disagree with each other's ideas all the time but everyone knows that it has nothing to do with their character, but perhaps I shouldn't assume that everyone else is as open to dialogue as I am.

my apology to you.... but when I see a newbie calling a long standing member... who I happen to be close friends with, insane... I don't like that much.

Next time you may want to try the emoticons on the left. They tend to make everything clearer...:wave:
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