Don't Mess With WDW!!!


New Member
maybe they haven't been there to experience what we have... and IF they have been and still make comments like that.... well then shame on them! they don't deserve to ever go again :king:


Tell me about it.

I know how you all feel, i used to get it, as soon as I was old enough to travel that far I got myself to WDW. Now i keep going back, i've been 4 times this year, and i get all the comments from my friends, some stupid like "your such a big kid" which i just answer back with "yeah i know". My Mother used to say this to me before and after ever trip I made, so to prove her she was wrong i brought her and my Brother so Florida for a holiday, now she want's to come back. :animwink:

But some of the stupidest comments i have heard are, "its all a commercialistic ploy to make money off off you". Yes and what in this day and age isn't, but to be fair what you get out of it more than makes up for it.

But the one that really got on my nips, was "I'd never go Walt Disney was a racist". How i know this could/May upset some people, but let me just say, at first it upset me and i got really angry. But then i replied, "Walt Disney was born 1902, so it would have been 1932 when he was 30, what white person at that time wasn't racist, but show me one pice of evidence than Walter Disney was a political activist for White Power or Pride, and i'm sure you won't find a single thing.

My point, people are stupid, and will choose to Dislike things (in this case Disney) for some pretty stupid reasons, but our job as "Disney Fanatics" for lack of a better word is to educate and explain to these people.

Anyway I've gone on long enough, sorry for the long rants guys. Just something that bugs me alot, seeing as the Disney Magic isn't as strong here in the UK as it is in America.


Active Member
how about "There are too many other places to see to keep going back to Disney. Once is enough."

My reply is always, "That's a good point, but a lot of people vacation at the same beach every year. What's the difference? If people didn't have an interest in returning to the same place to vacation, the timeshare industry wouldn't exist."


Well-Known Member
I don't waste time arguing with cynical people because, for a short interval as a teenager, *I* was cynical about Disney myself. The negative attitudes people have towards popular culture, and places like Disney, speak volumes about their maturity and self-esteem. Everyone goes through a rebellious phase; for most people it only lasts a short time, for the unfortunate few, it lasts decades.

Those people spend their lives mocking everything and everyone around them. Meanwhile, they wonder why they are so unhappy all the time.


New Member
crazygirley said:
The other day someone said something to me about Disney World that made me cringe in a way that only a WDW-fanatic would. It was a comment that is up there along with "So you are going to Disneyland," and "Are you going to Disney World and Epcot?"

I was asked in regards to Animal Kingdom, "Who would pay $50-something just to go to a zoo?" I cringed in my head and refrained from going into detail about how AK is not a zoo (... nahtazu), but still felt a little hurt by the comment, and really felt myself get defensive.

Has anyone else ever had the experience of a "below the belt" comment?

I don't find this to be below the belt....they are comments out of ignorance. As a parent...this is what we call a "teachable moment".

Calmly tell them that Disney World isn't just MK and that AK is not just a zoo.


Well-Known Member
soccer9miahamm said:
"Don't you think you should go somewhere else for a change?"

that's what my mom told me when I told her that my fiance is taking me to WDW for x-mas. This december trip will make 3 trips in 14 months for me.


Account Suspended
Me: I'm going to Disney World in July I can't wait!
Woman I work with: Oh, I hate Disney World.
Me: Have you ever been there?
Woman: Oh, well no.
Me: Then shut up.


Account Suspended
Huck said:
how about "There are too many other places to see to keep going back to Disney. Once is enough."

If they've gone once and decided that they want to do other things as well then thats not below the belt thats called expanding your horizons. While I love Disney World, when i get home from a trip i don't sit there daydreaming about how soon I can start planning my next trip there. There are many other places to see in this world, Disney World just happens to be one of the greatest must-sees. But what about Europe, the Far East, Australia, India, North Africa, South America, the Caribbean (if anyone says you can see the caribbean in POTC they're getting shot), and Polynesia. It's not where you go that makes a trip magical, It's what you do when you're there. I took a trip to Italy, France and Spain this past July with my orchestra and (I know I'm gonna get shot here for saying this) It was the best trip I've ever had. Disney World didn't even come close. Why? Because on that trip I gained a new outlook on life, I made friends that I'll have for the rest of my life, I played concerts in some of the most reputable halls in the world, the Queen of England came to see one of our concerts. Don't be afraid to see other parts of the ...planet. Disney World will always be there when you get back. And don't scorn people for encouraging you to broaden your horizons.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Where at in SD? I'm from Sioux Falls, did the college program when I went to USD in Vermillion.

Former DTD WDWCP CM (2003-2004)

soccer9miahamm said:
Stuff like that happens all the time for me. I live in South Dakota, which is a ways from the World. People just don't understand here. Everyone seems to think that it is just a place for elementary kids. It is very frustrating. People laugh when I tell them that I've been there 11 times. They tell me, "Don't you think you should go somewhere else for a change?" It really gets to me. yet I feel kinda sorry for them as they are so naive.


