Trip Report *DONE!* Take a dash of Food & Wine, a 30th birthday, some crayons, a 10 mile run and what do ya get?

.. A Tower of Terror 10 miler trip report of course!!! :)

Aloha boys and girls and welcome to my fall 2012 trip report!! I’ve decided to stop the trend of losing my vacation pictures starting with this TR. If you read my last 2 trip reports (well, one and a half since my May TR still isn’t finished… oops!!) you know that my sister accidentally deleted the last day of pictures after our November 2011 trip which included our Crystal Palace character breakfast, meet and greets with Aladdin, Jasmine, Davy Crockett Donald as well as a couple others.. Then while in the process of writing my May 2012 TR I lost my memory card and only the first 2 days worth of photos were saved :( Obviously, I don’t have good luck with vacation photos. HOWEVER - When I got home this time, I immediately saved them to my sister’s external hard drive and put the memory card in a safe place. We also ordered the Photopass CD and I took over 1300 pictures so needless to say this will be a picture infused trip report for sure!

If you’d like to read my PTR, you can find it here:

At first it was just going to be a long weekend trip to run our first Disney race: The Tower of Terror 10 Miler. Yes, you read that right. 10 miles! And I’m not a runner by any means but my sister and I signed up for the race in February. Clearly we are just crazy. Or we were just cold up here in snowy, frigid Maine and the thought of getting out of Maine for any reason seemed appealing at the time, even if it meant running (or fast walking) 10 miles. Training didn’t go as well as we had hoped and there were times we thought of dropping out cause let’s be real here, 10 miles is no short distance. The longest run I put in before the race was 5 miles. My hip acted up here and there and it hurt me to run sometimes. But we decided to give it a shot. The worst that could happen? We get swept but at least we could say we tried it. Besides, my gal pals Jess, Courtney and Shelley (@PartOfYourWorld @enchanted_belle and @Fashionista007 respectively) were going to be running as well. So I had some motivational support right there. I’m sure by now you’re probably wondering… Did I finish the race? You’ll have to read all about it to find out!! So who’s with me? Alright then… let’s get this thing rolling!!

Monday September 24 – Arrival day and our trial of Fast Pass Plus!
My alarm went off bright and early on Monday morning. Actually, it was more like dark and early since it was 3:20am. Mom and my grandmother would be there at 4am sharp to pick me up for our 1 mile commute to the airport. Our flight was at 5:40am and after researching the outgoing flights that morning and finding that 6 flights were leaving within 30 minutes of each other at our small little jetport, I decided we should be there by 4:15. That would give us a solid hour and a half before our flight to check our bag, get through security and maybe grab some breakfast. A little before 4, I let my pup Luca out and gave him lots of kisses as I would miss dearly while I was gone. I mean who wouldn’t miss this face?!


Mom and Grams showed up and we loaded my stuff into the car and we were on our way (I should mention here that Ashley would not be flying in until Wednesday evening due to her not being able to get as much time off from work) I had already checked us in for our flight with AirTran so all we had to do was check our one bag, print our boarding pass and get through the security line…. Only there were no lines. No line to check the bag and maybe 3 people ahead of us at security. And here I thought the line would be huge with so many people traveling early. Oh well. Better safe than sorry. We had an hour and 15 minutes to kill so I grabbed a magazine and read.

It was still dark out when we took off and we made it to Baltimore without issues. We landed in BWI at 7:10 so we had about an hour or so before the next leg of the trip so I went and got us some Jamba Juice. Mmm….. yummy!!

When we went to board the plane to Orlando, the ticket lady scanned my ticket and then she told me that our seats had been changed. She handed me and my Mom new boarding passes and told us “Here sit in these 2 seats. They’re in business class” A free upgrade to business class? Heck yes!! The extra leg room was nice and we got some Milano cookies as opposed to mini pretzels. You didn’t get anything additional other than a little extra leg room and priority boarding. The extra leg room was DEFINITELY nice but the fact it was about $300 more each way than what we paid, it just didn’t seem worth it. The only thing separating business class and coach was a curtain behind the seats so it wasn’t like you were really secluded. Sorry but the additional $600 that business class cost could be better spent elsewhere… like a stay at the Polynesian :) It was nice though to try once, especially since it was free. Since we were close to the front of the plane, we were first to disembark when we landed in sunny Florida 14 minutes ahead of schedule. No waiting at the back of the plane. That was nice…

We headed straight for DME and there wasn’t really a long line. We hopped on the bus headed for the All Star Resort and at promptly 10:38am we were bound for the happiest place on earth!!!



