Downtown Disney, whats happened :(


Original Poster
I for one miss the old days of Downtown Disney. Or perhaps I should say Disney Village Marketplace. To start off I just got back from a five day trip with my dad. This trip in particular was an out of ordinary trip because it was just my dad and I. Usually it is my Mom, Dad, Grandmother and me. But this occasion was different because it was kind of a present for graduating college this year.
I have been to Disneyworld many many times in the past, and though times are a bit tougher money wise for my family, we still have the DVC to get us into our favorite resorts. This trip we stayed at Wilderness Lodge for 2 days and then Saratoga for another 2 days. In the past trips we were always big spenders on souvenirs. I can recall the car being so filled to the brim with stuff you had to be careful when you moved. As I said times being tougher we were tight on money, but even then that can’t stop someone from seeing things they like, right? Well apparently not so, on this trip
I ask where have the days of things that make your Disney senses tingle gone. I won’t bother talking about how things where I'll just try and keep this shorter than it could be. While at Downtown Disney our favorites are
The Art of Disney, Disney's Days of Christmas, and The World of Disney. There used to be many like Disney Home and others but lets focus on what was still there.
The Art of Disney, no longer had any artwork that my Dad and I could really fall for. Still there were other nice things in the past that we would never get or could afford like the giant Wooden Mickey sculpture or the leather chairs. But this time all we saw were a bunch of overprice paintings which did not take that artist even a day to do. At Disney's Days of Christmas, no ornaments we just had to have for our tree. And at World of Disney, again nothing that’s even worth mentioning.

Anyhow I hope that I have placed this topic in the right section. Its not off topic, its not rumor and its not a trip report. I think what Id like from this is if anyone else feels the same? Progress is Progress and things do change, sometimes for the best sometimes not. But IMO I feel Disney's quality and what they accept for quality is just decreasing every trip.

If anyone disagrees with my oppinion then by all means say so, I'll explain further what i mean if neccesary.


Well-Known Member
Although i see what u mean i have to dissagree (tho i only have the memory of those shops from a few years back - so i may not be able to relate)

Personally i could spend more time then i care to mention in these shops - especially Art of Disney. I will wander in that shop just wishing i had the money and space for the items on display


Well-Known Member
On the subject of Art of Disney, I think it's a crying shame that with the Print-on-Demand technology they utilize (I think?) more Epcot-inspired artwork is not available. Even though there might not be a big market for it, the Print-on-Demand technology should ensure that those who do want it can get it. Had Herb Ryman's nice preliminary concept art of Spaceship Earth been available to select with the computer kiosks in the store, I certainly would have chosen it to adorn my bedroom walls, instead of what I ended up selecting—*ahem* the portrait of Brer Rabbit which is featured in the Splash Mountain queue. (Nothing against Brer Rabbit, of course...)


New Member
I miss the Disney at home store. My wife and I bought so many things there. The Items were unique and we can't find items like they sold anwhere else.


Active Member
I have to agree regarding the 'Art of Disney' shops. Back in the 'Disney Village' days, we regularly found real animation cells and commissioned original art and lithographs. Our first piece was the 'Mickey Self-Portrait' litho on our honeymoon, and since then we've picked up some really nice lithos. About 5 years ago the commissioned works seemed to shrink to almost nothing, and the 'print on demand' stuff (I call them glop prints...glorified inkjet prints) while nice, just doesn't excite me. Not too likely the value will increase either. It would be great to see the return to real art. Then again, I like real animation, too.



Original Poster
First off thanks for the replies folks :)

nighttimewisher: Well spending more time than possible used to be true for me as well. Usually it is true I just keep looking at all the great stuff but this last trip I went in there, and I don’t think it was even 20 minutes.

SirNim: My dad and I are very big Epcot Center fans. It’s a shame that the old Epcot Center logo is disappearing more and more each trip. I really only saw it at Living with the Land on the Fast Pass machines. Then again I wasn’t looking that hard this time. The little kiosks I looked through, but I didn’t come close to seeing anything I liked in them. I can recall when the the Epcot Art Gallery was on the second floor of some building (can’t remember which) and they even had Walt Disney Autographs, not seen those in a long time.

DisneyGeek4Life: Yeah that store was great. It really had a lot of the old Disney Village still left in it when it was around. Our biggest purchase from them had to of been the White Mickey chair. It was very classy looking. Get this; we have not even opened it either. It’s still in the plastic. We have not opened it because we well, we have always been remodeling our house, it’s always on going.

gbruenin: Again never bought one from the On Demand printing service. My Family has bought many sericels. We sadly don’t have any real animation cells :(. But anyhow we got some very nice cells at there in the past. As I said though, even this trip we did not come accross any nice cells.


Well-Known Member
SirNim said:
Even though there might not be a big market for it, the Print-on-Demand technology should ensure that those who do want it can get it. Had Herb Ryman's nice preliminary concept art of Spaceship Earth been available to select with the computer kiosks in the store, I certainly would have chosen it

gbruenin said:
the commissioned works seemed to shrink to almost nothing, and the 'print on demand' stuff (I call them glop prints...glorified inkjet prints) while nice, just doesn't excite me

Based on this few of replies in the thread, we can already see the differences in what people want and like. This is why you see changes going on in all facets of the world. Not everyone likes or wants the same thing and Disney must try to appease the majority. If you're not part of the majority, then what you feel is important may not be available in the same amount as previous visits.

I also liked the Disney Home store, but rarely bought much as we just couldn't justify the costs. I hated to see it go, but I understand they need to have stores that keep the registers ringing.

While I was in the Christmas store this past Dec, I heard several people talking about how it was the best store they'd ever seen. It seemed about the same to me as previous visits, so again, everyone sees things differently.

Finally... maybe the shopping hasn't changed as much as you have changed. Maybe you are getting older and see things in a different light.


Original Poster
Icekid84 said:
Progress is Progress and things do change, sometimes for the best sometimes not. But IMO I feel Disney's quality and what they accept for quality is just decreasing every trip.

Videoteck : As I said I have no problems with change. I was even sure Id get one of those replies which is why I put this in my original message. But in my oppinion newer cheaper is not better.

Wannab@dis said:
Finally... maybe the shopping hasn't changed as much as you have changed. Maybe you are getting older and see things in a different light.
wannab@dis : Well I respect everyones oppinions but I just cant see it that way. I might be a bit hard on the Christmas store its a good store always has been, it might be that I was there a year ago and a year later there was nothing new to buy so my appolgies for including the Christmas store. But the Art Gallery. You have the overpriced 6000 dollar paintings as I mentioned. You have a bunch of posters and framed pins. Even some of the sericels that are on display now I noticed had poor transfer quality on them ( spaces between the ink etc) Ive not seen a Walt Disney autograph in ages at the parks for sell. Maybe the Goofy's Candy Co that replaced Disney Home makes more money which is what it is all about in the end but I'll admit nostalgia does sneak up on me hehe.


I completely agree. Two years ago in the magic kingdom, there was a store on main street that sold upscale jewelry. I purchased a beautifully jeweled lip stick case for my wife for $350. This past year, that store was gone and replaced with another lousy pin trading store!!! I also know a gentleman who used to be a Disney animator and was involved in the development of the Grand Floridian Hotel, he agrees with me that the quality is not what it used to be.


New Member
I too feel a lack of originality in the merchandise. The Disney made feel has been replaced with mostly cheap Chinese junk. That is an issue we are facing county wide. Disney (at least in recent years) has made it clear that they aren't looking to set trends with any other intention than to make huge profit. The pins topic has been a sore spot with me for awhile- pins that cost a few cents being sold for several dollars and we are losing precious real estate to these get rich quick gimmicks-we also have the annoying DVC boothes but I'm not starting that one today. Pins are Disney's beanie babies-false value, intentionally generated demand.


Active Member
Icekid84 said:
wannab@dis : Well I respect everyones oppinions but I just cant see it that way. I might be a bit hard on the Christmas store its a good store always has been, it might be that I was there a year ago and a year later there was nothing new to buy so my appolgies for including the Christmas store. But the Art Gallery. You have the overpriced 6000 dollar paintings as I mentioned. You have a bunch of posters and framed pins. Even some of the sericels that are on display now I noticed had poor transfer quality on them ( spaces between the ink etc) Ive not seen a Walt Disney autograph in ages at the parks for sell. Maybe the Goofy's Candy Co that replaced Disney Home makes more money which is what it is all about in the end but I'll admit nostalgia does sneak up on me hehe.

You are right - that it is not you but it is the quality that has slipped. There are those that will defend EVERYTHING Disney does - the fact is there that the quality is not what it once was form the structures and rides to the CM's. Not to say that there is not the occasional peak - like Expedition Everest- and yes I am still a huge fan/AP holder and cannot wait to get back on my next trip - but I am the first to admit that it "ain't what it used to be."


New Member
Videoteck said:
Yea well, as much as I liked the old too, change is good, besides we have to make things up to date.

Updating Pleasure Island, YES!!!

Changing Pleasure Island, NO!!!

I do agree that PI needs to be updated a bit to compete with City Walk and Church Street, but don't change the formula that made it such a success! Pleasure Island was more than a get away for adults, it was a nice retreat for the CM's on Thursday nights.

PI was also a savior to the CP's who were working on the program without a car. They couldn't get anywhere. Disney provided buses from the Disney CP' housing to areas around the WDW Resort, food stores, Wal-Marts, etc. One of those buses did take the CP's to PI. Now I will be the first to admit that sometimes the CM's and CP's would get a lil out of hand while enjoying a night out at PI, but not all.

I was a FT CM in Tomorrowland for a year and I always looked forward to going to PI on Thursday nights with my co-workers. My g/f, who was a CP at the time, and I used to go to PI as often as we could to enjoy a night of drinks, dancing at 8Trax, dinner and Guinness at Raglan Road and even catch a show at the Comedy Warehouse.

I hope they don't make PI too kid friendly, Disney still needs ot keep a place for adults to call their own. Also, keep in mind that many Honeymooners are in Disney World and they would love to have a place to go to celebrate their honeymoon. You culd go to PI any given day of any week or month and see the couples walk by, it was fun!!!

Change the look of PI, ok. Get rid of the back alley/warehouse look, thats fine. But don't change what made it work. A variety of clubs, 8Trax, BET, RnRBC, Adv.Club, Comedy Warehouse....whatever your choice was, you had fun.

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