Dress code violation PIC-OF-THE-DAY


Active Member
Original Poster
OK so I know you all thought I had some pics here but I was looking for them more then having them.

I know we have all seem them! people that perhaps are wearing things, too small, to big, to risque, covering too much or perhaps not enough!

any one have good pics that would be safe to post?

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
And potentially get someone in trouble and possibly lose their job? Yeah, great thread...

Jimmy Thick- I have a picture of some cooks spitting on food...

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
I think he was talking about resort guests not cast members


But riddle me this, why would you be taking pictures of other people on vacation? Seriously?

If your getting a picture taken with a character and the Cast Member see someone not in your group taking a picture of you, they will stop that person. The whole thought of taking a picture of people you don't know is rather creepy.

Jimmy Thick- I want to take a shower...


Well-Known Member
definitely kind of weird to take a picture. Funny to see though. I don't think this site needs to go there anyway... this is a classy place...

Plus it bothered someone (or some company) enough to have People of the Parks shut down, so I definitely think we should steer clear.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Well, think about it, say your there with your family and you might have small children, would you want a stranger taking photos of them and post them on the net?

Jimmy Thick- The voice of reason!!!


Well, think about it, say your there with your family and you might have small children, would you want a stranger taking photos of them and post them on the net?
I don't mean to stir the pot but since you posed the question, I honestly couldn't care less. I've been scanning old slides from my previous WDW trips (20 years ago) and I have hundreds of other random people in those shots. Likewise, I can assume that my folks and I are in hundreds of other peoples' photos.

I suppose I just don't understand the terror involved in someone snapping a photo of me or my family. Again, not trying to be a pain -- I really just don't see the problem.


Well-Known Member
I saw a family of 5 a couple of years back. They all had the red incredibles shirt and black shorts on. Everytime I saw them that day I would just die laughing. The husband seem so miserable. Toward the end of the day I approached them and asked them if I could take a pic of them. The wife was way overexcited and agreed. The husband looks so aggravated in the pic. I will try and dig it up and post it here. I don't think it's wrong because I did ask.

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