Getting closer……

We’re here!!!!!

We stopped at Coronado Springs first and then All Star Sports. We were finally there and I was super excited. We walked right up to the online check in and checked in with a CM name Sena. At this point I realized I did not have my ID on me and it must have fallen off my lap on the bus. FAIL! Good thing I brought my old ID with me. At first the CM seemed ok. We had requested the football section, ground floor and our requests were met. But when I asked her about our 2 day base ticket that we had to purchase in order to get free dining, she started talking to me like I was a moron. Sorry lady, but I don’t understand how it all works. I DON’T WORK HERE! YOU DO! Which Is why I’m asking you. Basically I asked her if our tickets were on our Key to The World card and if I could get them taken off that and put on a separate ticket, like when you just buy your park pass from guest services. She told me “No, the tickets are on there. It’s a package!” with a very snarky attitude. I told her I figured that would be the case but told her we have annual passes. This was where she rudely interrupted me and said “Then just don’t use the room key to get into the parks!!” Ummmm, ok, but how would I use the tickets in the future? Just bring that same room key when I wanted to put it towards my annual pass next year? “You would save it! Just like you would any other ticket!” At that point I was sick of her attitude and I sharply said “OK! Thanks!” took my packet and walked away. She did NOT have the friendly attitude I would expect from a Disney employee. There was no need to talk to me like she did. I’ve never booked a package so I don’t know how it works. I understand you get asked the same questions every day probably but this is the first time I am asking it. No need to be nasty with me. I think they need to sprinkle her with some pixie dust or something, make her a little more friendly.

So after a not so nice first encounter, we took stopped in the food court to pick up our refillable mugs. We have 4 mugs already at our house and if they weren’t free with the dining plan, we probably wouldn’t have gotten them. Honestly, we probably would have brought our ones from May and used those. Don’t hate. I know you’re not supposed to use them past your stay but we just got them 4 months ago. And we don’t use them that often. At least we’re not using the old ones from like 5 years ago or even older ones back when they had resort specific mugs (both of which I saw being done.) We then took our stuff to the room.


We were room 121, a corner room. We were super close to the main building so that was awesome. I don’t think if we had booked a preferred room that we would have been much closer. We actually could have even been further away so I’m glad we saved our money, switched to a regular room and just requested the football section so thanks John @blackthidot for suggesting that. I’ll review our room and the resort in full at the end of the TR.



Of course I took a picture of the room. Just one. Because what trip report would be complete without at least one room picture! :)



After a quick change and a phone call from a CM at the front desk letting me know our DME driver had found my ID, we headed to the bus stop for our first park: Magic Kingdom! We had some Fast Pass Plus cards to trial!!


thanks for reading!! yeah, it took a little bit for me to get used to carrying around my camera and camera bag at first but now it's like second nature. Plus I have my Mom and sister who don't mind carrying around the tri-pod if we don't have a locker! :)

When i first got down there i planned on doing the bag and camera but it was just so hot and humid the first few days i couldnt take. so we went with carrying nothing and skipped all the lines for bag checks. more ride time was important :D


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We walked over to Big Thunder Mountain and used our FP+ for that. It looks nice since the refurb. I miss the falling rocks though. Apparently now they have an image projected when you’re going up that lift hill of falling rocks? I saw some sort of image but it didn’t look like anything at all really, just a shadow of something moving. Way to fail on that one TDO.




After BTMR we used our final FP+ on Splash.


The FP+ was easy to use and I’m not sure if it made any of the lines longer or not. Basically you are given a card with your name on it and you put it up to these card readers when you enter the regular FP queue. That info is then relayed to a computer that someone further up in the queue has and it has your name and how many in your party. Works like a regular fastpass I guess in the sense you get to skip the stand by line. Since we wanted to give it a try, we had no problem scheduling our afternoon around it, but I do not see us using it in the future. It just seems like way too much planning to me. It’s one thing to plan ADR’s but it’s another to plan which attraction you’re going to be doing at what time. At least now with FP’s you can pick what you are feeling like at that moment in time. “OK, we haven’t been on Peter Pan yet, let’s grab a FP for that” or “I’m not feeling good so no roller coasters for me, let’s do Buzz instead” I know you can change the times and attractions you want online but I also don’t want to spend my vacation stopping and playing on my phone and using my battery life to change around FP+ stuff. Maybe it’s for some people, but I don’t think it’s for us.








Splash was good as usual. Jumping Brer Rabbit wasn’t working and the Laughing Place looked atrocious but what else is new? Also the final Brer Fox animatronic getting his tail pulled by the alligator wasn’t working. Neither was the gator. I’m not usually a huge complainer about stuff like this but come on. Splash needs a MAJOR refurb. I understand they don’t want to take the whole attraction down but something has got to be done. I don’t pay outrageous prices to stay on property and go to the parks to see a half working attraction. Walt was a perfectionist. He wanted his parks to be beautiful and in working order. Now, it’s all about profit. And that’s understandable. If you don’t make money, you can’t pay your employees, etc.. They figure now though if people keep coming, why bother to fix it? Sadly, that’s the way most companies work these days. It’s all about the almighty dollar. (Since writing this though I see Splash IS going down for a 3 month refurb in 2013 so nice work there TDO! Give it the love it needs!)


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After Splash it was about 5:45 or so. We hopped on the train to ride back to Main Street. Instead of going over to DHS for the evening and EMH we were first going to go back to the hotel to get me some meds. I was pretty much dying at this point and knew I would just be miserable and no fun if we went right to another park.




A bus came after about 10 minutes and when we got back to the room, our luggage was there and I popped an Imitrex and laid on the bed for a bit waiting for it to kick in. This is a magic pill I swear. I can have the WORST migraine ever and in 10-20 minutes, it will completely be gone. Mom went to the gift shop I think. When she came back with a Minnie Bake Shop cookie for me, we decided we wouldn’t make it for Fantasmic (which was the main reason we wanted to go to DHS) so she let me sleep a little bit longer. At 8 o’clock I awoke feeling perfectly fine. This was the first time that I had ever had a bad migraine in Disney so I guess I’ve been lucky so far.

I changed my clothes and we decided to go to Downtown Disney and grab some dinner and do some shopping.


Now here is where we experienced the worst and strangest bus service we’ve ever had while staying on Disney property. We got in line for DTD at 8:15pm. After waiting what seemed like an eternity for a bus, one arrived at 8:27pm. 12 minutes later. Not bad. There was a small line behind us of others wanting to take the bus as well. We got on, grabbed a seat and we struck up a small conversation with the family sitting across from us about hockey (I had on a Carolina Hurricanes hockey shirt and they were from NC) The bus proceeded to All Star Music. I know that sometimes when its slow the buses will go to all the All Stars before the park. No big deal. At Music, a woman got off the bus holding a child. The child was slung across her body and when she stepped off the bus, I couldn’t help but notice her behind was a little… wet. Actually it was more than a little. It was a lot. And I’m not talking ‘just rode splash mountain and my seat was wet when I sat down’ kind of wet. It looked like she straight peed her pants. I looked at my Mom, who noticed it as well. We were both very perplexed. No one went to clean up the seat she was sitting in or anything so who knows what happened.

We then proceeded to All Star Movies…. And that’s where we saw the massive line waiting for the DTD bus. All were teenagers or young adults including one on an ECV. Talk about a nightmare. The teenagers all piled into the bus and none of them were speaking English. The whole way to DTD they were loud and shouting and (can’t forget the best part) there was a couple standing in front of us who looked like they were celebrating their honeymoon or something. Well as soon as the lights went out, they were all over each other, making out and rubbing each other. It was disgusting. The woman who had been talking to me earlier about hockey had a child sitting on her lap and another sitting next to her and here, right in front of them was this couple who felt a Disney bus was the proper place to make a soft core adult film. And to top it all off, we didn’t get to Downtown Disney until 9:20pm. So this whole adventure had taken us 55 minutes from the time we got in line for the bus til the time we stepped off it. It was ridiculous. Worst Disney bus experience we’ve ever had.

After finally getting off the bus, we headed to get some dinner at Earl of Sandwich. I wrestled with what I wanted to order. It was a toss up between my standard favorite, The Earls Club or a new choice I had read about in Ashley’s ( @WishIWasAtWDW ) trip report, the Hawaiian BBQ. In the end, Mom decided she was going to order the Hawaiian BBQ chicken and suggested I order the Earls Club and we could each have half of each sandwich. Sounds like a plan to me! I ordered the club with ranch instead of the regular Earls sauce.

I tried the Hawaiian BBQ first and let me tell ya, I wish I had ordered that one instead of the club. It was soooooo good!!! The perfect blend of chicken, ham, bbq sauce, pineapple and cheese. YUM! My mouth is watering thinking about it right now. I didn’t take any pictures because we wolfed it down before I remembered but I did get a picture of the club.


Put bacon on any sandwich and I’m happy. I love bacon. Which is why I love turkey club sandwiches. The club though now takes second to the Hawaiian BBQ. That’s what I’ll be getting from now on!! (And I have recently found out they have opened an Earl of Sandwich in Boston!! This is absolutely be on my list of things to do every time I go to Boston now!!)

We walked around Downtown Disney, looking in some of the shops. I stopped into Once Upon A Toy to look for a book for my cousin. We are bringing her on her first trip in November. She is thrilled and can’t stop talking about it so we gave her a cool Disney themed box for Christmas with a book and a Disney giftcard. I found a great book about the parks that I noted to pick up later on in the trip if I didn’t find anything better. Mom wanted to go into Basin to get some bath bombs for Christmas. We always do a Yankee swap with my mom’s family and she ended up making a bath basket.


We decided to stop for some dessert so we thought we would try Ghirardelli's. We split the Gold Rush I think it's called. The peanut butter one. The line seemed long but it moved pretty quickly. The sundae was ok. The No Way Jose at Beaches N Cream is MUCH better.


It was getting late so we decided to head back to the hotel. When we got back to the bus stop, every stop had between five and ten people in line… except for the All Stars…. The line went all the way down and wound back again. Thank goodness they sent 2 buses quickly. We were the 2nd to last family to board the second bus. We got back to the hotel, I showered and we hit the hay by 11. Sadly, the first day didn’t end the way we had hoped with Fantasmic and a Mickey ice cream bar but we made the best of it with delicious sandwiches from Earl and some relaxing time at Downtown Disney.


Tomorrow – it’s a jungle out there and some new dining experiences!


Well-Known Member
Your description of the Hawaiian BBQ at Earl of Sandwich has me drooling!! It's 8 am and I just ate breakfast, but it still makes me hungry for it! :p I love that sandwich! Can't wait to read more.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your description of the Hawaiian BBQ at Earl of Sandwich has me drooling!! It's 8 am and I just ate breakfast, but it still makes me hungry for it! :p I love that sandwich! Can't wait to read more.

The sandwich was so yummy. Thank goodness the one in Boston is closed right now (open seasonally) or I might have to drive down there today to get one!! :)

Do you ever run a race in this report? :p I need some race reports before I leave!

haha we do... eventually! I have a ton of the report written but I am no longer allowed to edit photos at work so I have to do it when I get home... and the last thing I want to do when I get home is be on the computer after being on it for 8 hours... But I am going to finish this one!! Promise!! lol We arrived 5 days before the race. In retrospect, we should have stayed AFTER the race instead of coming before...

Hahaha, I was thinking the same thing!

