Don't Go In September


Original Poster
Im sorry but to the op, have you ever been to WDW any other time? I mean yea, the heat, but I guess since Im from the south as well Im kinda used to it and come to expect it when I go to FLA. Ive been in the winter and spring and it is nice when its cooler. But this past trip I had was the first time Ive been to WDW in september and during the "off season" It was hot, but nowhere near as bad as July, and the crowds were practically none existant again compared to July. I was amazed, I walked right on almost everything. I even got to see the second night of joy and see Mary- Mary and Smokie Norful(A very very good treat, because we didnt know or plan our trip around it and found out at check in, and went to the MK and found someone and bought the wristbands.) And now that Im able, I should be able to vacation to WDW more during a non peak time, so I plan on going every chance I get when there are hardly any crowds.

And I also didnt see but like 3 tour groups in all of WDW this past trip. Compared to the like the 500 or so you see down there in July. So it was really great. I will def. try to go back down there again during this time of year.

I've actually been to DW more than 20 times, granted most of those trips were in the cooler seasons, January, mid April, mid November October, December, but I've also been in September, late May and June as well. I also seriously doubt that the weather in July was much worse than the weather we experienced. The temperature ranged from 90-96 every day we were there with high humidity. July is about the same, it doesn't get that much hotter in fact Sept avg wise is only 1 degree cooler than July and is a degree higher humidity wise than July.

I do strongly agree that non-peak times are the best time to go especially for the manageable lines, but September while slower is not the ideal time in my opinion to go, the quick rush from place to place seeking AC takes away from the overall experience. I'd much rather take my time during other slower periods such as mid November or early December when the crowds are still relatively light and the weather is much more pleasant and far less rainy.


Well-Known Member
I did not see any tour groups at all this trip. I did notice there were a lot more kids in the park this year than last year.


Well-Known Member
Average high temps are 92 for July and August, 89 for Sept and 84 for October.

Average precip is 8.1 for July, 7.2 for Aug, 6.8 for Sept and only 3.9 for Oct. Early Sept is basically not much different from August. End of September you're much more likely to get cooler and drier days.

There's a lot of variation around these averages though. We went once in early May (opening of HCoE in 2005), which is usually fairly warm and sunny, but it was cool and cloudy pretty much every day.

We just returned from WDw (Sept. 14-23) and really weren't bothered much by the heat or rain. We carried $1.49 disposable ponchos with us everywhere, and tried to stay in the shade when it was hot and sunny. Pretty basic stuff. Light rain at MK kept other people off Splash Mt. and BTMRR, so very short lines. Even when it rained heavily once and the PoTC gift shop was crowded with people, we walked right onto the ride itself. Why rain caused people to huddle in the gift shop instead of riding the indoor ride is a mystery.

We have been blessed to not have any run ins with tour groups


New Member
We were there September 1 - 9. We had two days of rain...45 minutes the day we arrived (while we were eating lunch at the Pepper Market waiting for our room to be ready) and the last full day we were there for about three hours around 3:30 p.m. Yes, it was very, very hot and humid...but we don't mind it as we come from Chicago where 3/4 of the year it is 60 degrees or less. We saw oen tour group while we were there...Nights of Joy kids; we saw them the last full day we were there when it rained for three hours--we to noticed a lot of line cutting and finally said something to the CM's at Pirates (they took care of it immediately); the crowds were very manageable. With the exception of our first full day at the Magic Kingdom on Sunday (September 2) with the Extra Magic Hours in the evening, we never waited more than 10 minutes for almost any ride at any of the parks (with the exception of Soarin--which we fast passed and still rode four times each day we were at Epcot and Big Thunder and Splash Mountain--again we just fast passed). Love the free dining. And we will be back next September for the same dates for our 25th wedding anniversary.


Well-Known Member
That is the risk of September: heat, humidity, rain, hurricanes!, but the crowds are so much smaller.

We were there from September 23 through the 29th. Yeah, it was warm, upper 80s to low 90s, but for us, that's really not that hot. We're used to high heat and humidity. We had some light showers each day, but they only lasted a short time. I only saw one tour group the entire week and that was on the way back to the buses.

