Dr. Who at Epcot

Random Vids Inc

Original Poster
Wait, are you guys saying that a woman who's already played/playing a companion will be portraying the next regeneration of the Doctor? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you guys, but if that's what you're suggesting, how does that work? I know Bond did it with Charles Gray, but... okay, there's no excuse for that.


The whole Doctor/Donna thing's coming into play from what I've heard. Because the Doctor can only have 13 regenerations then he was going to transfer his memories and stuff into Donna. So it would literally make Donna a 'new' timelord with 13 new regenerations.

It sounds odd but then again it's sci-fi so it can do whatever it wants. And it's a rumor so take it for what it's worth.


Steampunky Time Lord
Was wondering if England in World Showcase had any Dr. Who items? I'd love to find some.

The closest the UK Pavilion ever got to carrying Doctor Who related merchandise was Bassett's "Jelly Babies" back during the 80s to early 90s or so. (This was the candy the Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker - would offer people from time to time in his episodes.)

For merchandise here in the states, one place to look would be www.whona.com - a US based distributor. If they are still in business, there is/was an Orlando based group called "Ministry of Sound and Vision" that is/was owned by British emigrants to the US. They operate(d) both a mail-order warehouse/online site as well as a little shop over nearby to Universal Studios Orlando.

On a related note, I was down in WDW this past December (12/1-12/7 2010) and was glad the weather was cool enough for me to have my Tom Baker era scarf for wearing around EPCOT. Got quite a few compliments on it...


--me on the right in this picture--
--friend and I attending private event hosted at Wonders of Life pavilion--


--me later that same night at one of the UK Pavilion phone booths--

I made my scarf at least 25 years ago...been a fan of the show since 1982 thanks to local PBS channel in Tampa Bay (WEDU).


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
The closest the UK Pavilion ever got to carrying Doctor Who related merchandise was Bassett's "Jelly Babies" back during the 80s to early 90s or so. (This was the candy the Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker - would offer people from time to time in his episodes.)

For merchandise here in the states, one place to look would be www.whona.com - a US based distributor. If they are still in business, there is/was an Orlando based group called "Ministry of Sound and Vision" that is/was owned by British emigrants to the US. They operate(d) both a mail-order warehouse/online site as well as a little shop over nearby to Universal Studios Orlando.

On a related note, I was down in WDW this past December (12/1-12/7 2010) and was glad the weather was cool enough for me to have my Tom Baker era scarf for wearing around EPCOT. Got quite a few compliments on it...


I made my scarf at least 25 years ago...been a fan of the show since 1982 thanks to local PBS channel in Tampa Bay (WEDU).

xplain more about the wonders of life event!! :)


Steampunky Time Lord
xplain more about the wonders of life event!! :)

My friends and I were down at WDW as part of a Disney Fan Community function called Reunion. It is a small-ish (about 300 or so, but I'm not sure) gathering of WDW Park fans of most any style sponsored/developed in part by the staff with the WDW Today podcast and the owner/operator of MEI-Mousefan Travel and her staff.

The event that was held in the old Wonders of Life pavilion was offered as an optional add-on ticketed meet & greet luncheon for people attending Reunion. The luncheon itself was held in the former corporate sponsors lounge which overlooks the interior of the pavilion (almost directly across the interior atrium from the main building entrance).

As the luncheon was breaking up we were able to take our time leaving the building which provided a good opportunity to take all the pictures we wanted inside the atrium.

As a side note: there were a couple of other special events for Reunion attendees; however, Reunion in general made for a nice, relaxed time catch up with current WDW Parks friends as well as make new ones. And the time of year (early December) makes for pleasant weather where you aren't sweltering in "Animal Kingdom HOT" heat/humidity -- and you get to see the parks decorated for the holidays.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
My friends and I were down at WDW as part of a Disney Fan Community function called Reunion. It is a small-ish (about 300 or so, but I'm not sure) gathering of WDW Park fans of most any style sponsored/developed in part by the staff with the WDW Today podcast and the owner/operator of MEI-Mousefan Travel and her staff.

The event that was held in the old Wonders of Life pavilion was offered as an optional add-on ticketed meet & greet luncheon for people attending Reunion. The luncheon itself was held in the former corporate sponsors lounge which overlooks the interior of the pavilion (almost directly across the interior atrium from the main building entrance).

As the luncheon was breaking up we were able to take our time leaving the building which provided a good opportunity to take all the pictures we wanted inside the atrium.

As a side note: there were a couple of other special events for Reunion attendees; however, Reunion in general made for a nice, relaxed time catch up with current WDW Parks friends as well as make new ones. And the time of year (early December) makes for pleasant weather where you aren't sweltering in "Animal Kingdom HOT" heat/humidity -- and you get to see the parks decorated for the holidays.

Very cool, i've always wanted to go to the WoL lounge...:)


Well-Known Member

The whole Doctor/Donna thing's coming into play from what I've heard. Because the Doctor can only have 13 regenerations then he was going to transfer his memories and stuff into Donna. So it would literally make Donna a 'new' timelord with 13 new regenerations.

Well I hardly see Donna coming back seeing as that was RTD's character, and Moffat seems to have a good handle on creating his own characters which is a good thing. Plus, who wants the same characters always coming back, just look at how they ruined Rose when she came back for the series 4 finale, she went from a normal person to being a super action hero of sorts. I think we're all tired of seeing them crank out Dalek episodes so just image how they could ruin characters in the same way.

However, if any character should come back it should be Jenny, because she was pretty awesome.

I hope Romana doesn't come back as River Swan, because well that would just be sort not too exciting at this point, though it'll be a lot more boring if it is the doctors wife. Though, if he's as good a writer for DW as he was for Coupling he won't have that happen.

On a side note, glad to see there's no Matt Smith hate on here, cause well he is rather good and doesn't mope around like the 10th doctor was made to do (for three seasons and a set of specials) especially crying that he was going to regenerate, RTD really made that show into a soap opera at parts (still there were more than enough good/great episodes to make that not take away from the show).

Does anyone else notice how the stake in the front of the UK section of Epcot sorta looks like the stake in the center of the town in The Android Invasion (if you don't know the episode you are not a true fan).


There's something for everyone! :lol: I think her skirts are too short! But then as I said I'm a 33 year old female!

In fact dave&di they have a bit of fun about the short skirts in a special Red Nose Day episode. Youtube has the two-parter up there and it is funny. Search for Doctor Who Big Red Nose 2011.

Random Vids Inc

Original Poster
Well I hardly see Donna coming back seeing as that was RTD's character, and Moffat seems to have a good handle on creating his own characters which is a good thing. Plus, who wants the same characters always coming back, just look at how they ruined Rose when she came back for the series 4 finale, she went from a normal person to being a super action hero of sorts. I think we're all tired of seeing them crank out Dalek episodes so just image how they could ruin characters in the same way.

However, if any character should come back it should be Jenny, because she was pretty awesome.

I hope Romana doesn't come back as River Swan, because well that would just be sort not too exciting at this point, though it'll be a lot more boring if it is the doctors wife. Though, if he's as good a writer for DW as he was for Coupling he won't have that happen.

On a side note, glad to see there's no Matt Smith hate on here, cause well he is rather good and doesn't mope around like the 10th doctor was made to do (for three seasons and a set of specials) especially crying that he was going to regenerate, RTD really made that show into a soap opera at parts (still there were more than enough good/great episodes to make that not take away from the show).

Does anyone else notice how the stake in the front of the UK section of Epcot sorta looks like the stake in the center of the town in The Android Invasion (if you don't know the episode you are not a true fan).

Moffat is killing Dr. Who for me. You've got all these good characters that were coming back and the show kept evolving. Moffat's said there would be no more callbacks to all that in 6 and it's sad.

Dr. Who is a show with so much history so never making any callbacks to it makes it sad, he's pretty much calling Dr. Who's past dumb and writing it how he feels and it's not as fun watching from a fan's perspective when you don't have all the past. Plus he killed some good characters, my #1 example would be seeing the Weeping Angels move...:brick:

And David Tennant played him sad sometimes because the Doctor's life kind of sucked. Rose got sucked to another dimension, Martha doesn't really want to go back with him ever, and Donna can never remember him. Then Matt Smith comes in with new writing and it seems like all those emotions just flew out the window in the Tardis. Plus Moffat has made The Doctor do more and more things like Sherlock, I'm sick of seeing similarities.

The sooner Moffat is gone the sooner I'll be completely happy with my Dr. Who again.


Moffat is killing Dr. Who for me. You've got all these good characters that were coming back and the show kept evolving. Moffat's said there would be no more callbacks to all that in 6 and it's sad.

Dr. Who is a show with so much history so never making any callbacks to it makes it sad, he's pretty much calling Dr. Who's past dumb and writing it how he feels and it's not as fun watching from a fan's perspective when you don't have all the past. Plus he killed some good characters, my #1 example would be seeing the Weeping Angels move...:brick:

And David Tennant played him sad sometimes because the Doctor's life kind of sucked. Rose got sucked to another dimension, Martha doesn't really want to go back with him ever, and Donna can never remember him. Then Matt Smith comes in with new writing and it seems like all those emotions just flew out the window in the Tardis. Plus Moffat has made The Doctor do more and more things like Sherlock, I'm sick of seeing similarities.

The sooner Moffat is gone the sooner I'll be completely happy with my Dr. Who again.

First of all, I'd like to say hello to everyone on this thread. It's encouraging that over 47 years that Dr. Who was first aired, we are still discussing it.

In reply to the above text, Dr Who, over the years has consistently introduced new villains, companions, technology and 'time lord technology' that has been abandoned. For example who remembers 'Bessie', 'the whomobile', 'chameleon', Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Sergeant Benton, Captain Yates (just to name a few that have never returned in the new series under RTD).

Also, as pointed out by the doctor (David Tennant) during "Journey's End" when speaking to Rose about growing old with the 'part-human doctor':

"That's me when we first met, and you made me better."

That one line moves the entire show forward, thus opening it up for adventures that do not revolve around the 'time war' any longer.

Furthermore, please excuse my ignorance, but I don't understand the reference to 'Sherlock'.


Well-Known Member
Moffat is killing Dr. Who for me. You've got all these good characters that were coming back and the show kept evolving. Moffat's said there would be no more callbacks to all that in 6 and it's sad.

Dr. Who is a show with so much history so never making any callbacks to it makes it sad, he's pretty much calling Dr. Who's past dumb and writing it how he feels and it's not as fun watching from a fan's perspective when you don't have all the past. Plus he killed some good characters, my #1 example would be seeing the Weeping Angels move...:brick:

And David Tennant played him sad sometimes because the Doctor's life kind of sucked. Rose got sucked to another dimension, Martha doesn't really want to go back with him ever, and Donna can never remember him. Then Matt Smith comes in with new writing and it seems like all those emotions just flew out the window in the Tardis. Plus Moffat has made The Doctor do more and more things like Sherlock, I'm sick of seeing similarities.

The sooner Moffat is gone the sooner I'll be completely happy with my Dr. Who again.

Well thanks to "Blink," the angels can sort of come back since they're just chilling in a basement (and it's sci-fi so anything can happen).

Many people like to forget, but RTD had his fair share of bad episodes, which is something I can only say once in season 5 (the dalek episode, not as bad as the human dalek but pretty close).

Plus, RTD thought it would be a good idea to bring all his characters back for "Journey's End" and basically made the Doctor say bye to them all in "The End of Time," so that basically said let's start with a fresh start.

However, I don't recall any of the older doctors crying over their assistants all the time if they left. Matt Smith's doctor is more alien, which is how doctor should be since well he is alien.

Moffat did bring back the Silurians, so he's not abandoning all of the shows history. Still, I'm fine with no old characters in the new season because he has been setting up the silence ark for a season now and the River Song story for two seasons, so I'm glad he won't be beating around the bush when it comes to the two arks this season. Oh, apparently the cybermen (yawn) and daleks (who cares) are coming back so you should be happy.

Random Vids Inc

Original Poster
Well thanks to "Blink," the angels can sort of come back since they're just chilling in a basement (and it's sci-fi so anything can happen).