Having said that...loving it so far, @derelicte19! :)

Thanks for reading Shannon! The race will happen soon. Unfortunately my sister lost her point and shoot camera before the trip so we had to make due with a less than stellar camera during the race. I will have to scan the pics we ordered though to at least have some decent photos to go along with that part of the TR!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading Shannon! The race will happen soon. Unfortunately my sister lost her point and shoot camera before the trip so we had to make due with a less than stellar camera during the race. I will have to scan the pics we ordered though to at least have some decent photos to go along with that part of the TR!
Oh nooo. That stinks. :( I'm glad you guys HAD a camera and managed to get some photos though!


Well-Known Member
Yay, I'm caught up!
I was wondering about the race too, lol!
People in heels at Disney kill me! I wear heels all the time but you wouldn't catch me dead walking around a theme park in them! My word, I want to cut my feet off after a day in tennis shoes!
Love the mid-spit camel picture.
Great parade pictures too!
And your headache is making me hurt for you.
You had some horrible bus experiences! Mercy!


Well-Known Member
THERE IS AN EARL OF SANDWICH IN BOSTON? You know I'm leaving for Boston in 2 days. So this is now officially on my "must find and devour" list. Because actually...I have never had Earl's before :oops:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh nooo. That stinks. :( I'm glad you guys HAD a camera and managed to get some photos though!

I'm glad we at least got some too!!

Yay, I'm caught up!
I was wondering about the race too, lol!
People in heels at Disney kill me! I wear heels all the time but you wouldn't catch me dead walking around a theme park in them! My word, I want to cut my feet off after a day in tennis shoes!
Love the mid-spit camel picture.
Great parade pictures too!
And your headache is making me hurt for you.
You had some horrible bus experiences! Mercy!

I wear heels allllll the time but I would never in a million years wear them to a theme park!!! OUCH!!

THERE IS AN EARL OF SANDWICH IN BOSTON? You know I'm leaving for Boston in 2 days. So this is now officially on my "must find and devour" list. Because actually...I have never had Earl's before :oops:

Jess, I have to tell ya though... it's closed for the winter right now :( It's in Boston Common which is kind of like Boston's version on Central Park and they only operate it during the warmer months I guess. My cousins college dorm is right across the street and he rubbed it in that he has had the pleasure of eating there several times before it closed for the winter. Earl's really is so super yummy. Their bread is DELISH!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Ahhhh, Earl's. Yum. Why would they want to close in the winter?? Don't Bostonians get hungry for great sammiches in the wintertime? Crazy!

Ouch, migraines. I had a true migraine exactly twice in my entire life and I wished I was dead both times. Good to know there's something that works on them now.

And that's why we always rent a car. :)


Well-Known Member
Jess, I have to tell ya though... it's closed for the winter right now :( It's in Boston Common which is kind of like Boston's version on Central Park and they only operate it during the warmer months I guess. My cousins college dorm is right across the street and he rubbed it in that he has had the pleasure of eating there several times before it closed for the winter. Earl's really is so super yummy. Their bread is DELISH!!

really sad face. :( But at least I'm not searching for it now. Hahaha. Maybe next time...


Well-Known Member
After finally getting off the bus, we headed to get some dinner at Earl of Sandwich. I wrestled with what I wanted to order. It was a toss up between my standard favorite, The Earls Club or a new choice I had read about in Ashley’s ( @WishIWasAtWDW ) trip report, the Hawaiian BBQ. In the end, Mom decided she was going to order the Hawaiian BBQ chicken and suggested I order the Earls Club and we could each have half of each sandwich. Sounds like a plan to me! I ordered the club with ranch instead of the regular Earls sauce.

I tried the Hawaiian BBQ first and let me tell ya, I wish I had ordered that one instead of the club. It was soooooo good!!! The perfect blend of chicken, ham, bbq sauce, pineapple and cheese. YUM! My mouth is watering thinking about it right now. I didn’t take any pictures because we wolfed it down before I remembered but I did get a picture of the club.

I told you it was good! :D I made that same mistake of ordering the Club because I was a little scared to try the Hawaiian BBQ and Wes was brave and ordered it. After I tried a bite of his sandwich I knew I should have ordered it too because it was just so good!