We take our time, rushing from attraction to attraction just makes you hotter and will wear you out faster.


Well-Known Member
I've actually been to DW more than 20 times, granted most of those trips were in the cooler seasons, January, mid April, mid November October, December, but I've also been in September, late May and June as well. I also seriously doubt that the weather in July was much worse than the weather we experienced. The temperature ranged from 90-96 every day we were there with high humidity. July is about the same, it doesn't get that much hotter in fact Sept avg wise is only 1 degree cooler than July and is a degree higher humidity wise than July.

I do strongly agree that non-peak times are the best time to go especially for the manageable lines, but September while slower is not the ideal time in my opinion to go, the quick rush from place to place seeking AC takes away from the overall experience. I'd much rather take my time during other slower periods such as mid November or early December when the crowds are still relatively light and the weather is much more pleasant and far less rainy.

Trust me, for someone who has been more times in July than any other month throughout the years in Julys of years past, it has been much hotter and humid that it was last month when me and my dad went. Maybe not particalurly 2007 but the other years Ive been in July the weather is much worse, 2005 stands out to me. Me and my dad both said last month that the weather was not as hot as it was in July, and we know what we are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Average high temps are 92 for July and August, 89 for Sept and 84 for October.

Average precip is 8.1 for July, 7.2 for Aug, 6.8 for Sept and only 3.9 for Oct. Early Sept is basically not much different from August. End of September you're much more likely to get cooler and drier days.

There's a lot of variation around these averages though. We went once in early May (opening of HCoE in 2005), which is usually fairly warm and sunny, but it was cool and cloudy pretty much every day.

I love it when people from over a thousand miles away give numbers and quotes about our weather like their information actually means something.

anyone who lives here knows that FL weather can not be predicted, that normal temperatures for a certain time of year mean absolutely nothing...and that the weather report is only good for looking at the current radar because every word that comes out of the meteorologist's mouth is most likely wrong.

We had 2 days of "cooler" temps and lower humidity about 2 weeks ago, but it went back up to July standards. Despite it being October and rainy season being's still just as hot and just as wet as it was 3 months ago....

and they keep talking about this drought we're in here...i must have missed the joke...


Well-Known Member
That is the risk of September: heat, humidity, rain, hurricanes!, but the crowds are so much smaller.

We were there from September 23 through the 29th. Yeah, it was warm, upper 80s to low 90s, but for us, that's really not that hot. We're used to high heat and humidity. We had some light showers each day, but they only lasted a short time. I only saw one tour group the entire week and that was on the way back to the buses.

We take our time, rushing from attraction to attraction just makes you hotter and will wear you out faster.

We have been to Disney several times but this was our first Sept trip and we loved it. It was VERY hot & humid but I had rather deal with that then all of the crowds. I love going in Oct too, as we have before, but I noticed a big difference in the crowds and since I was trying to cram everything into a short trip, it worked great for us.

I am thinking that I want to go back in Sept next year, but trying to get the hubby to give in maybe a little harder. Oh, well.... I have several months to decide. :)


New Member
I don't think you can predict the weather anymore at all.It is the second week of october and new yorkers are walking arouind in summer clothes and have been since the last week of august.The third week of august it was in the 50's and chilly!!! I am not a big global warming fanatic,but I think the time has come for me to admit that something is going on.


Well-Known Member
We went 9/21-9/30 and it was fantastic. The rain only affected us on the evening of the 23rd. MNSSHP was great on the 28th and the lines were non existant. It was hot but not so much that you couldn't handle it. I like Sept as long as you know you're gambling with the weather.


Loved September!

We were in WDW from 9-11 to 9-16. Yes it was hot and yes we had a rain shower every day, but there were no crowds and the free dinning was great! On 9-11 in the MK we had no waits at all. We arrived at the park at 1:30 pm with dinner reservations at 6:05 pm. In that four hour span we did: JC, POTC, SM, BTM, IASW, PPF, SWSA, and MP. That was all before dinner. Had some of the best dinners ever including lobster tails at Captain Jack's in Downtown Disney. Out of my 25 trips to WDW, this was one of the best.


