Doesn't Going to WDW Multiple Times in a Year Desensitize You to the Fun and Magic?


Original Poster
I don't live in FL, so I've only been to WDW 10 times. That's a lot, though, if you don't live in the state I would at least think.

I just got back two weeks ago. I hadn't been since May 2002. Here's the thing...I really really enjoyed myself, but I'd be lying if I were to say that certain elements of WDW came become a little stale after the 10th trip.

So my question is, how do people go there month after month after month? Or, say, five or more times within one year?

For example, this isn't like a regular theme park. Most, if not all of these rides have story aspects to them. It seems to me that the more you ride on these rides, the less grandiose and special they become. And with that, a lot of the surpise, thrill, and excitement might be gone. Comparitively, if you go to a theme park like, say, Cedar Point or Six Flags, I can TOTALLY see going there month after month and not getting bored.

To my knowledge, those parks don't have huge parades, or tremendous night shows like Fantasmic. They don't, I don't think, have huge shows like Lion King or Beauty/Beast. And their rides, while fun and exciting, are simple. A roller coaster here or a ferris wheel there or what have you. There's no "meat" to the ride--they are all just thrill rides. Disney has those rides, but even then, they have "meat" to them. It would just seem to me that if you go to, say, MGM or MK five times over the course of six or so months, the spectacle of the park and its rides dies down.

That's why, for me, I think going to Disney every other year is best. While I'll of course still remember the rides, they aren't 100% fresh in my mind, and there's also a good chance things have been added to the park to increase the fun factor.

Anyways, I just wanted your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
PacMan2006, you nailed it. I totally agree. As much as I may wish I could visit it every month, I know that in actuality I much prefer out current annual visit.


Well-Known Member
I also prefer going only ever so often, usually once per year, sometimes take a year off.

I wouldn't ever want to take that place for granted, so our placed trips allow for a break.

I wouldn't mind having the luxury to go whenever I felt, though.
It just makes it such a luxury when we do go b/c it's so far away.

Not that I am comparing Great Adv. to Disney, but living "next door" to that Six Flags, even tho I love coasters, has desensitized me to that park, even though it's a dump, lol.

I'm content with my location and trip numberage to Disney. I could use a few more WDW vacations, tho. haha


Well-Known Member
It depends on the person. Some people are better suited for yearly trips, and then there are people like me who could go every day and it would never get old. I could ride Tower of Terror every morning for a year and not get sick of it. The difference with many locals is the way they tour the parks. On a one week vacation, you try to see as much as possible in the time you have, flying from one attraction to the next. Many times, locals will visit the parks for only a few hours in a given weekend because there just isn't that rush to see and do everything. They have time to take in all the extra ambience of the parks...and the firework shows just never lose their novelty to me. If you go to the parks only several hours a week, it becomes kinda that small light at the end of your workweek--something to look forward to. It's just on a smaller scale of what all of us vacationers do--where our Disney trip is the large, blinding beacon of empowering light at the end of our year ;) Locals get small doses of Disney at a single time, vacationers get the overwhelming dose. Both are awesome!


Well-Known Member
There's a tradeoff, though. If you only go infrequently, then you are also under some pressure to see and do as much as you possibly can in order to get your money's worth. Living only a few miles from the parks, I have the luxury to just stop in for a couple hours and do whatever I feel like, and I don't feel like I have wasted anything if all I do is one or two rides.

One kinda weird habit I have gotten into is that whenever I am stuck trying to puzzle through a problem at work (I am a software developer), I find that going over to MGM and throwing myself repeatedly down a haunted elevator shaft seems to shake loose fresh ideas.

Believe me, after riding Snow White's Scary Adventures more than 400 times (long story, autistic son) there is not a single drop of magic left on that ride. On the other hand, rides like Haunted Mansion and Pirates still do it for me every time. It all just kinda works out in the end.


I think it is totally an individual thing.
Are there some things that get old after a while? Sure, but that's the same with anything. There is so much to do within WDW that you could take several trips and not do the same things twice. Also, after repeated experiences on attractions you notice different aspects of the big picture that you might not see by doing something just once or twice.


Well-Known Member
I go to WDW about 2x a month (but not during summer, to hot and crowded) anyway, i don't think it at all takes away the magic. It's more like "home" to me. And you never get tired of home. Why wouldn't you want to visit over and over a world where the biggest question really is "Is goofy really a dog?" to quote the vacation planning video. It's really great to go back, and you make yourself at home after a while. just to say, the Magic does NOT wear off! I look foward to each and every visit, with countdown clocks etc.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by *MichelleP*
I think it is totally an individual thing.
Are there some things that get old after a while? Sure, but that's the same with anything. There is so much to do within WDW that you could take several trips and not do the same things twice. Also, after repeated experiences on attractions you notice different aspects of the big picture that you might not see by doing something just once or twice.

I agree completely!

Frees Fan

Well with me, I like to go over to the MK in the evenings for dinner and to ride the HM. I usually go 2-3 times a week. It's really nice there as the sun is setting and the day visitors are leaving. I love just walking around and looking at everything lit for evenings. But, the main thing that I never get tired of is seeing the faces and expressions of the youngsters who see MM or Pluto for the first time. It's priceless....that's what keeps me young at heart and wanting to go back again.



Originally posted by Chape19714
I go to WDW about 2x a month (but not during summer, to hot and crowded) anyway, i don't think it at all takes away the magic. It's more like "home" to me. And you never get tired of home. Why wouldn't you want to visit over and over a world where the biggest question really is "Is goofy really a dog?" to quote the vacation planning video. It's really great to go back, and you make yourself at home after a while. just to say, the Magic does NOT wear off! I look foward to each and every visit, with countdown clocks etc.

Agreed. I also visit at least once a month (but usually get there twice, sometimes even three times) and I never, ever get tired of it. The magic never wears off. I still feel the same way getting off of a ride as I did when I was a kid. I also like the ability to just do whatever and not have to worry about getting to a show or anything. Heck, I like going to Animal Kingdom just to ride Dinosaur and then leave.

But as everyone has said, it's mostly an individual thing. I know tons of people who think I'm crazy for going once or twice a month when they visit once every year or two. :)


Well-Known Member

I used to go to the Magic Kingdom everyday and it never got old (when I worked there). I worked at Six Flags before disney, and now again after disney and it has gotten really old. I never got sick of any part of disney. Not even Splash Mountain where I worked! In fact, I did then and I still do go straight to Splash first whenever I go. I could go to Disney everyday (and I used to :lol: ) and it will never get old for me. but as mentioned earlier, it's pretty much a personal thing. Even though I can't go whenever I want, I still have my memories and that's what gets me to my next trip.


Premium Member
I know what you mean. In 1999 I went 3 times (a trip with my parents, my senior trip, and then my honeymoon) and by my honeymoon I was pretty desensitized.

I've found that now that I've been so many times I tend to rush around the parks, instead of trying to slow down and soak it in.

But this year will be different because it will be the first time I bring my kids. So that will "reset" the magic for me...being able to see my kids enjoy it for the first time, even though it will be like my 20th time.


Original Poster
This is interesting...

I have a question...for the people who for 2 times a month and all, do you go with friends, or do you go by yourself?

I will admit, though, that it must be cool to have Disney World as your fall back plan:

"Hey, what you wanna do?"

"I dunno, you?"

" idea man...let's just go to Disney World."

That's cool. But...some people have stated that they go to parks for only two or so rides and leave...I know I'm not in your local FL mindset, but that just seems weird to me. Don't get me wrong, I understand if you live there that there's no need to stay there from 9 AM to 9 PM. But, something about going to that grand park for just one or two things seems SO odd to me. I don't think it's just me, though. I was at the Millionaire attraction, and a woman got into the hot seat. The host said:

"And who's here with you cherring you on?"

She said:

"Nobody. It's just me."

The host was surprised, and she continued...

"I just came here to get a frozen banana. It's the only place to get em'!"

That struck everybody as so odd and surprising.

I understand where you guys/gals are coming from...and yet, I sort of don't.

General Grizz

New Member
It is very personal.

I've been seeing Country Bear Jamboree several times per year since 1971, and I still can't get enough. :D

I'm extremely close to WDW, but I only go (on average) 6 times max per year.

Frees Fan

You know Pacman...I thought the same thing you do. I was sitting over in Tomorrowland last weekend and looked around and used to take years of my parents saving money and planning to come here. Now...I can come whenever I want. It really blows my mind sometimes. I look at the people around me and think about all the saving up and planning it took for them to come here. It's pretty amazing when you think about I don't think


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those people who can't imagine going so much. I've been to WDW twice, my next trip will be 3 years apart from my last. I would like to go once a year, but I think that's it. Possibly twice, if it's right. But definitely, no more than that. To me, I want WDW to be "the place I long to see", not just "a place I like to go."


Well-Known Member
It's really nice to live close by. I miss being a cast member when I could go whenever I wanted. It was nice to be able to just go for an hour or two after work or something. There were times when I went only for Fantasmic or once in December I only went to see the Candlelight Processional and Illuminations. It was just nice to not have to feel like you have to run around from attraction to attraction to avoid missing something. I enjoyed being able to go whenever and take a leisurely walk around the park without worrying about missing something.


Well-Known Member
I go almost every weekend. The only time I don't go is when I visit another park. This weekend, I went to SeaWorld, but last weekend, I was at the parks Friday-Monday. When I go, I don't spend the whole day there....I can't, I have a dog, and she is only good for about 10 hours or so before she needs a walk.

On an average visit, I get there around 5pm or so, depending on the park and the closing time. the max time I usually spend in the park is 5 hours or so. I prefer to go at night, as it is cooler, some of the kiddies are back in their hotels sleeping, and I like the feel of the parks at night. Also, you can see the fireworks. Sometimes I don't even ride anything. I don't wait more than 20 minutes for anything, so if lines are long, I will grab some food and hang-out.

As for getting sick of the attractions, I skip the rides that I would be more likely to grow tired of. I try not to ride them if I have been on them recently. Some rides you can't get tired of, like the thrill rides and other E-tickets.

If ever the weekend comes where I don't feel like a Disney park, I will go to another park.

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