Well-Known Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
If they've gone once and decided that they want to do other things as well then thats not below the belt thats called expanding your horizons. While I love Disney World, when i get home from a trip i don't sit there daydreaming about how soon I can start planning my next trip there. There are many other places to see in this world, Disney World just happens to be one of the greatest must-sees. But what about Europe, the Far East, Australia, India, North Africa, South America, the Caribbean (if anyone says you can see the caribbean in POTC they're getting shot), and Polynesia. It's not where you go that makes a trip magical, It's what you do when you're there. I took a trip to Italy, France and Spain this past July with my orchestra and (I know I'm gonna get shot here for saying this) It was the best trip I've ever had. Disney World didn't even come close. Why? Because on that trip I gained a new outlook on life, I made friends that I'll have for the rest of my life, I played concerts in some of the most reputable halls in the world, the Queen of England came to see one of our concerts. Don't be afraid to see other parts of the ...planet. Disney World will always be there when you get back. And don't scorn people for encouraging you to broaden your horizons.

Ummm..I want to take trips to Anaheim, Tokyo, Paris, and Hong visit all of the Disneylands!:lol: I'm trying to broaden my horizons...


When I go on a trip I want...

A Great Hotel (Beach Club,Poly,Carib.Beach,Port Orleans,Boardwalk,AKL,WL, I could go on and on)

Great Resturants (Victoria & Alberts, Calf.Grill, Fultons,Flying Fish,The entire World Showcase, Turkey Legs need I say more :slurp: .

Great Beaches & Pools (Beach Club, Wilderness Lodge, Poly, Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon, AK, PO & Riverside..and on and on)

Nitelife & Music (House of Blues, all of Pleasure Island, Downtown Disney)

Shows / Unique Experience (La Nouba, Disney Quest, Fantasmic, Comedy Warehouse, Wishes, Adventurers Club, Night of Joy, CandleLight Processional)

Fun & Great Memories (WDW) :rolleyes:

And as those of you who post on this site know... I have only scratched the surface of the MAGIC.

Hey I love to travel all over, this year I have been to San Diego, Boston, NY, Jamaica and Chicago.

But where will I have gone for the 3rd time this year on Dec 15th !! :xmas:
WDW !! Its everything I look for in a great trip.
:sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Fallen Angel said:
Where at in SD? I'm from Sioux Falls, did the college program when I went to USD in Vermillion.

Former DTD WDWCP CM (2003-2004)

Wow, another South Dakotan!!! I live in Rapid City. I have been wanting to do the college program ever since I first heard of it. I might go to BHSU for my first year or two. You should tell me more about your experience.


Account Suspended
My friends just don't understand it so I have to watch what I say around them so I don't catch crap. Example...

[July 2005]
Me: "Woo, Disney World in five months!"
Best Friend: "Dude, you get excited about the same thing a 5 year old gets excited about?"
Me: "You just don't understand it. It's the greatest place on earth. Everything seems perfect there. There's a special 'magic' there. You wouldn't understand since you've never been."
Best Friend: "Wow, you're so straight."


[August 2005]
Me: "Woo, Disney World in four months!"
Best Friend: "Dude, like I've said before, you get excited about the same thing a 5 year old gets excited about?"
Me: "Dude, Cinderella is hot."
Best Friend: "Wow, you're so sick."

Also, I got a girl a crappy grade because of my Disney prise. She was doing a presentation on WDW and when she got to Epcot she called it "the big ball". I just laughed really loud and didn't say anything. Then she continued and said "This years it's Disney World's 50th Anniversary and theres only a few months left so get there before the end of the year." After her presentation she asked if she could answer any questions so I asked...

Me: "Isn't 'the big ball' called Spaceship Earth?"
Her: "No, actually, that's a ride at the Magic Kingdom."
Me: "Um nope, you're thinking of Space Mountain."
Her: "They recently changed the name so it wouldn't be confused with Splash Mountain which is on the other side of the park."
Me: "Um, no they didn't. Spaceship Earth and Space Mountain have nothing to do with each other. Having grown up in Orlando and spent countless days there I think I have a little more credibility than you. Oh, and it's DisneyLAND's 50th. Any questions?"

I haaaaaaaate when people think they know everything about Disney World when they actually don't know jack. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've been asked "when are you going on a proper holiday ?"

Abominable!! :eek: :mad:

I have learned to quick change the radio station up here when they get on the subject of theme parks... because there are just too many "We would NEVER waste money on Disney World... I'd rather go to Cedar Point" :hurl: Give me a break! I love a coaster as much as the next person, but those two places aren't even close to being in the same league. :lol:


Premium Member
crazygirley said:
Exactly, that's the whole point!

I don't like NASCAR, but I would never say to a NASCAR fan, "Why would anyone pay money to watch cars drive in a circle?" ESPECIALLY if I didn't know anything about the thing in question.

People and their closed-minded comments...

I hate NASCAR, but my dad loves it. As a kid growing up every Sunday I would constantly badger him "How do you find this entertaining? They just drive around and around and around. Nothing happens. It's BORING! Can we please watch something else??!!" :lol:

I actually wish more people would stay naive when it comes to Disney. Since the internet, now most people actually research the place before trhey go, and therefore certain strategies don't work as well anymore (like entering the parks and turning left instead of right). I always think I can outsmart other guests in ways I have in the past, but the last couple years my tricks don't seem to work anymore.

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