Well-Known Member
we usually go in Sept and this year was very crowded compared to the usual Sept. in '04 and '05, we had almost no waits and kept seeing the same people in the park, there were so few compared to any other time. this was an exceptionally long summer and it was VERY hot and humid. my forehead is still broke-out from sweating so much.


New Member
We always go at the very end of September for our anniversary (Sept. 27... 10 years!!!) and it seems to be the perfect time. It's a bit cooler, and we actually like the storms because it sends everyone running back to their hotels while we enjoy the empty park. This year it held the added bonus of EPCOT's 25th.


Well-Known Member
I love it when people from over a thousand miles away give numbers and quotes about our weather like their information actually means something.

anyone who lives here knows that FL weather can not be predicted, that normal temperatures for a certain time of year mean absolutely nothing...and that the weather report is only good for looking at the current radar because every word that comes out of the meteorologist's mouth is most likely wrong.

We had 2 days of "cooler" temps and lower humidity about 2 weeks ago, but it went back up to July standards. Despite it being October and rainy season being's still just as hot and just as wet as it was 3 months ago....

and they keep talking about this drought we're in here...i must have missed the joke...

YES! You have made my day! It has rained every single day for the last 2 weeks at my house. Oh and it has rained at night. I have a 4x4 pickup. Why? Because 2 years ago I got my dinky car stuck in my yard. :lol: My husband physically picked up the left front side of my car to get me un-stuck and then told me I was stupid for getting it stuck in the first place.
No more of that for me. Right now we have a mud-hole in our driveway where I park. :sohappy: YEA I get to use my 4x4. We got so much rain a few months ago a large tree fell in the yard and I towed it out of the driveway with my truck! *happy redneck girl dance*

Last year I overheated my pump watering my garden. We had to have it repaired 3 times. This year I did not do a garden and it has rained constantly. Sooo you really can't plan anything at all here!

I have worn shorts on Christmas when Christmas Eve we froze to death. It will rain in January when it is 30 degrees but not snow. :rolleyes:

You can plant peppers after last frost and they will still freeze. Or you can plant broccoli after some good cold snaps and they will flower in November. Lettuce bolts in January. Sometimes it freezes in December.

You just can't quote stats here. There are a lot of disconnected people out there but when you work with the land and grow stuff it really dawns on you how retarded the weather is here.
YES! You have made my day! It has rained every single day for the last 2 weeks at my house. Oh and it has rained at night. I have a 4x4 pickup. Why? Because 2 years ago I got my dinky car stuck in my yard. :lol: My husband physically picked up the left front side of my car to get me un-stuck and then told me I was stupid for getting it stuck in the first place.
No more of that for me. Right now we have a mud-hole in our driveway where I park. :sohappy: YEA I get to use my 4x4. We got so much rain a few months ago a large tree fell in the yard and I towed it out of the driveway with my truck! *happy redneck girl dance*

Last year I overheated my pump watering my garden. We had to have it repaired 3 times. This year I did not do a garden and it has rained constantly. Sooo you really can't plan anything at all here!

I have worn shorts on Christmas when Christmas Eve we froze to death. It will rain in January when it is 30 degrees but not snow. :rolleyes:

You can plant peppers after last frost and they will still freeze. Or you can plant broccoli after some good cold snaps and they will flower in November. Lettuce bolts in January. Sometimes it freezes in December.

You just can't quote stats here. There are a lot of disconnected people out there but when you work with the land and grow stuff it really dawns on you how retarded the weather is here.

I agree. Before we went on our trip in mid-September, a family member of ours kept checking the online extended forecast for Disney and was "worried" because it was 50% chance of rain every day we would be there. I told here 2 things

1) I never trust "extended" forecasts, especially in Florida.
2) It's 50% chance of rain in Floriday EVERY day. LOL

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