Many people like to forget, but RTD had his fair share of bad episodes, which is something I can only say once in season 5 (the dalek episode, not as bad as the human dalek but pretty close).

Plus, RTD thought it would be a good idea to bring all his characters back for "Journey's End" and basically made the Doctor say bye to them all in "The End of Time," so that basically said let's start with a fresh start.

However, I don't recall any of the older doctors crying over their assistants all the time if they left. Matt Smith's doctor is more alien, which is how doctor should be since well he is alien.

Moffat did bring back the Silurians, so he's not abandoning all of the shows history. Still, I'm fine with no old characters in the new season because he has been setting up the silence ark for a season now and the River Song story for two seasons, so I'm glad he won't be beating around the bush when it comes to the two arks this season. Oh, apparently the cybermen (yawn) and daleks (who cares) are coming back so you should be happy.

And the other companions just kind of left, why cry? Rose got sucked into another dimension, Martha said he ruins lives, Donna can't remember him or she dies and he did it to her! Those are very sad things.

Don't care about the Daleks or Cyberman?! Please quit watching this show.


Well-Known Member
And the other companions just kind of left, why cry? Rose got sucked into another dimension, Martha said he ruins lives, Donna can't remember him or she dies and he did it to her! Those are very sad things.

Don't care about the Daleks or Cyberman?! Please quit watching this show.

I'd hate to inform you, but there were not nearly as many dalek or cybermen episodes in classic who (only 2 dalek episodes or so in 7 years of tom baker alone). They basically said they ran out of dalek ideas when they decided to make a two part human dalek episode that is easily amongst the worst of the new series. They cybermen really don't even do that much, I'm not saying they're horrible, but they two part cybermen episode was good because the alternate world was more of a focus than they were. I'm not against these characters, but until they come up with some new ideas it's really not worth bringing them back to waste an episode.

I forget to mention before how RTD ruined UNIT. They are basically portrayed as this evil, looming force in the new series and in Torchwood. The Brigadier would be ashamed.

I was referring to the classic who series with the companions and the doctor not crying. Sure, he was a little upset in those specific episodes, but he didn't continue to dwell on it. I don't know about you, but I was more upset when Astrid died than when Martha left. Though, I'm not a big Martha fan, she was good in Torchwood but was all over the doctor in most of her season with him.


Active Member

--me later that same night at one of the UK Pavilion phone booths--​

I made my scarf at least 25 years ago...been a fan of the show since 1982 thanks to local PBS channel in Tampa Bay (WEDU).[/QUOTE]
Sorry, but if I ever see you in the parks with this scarf on, I will have to steal it!! :goodnevil Jelly Babies, scarves and Leela rule!!


New Member
As a massive Doctor Who fan I would say that a Police Box in the UK pavillion would be much appreciated! I think that Who is a big enough part of the UK culture to be included there.

Moffat is killing Dr. Who for me. You've got all these good characters that were coming back and the show kept evolving. Moffat's said there would be no more callbacks to all that in 6 and it's sad.

Dr. Who is a show with so much history so never making any callbacks to it makes it sad, he's pretty much calling Dr. Who's past dumb and writing it how he feels and it's not as fun watching from a fan's perspective when you don't have all the past. Plus he killed some good characters, my #1 example would be seeing the Weeping Angels move...:brick:

And David Tennant played him sad sometimes because the Doctor's life kind of sucked. Rose got sucked to another dimension, Martha doesn't really want to go back with him ever, and Donna can never remember him. Then Matt Smith comes in with new writing and it seems like all those emotions just flew out the window in the Tardis. Plus Moffat has made The Doctor do more and more things like Sherlock, I'm sick of seeing similarities.

The sooner Moffat is gone the sooner I'll be completely happy with my Dr. Who again.

Just wanted to say that you have summed up Moffat perfectly! Can't wait for him to quit.

Random Vids Inc

Original Poster
I'd hate to inform you, but there were not nearly as many dalek or cybermen episodes in classic who (only 2 dalek episodes or so in 7 years of tom baker alone). They basically said they ran out of dalek ideas when they decided to make a two part human dalek episode that is easily amongst the worst of the new series. They cybermen really don't even do that much, I'm not saying they're horrible, but they two part cybermen episode was good because the alternate world was more of a focus than they were. I'm not against these characters, but until they come up with some new ideas it's really not worth bringing them back to waste an episode.

I forget to mention before how RTD ruined UNIT. They are basically portrayed as this evil, looming force in the new series and in Torchwood. The Brigadier would be ashamed.

I was referring to the classic who series with the companions and the doctor not crying. Sure, he was a little upset in those specific episodes, but he didn't continue to dwell on it. I don't know about you, but I was more upset when Astrid died than when Martha left. Though, I'm not a big Martha fan, she was good in Torchwood but was all over the doctor in most of her season with him.

Unit's not too bad in the new series. They're not villians it's just that new management tends to make stupid decisions (Unit might be running WDI:lookaroun)

And Astrid is sad, but I just included Martha becuase she was a more significant character. Out of the companions Martha is my least favorite, but I still like her. For me I think Donna's exit was the saddest considering Rose's got sort of resolved and Donna's can never come back (unless the rumors are true...)

And the Daleks and Cybermen are just great characters because they're so simple and whenever you see them now you know it's just going to be a fun episode.


Well-Known Member
Unit's not too bad in the new series. They're not villians it's just that new management tends to make stupid decisions (Unit might be running WDI:lookaroun)

And Astrid is sad, but I just included Martha becuase she was a more significant character. Out of the companions Martha is my least favorite, but I still like her. For me I think Donna's exit was the saddest considering Rose's got sort of resolved and Donna's can never come back (unless the rumors are true...)

And the Daleks and Cybermen are just great characters because they're so simple and whenever you see them now you know it's just going to be a fun episode.

Fair enough with Martha being a significant character and all. I'm still confused why the writing for her character was so odd since she basically cried over the doctor the whole time, and then all of a sudden she turned into a more balanced character in Torchwood who I actually thought fit in well with them all.

I don't really have anything against the daleks or cybermen, I just think until they can come up with a really original idea (and by original idea I don't mean a cyberking that was out of place in an otherwise really good cyberman episode) they should let them sit for a while and make their episodes that much better as they should be.

Still, the post before yours is supporting that Moffat must go, but I'm not really sure if I understand yours and his reasoning for it. Personally, I still think he had the most consistently good episodes in a season, whereas a lot of RTD's stuff would start off rather bumpy and get good in the 2nd half. This past season I felt that once the angels episode came the season went from getting used to Matt Smith to realizing how good the season can be (and was/is).


Just wanted to say that you have summed up Moffat perfectly! Can't wait for him to quit.

Hello again-
I would like to add to this discussion that Moffat is returning Dr Who back to its roots. Traditionally the doctor has been a quirky time lord. In the episode 'Pyramid of Mars', the doctor stated:

"I'm not a human being; I walk in eternity..."

The point being that he is not human and does not display all the emotions of a human.

Also, I feel the need to point out that 'The Weeping Angels' and 'River Song' were created by Moffat.
I didn't even watch the old series due to the fact that I wasn't yet...born , but I the Daleks and Cybermen are without a doubt my favorite villains.

To the Dave Tennant nay-sayers.. How could you expierence all that the Doctor has, human or not, and not from time to time show a little sadness. C'mon he's got some emotion...He's a timelord not a Dalek.



Steampunky Time Lord

--me later that same night at one of the UK Pavilion phone booths--​

I made my scarf at least 25 years ago...been a fan of the show since 1982 thanks to local PBS channel in Tampa Bay (WEDU).

Sorry, but if I ever see you in the parks with this scarf on, I will have to steal it!! :goodnevil Jelly Babies, scarves and Leela rule!![/QUOTE]

Hmmm...so now I have to pack body armor for visiting the park to keep from taking injuries when I'm knocked to the ground by zealous scarf-fiends? LOL

:hammer: :wave:

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
I know of this series and it popularity, but how do all of you in the states watch it seeing that it is an English show? Also, what is a good point to dive into the series? I obviously can’t go back to season 1 episode 1 since it’s been since 1963.

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