I've been slacking recently and I need to catch up on your report!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ahhhh, Earl's. Yum. Why would they want to close in the winter?? Don't Bostonians get hungry for great sammiches in the wintertime? Crazy!

Ouch, migraines. I had a true migraine exactly twice in my entire life and I wished I was dead both times. Good to know there's something that works on them now.

And that's why we always rent a car. :)

I know right? I wonder if it's because it's in the middle of a park and not many people go to the park in the winter? It doesn't make sense to me! I'd be there all the time if I lived in Boston!!! :)

Yeah, migraines are no fun. I think I would rather have ANYTHING than a migraine!!

really sad face. :( But at least I'm not searching for it now. Hahaha. Maybe next time...

yeah, I was sad when I heard I had to wait until the spring to eat there.. Boooo!! :(

I told you it was good! :D I made that same mistake of ordering the Club because I was a little scared to try the Hawaiian BBQ and Wes was brave and ordered it. After I tried a bite of his sandwich I knew I should have ordered it too because it was just so good!

I've been slacking recently and I need to catch up on your report!

It really was awesome! I went in there with that in mind and kept telling my Mom "Ashley says this is really good!!" I really wanted it but I couldn't pass up bacon! Mmmmm....

And I've been slacking on writing this thing so no worries!! haha :D


Active Member
I know right? I wonder if it's because it's in the middle of a park and not many people go to the park in the winter? It doesn't make sense to me! I'd be there all the time if I lived in Boston!!! :)

It is odd that they close for the winter. There is still pretty good traffic through the common in the winter as Boston still gets plenty of tourists during the cold months. With the duck pond for skating and all of the sites around it, I'm surprised its closed. I am definately a slacker as I work about a 10 min walk from Earl and have not eaten there. My bad.....:(


Well-Known Member
UGH that sounds like an awful bus experience....I've had times like those. They are just no fun.
And I don't think I'll ever stay at the All-Stars again unless I had too...Pop trumps All-Stars.

At least you have your trip report almost written..i hate writing it without having the photos uploaded (which is taking FOREVER I think my pictures are bigger files now with the new camera thats why photobucket is taking so long) so I havent even started writing it from November/December. LOL.


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Original Poster

I know I totally wish they were open! Nothing better than a hot sandwich after skating outside in the cold!!!

UGH that sounds like an awful bus experience....I've had times like those. They are just no fun.
And I don't think I'll ever stay at the All-Stars again unless I had too...Pop trumps All-Stars.

At least you have your trip report almost written..i hate writing it without having the photos uploaded (which is taking FOREVER I think my pictures are bigger files now with the new camera thats why photobucket is taking so long) so I havent even started writing it from November/December. LOL.

All Star Sports is definitely the best of the bunch for transportation since you're the first one picked up and the first one dropped off. That one night was just awful!!!

Photobucket is really slow sometimes. Especially when I'm ready to actually sit and edit my photos.... Then it takes like a year to upload one photo!! Grrrrr......


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Tuesday 9/25

We woke for our first FULL Disney day at 7:15am and got ready for the adventure ahead. We skipped down to the food court a little past 8 to get some breakfast.


I had the Mickey waffle with strawberries and bacon and Mom had the bounty platter.



Mmmmm…. Delish!!

We went to the bus stop and a bus pulled up a few minutes later. In just a few minutes, we walked through the gates at....


We got there a little before rope drop and headed down to the Tree of Life. We had the obligatory photo in front of the tree right as the park opened.



We followed the crowd and headed for Kiliminjaro Safari.





The sign said there was about a 5 minute wait but we pretty much didn’t stop until we got to the trucks. Soon we were off exploring the wild terrain of Africa.




Awww love the elephants!!



There were 3 hippos that crossed right in front of our vehicle.



The lioness was out prowling around.




This was a really good safari for us. We saw a bunch of animals we don’t always see.


Well-Known Member
Woohoo! I noticed the animals are most lively in the mornings! At least the few times I've been in the morning!!!!!

and Photobucket has finally finished all my photos :) Time to get writing! LOL. Can't wait until you can post more here!

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