Ok, back from a day at the parks, I'll write as much as I can but I'm shattered and am lying in bed ready to snooze!
We went to the MK this morning, as we headed to the bus stop there was already a bus there with people loading, we were last on with no seats.

Our plan upon arrival was to head straight to The voyage of the little mermaid, I'm a fan of the movie so I was excited to be trying it, so off we headed with only one person in front of us, when we got there they said it wasn't open yet but will be in a few minutes, to cut a long story short, 20 mins later is was still down, the cM at the entrance kept making a joke about it and kept saying it will be open in a minute, I noticed a visitor ask another CM about the situation, this CM seemed honest and shrugged her shoulders and said she had no idea when it would open, I wish the CM's would just be honest as visitors could potentially waste a lot of time standing there!

So we went and got a fast past for 10:20-11:20. We then went to Gastons Tavern and I tried Le Foufs brew, it was ok, basically an apple slushie.
We then went on Peter Pan and IASW both only 5 min waits, we then intended on going on Splash, guess what? As we approached we could see there was no water running! So we headed to Thunder Mountain instead which was a 10 min as I'm guessing the people wanting to ride Splash diverted here!
Next, Haunted Mansion, I think we then went back to Mermaid, it was up and running, our FP meant we missed the queuing area which is full of things to see unfortunately, the ride was fun apart from people using flash on their cameras
Lunch was had at Caseys, I had the pulled pork dog, (I ate half

) Dave likes the Chicago Dog but its no longer on the menu, instead they have a Polish dog, Wholegrain mustard and caramelised onions, Dave liked it. after this we decided to look around the shops in Main St as the Celebrate it Parade was due in 30 mins, after the PArade we headed to ADventureland, where we went on The Swiss Family treehouse, luckily there were no crowds so we could walk at our own speed (fast!) then we went to the TIki Room, now I like this but I was annoyed at the amount of people who were playing with their phones and having conversations while it was on, in fact - few people walked out a few minutes before it finished, I find this rude.
We the crossed over to Tomorrowland, where our first stop was going to be the People mover, guess what?!?! As we approached it it stopped! 5 minutes later it still wasn't moving and the CM wasn't letting people up the escalator, at this moment The CoP was opening up so we ran into that, we enjoy this nostalgia but flashing cameras once again took the edge off as did a group of people who insisted on talking loudly throughout stating how bored they were!
As we got off we saw the People mover working again so we made our way over, guess what?!?! It stopped again! We decided to cut our losses and head back to the resort stopping at Main St to purchase some things we saw earlier.
As we left Dave decided to exchange our MNSSHP paperwork for the actual tickets as he did this I saw the POFQ bus pull away

we had another 6 days to get these tickets! We decided to join the Riverside line as there were several people there so we figured it wouldn't be too long, as it happens Another POFQ bus came along within 5 minutes so drama over!
I then had a 2 hour nap

I tire easily!!! Plus a bad night sleep the night before and a now minor headache didn't help. Dave went to the pool and had his dinner at the food factory (creole burger, he loved).
This evening we went to Epcot, we got to the bus stop around 6pm, it was packed

the stop was only for Epcot and DTD, now the skies were overcast so It may have been possible. The boat to DTD wasn't running? But we guessed all these people were going to Epcot, there were enough people for 2 buses so after about 5 mins of waiting we got a cab. A couple also did this a few minutes before us.
Once we got to Epcot it was drizzling, I had my emergency poncho so that was ok! Spaceship Earth was first, then we wanted to try the new version of TT, this was down for refurb last year so we were keen to ride it. Guess what?!?! The notice boards said DOWN !!!! We walked over just incase and it appeared to be open, the standby line was out the door and bizarrely the FP times were only 10 minutes away, so we got FP's, looked round Mouse gears and returned to TT, the pre show is different, you now design your own car first, which was fun. I was a skeptic of what I saw of this TT on the Internet but I actually liked it!
We then made our way round the WS, we had a special voucher for PReferred Seating for Illuminations. I hadn't eating since Caseys at the MK and have yet to get my WDW stomach! I managed some chips from the UK pavilion and later on I shared an jalepino cheese pretzel with Dave, he had a few Bud LItes which I had a few sips of! (I'm on Anti biotics for an ailment which isn't helping me much on this trip!

) At 8:45 we took our spot which is basically the ramp that takes you to the boats near Morrocco. After the show we jumped in a cab back to the POFQ, there's no way I'm queuing for a bus when the parks empty.
We got back at 9:45, it's now 22:53 and I need to sleep, Dave's gone to the bar (again!)
Tomorrow morning we go to HS!!!! We have an ADR at the Sci-Fi, I love it there!
Night guys, I'll be back tomorrow. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz