Does talking on rides bother you?


Talking on a ride? Go for it, I enjoy listening to what peope have to say about the ride if I've been on it before, however if you're talking on a cell phone, or not discussing the ride I don't want to hear it.

Talk on a show? GTFO pls.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
People that feel that they MUST quote all the dialogue in an attraction in real time are the ones that really get to me.

Okay, you've been on this 20 times, some people haven't.

Besides, Disney didn't hire YOU to be the narrator, thank you.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm gonna catch a lot of slack for saying this, but I think that this lady had every right to scold you and your friends for talking during the ride.

I consider every attraction a "Stage show" and try to immerse myself into my surroundings no matter what attraction I am on.

Loud talking can seriously take away from the experiance and especially for a first time visiter can ruin the magical Disney moments.

You have the whole queue area to talk in, not to mention the whole rest of the park...why spoil the magic for those of us who came, not to talk, but to enjoy the attractions.

Having said that, and having 3 kids of my own, I know how hard it is for teenagers to be quiet for any length of time, so when it happens to me on a ride, I just look at my wife, roll my eyes, and try to enjoy the attraction in spite of the annoyances. I never say anything, because believe or not, I, too, was once a teenager. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Talking on the rides do not bother me as long as it is not so loud that you cannot hear anything. My last trip everywhere we went there was a brazilian tour group and all they did was talk, sing, etc over everything. We left the park that day.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Same thing happened to me on Pooh Friday. Very loud woman talking to her child, "Oh look, there's Pooh". Like the child was blind and didn't see Pooh 5 inches away.

(soapbox) Come on people. Just ride the ride and don't ruin it for the rest of us. It's selfish. When you talk through a ride, it's to make your experience better and degrades everyone elses. How do you like it when someone pushes a stroller into your ankle or pushes past you in the park? That's someone else trying to hurry up and make their experience better while degrading yours. You can experience the ride and have the same enjoyment being quiet too. (/soapbox)


New Member
If your talking quietly, just ooitning out little things here and there to other members of your party I don't mind. But when people talk as if the whole world needs to hear them I get really mad because it ruins the experience of the ride..On PotC this past July we were in front of this really loud family who, during one of the darker scenes (I believe the one with the skeleton steering the wheel) practically shouted "I see dead people" and then the rest of the family started laughing and being totally obnoxious and saying other things..that's just least shut up for the 10 minutes it takes to ride any of the rides. if you have to say least say something that deals specifically with the ride and say it quietly.


Well-Known Member
The people that are usually pointing out things to their little ones or to people in general, like, "Oh look at that" That doesnt bother me that much if at all. As long as they're not all in my ear. But people who just talk about any and everything, thats just STUPID, why get on the freakin ride. My mom and my annoying a-- aunt does that mess. And lemme tell you, when you watch the vacation tape of me videoing IASW, all you hear in the backround all throughout the line and the ride itself is chirp this chirp chirp that.
I know you've been there before, but still. Esp. when you're talking about things that you try to escape when you go on vacation.

This past trip, a couple in front of us was looking back at my aunt and mom like can you shut the ------ up on living with the land. Its just stupid. Its not like they never get to see each other to talk about these things.

Anyways, Im through, and apoligize for my little rant.


Active Member
Does hearing the people behind you on a ride talk really irritate you? My roommates and I were riding POTC the other day and we were having lot's of fun, we were talking saying things like, "Look over there, that was always my favorite part!", "I really like the new music!", we weren't being really loud, we weren't using profainity, and we were really enjoying ourselves. The lady in the seat in front of us goes, "Are you all going to talk the entire time?" very rudely. And I said, "Probably". I can't really imagine riding a ride with friends or family and being quiet the whole time, do any of you actually think rides should be experianced in silence. We tried to whisper after that but we never quit talking because I don't see why we should have less fun on a ride just because someone else had a different idea of how to enjoy it than us.
How do you feel?

Well...Specifically with the new version of PotC, tons of people talk. It is annoying when you are trying to hear what the characters are saying since the speakers really aren't that loud. But, everyone will have to deal with it for a while until the novelty wears off, but I have to admit I did it too because I loved seeing all the new additions. I don't have a problem with talking as long as it is not done through the entire ride and isn't too loud. What is annoying is when people yell stuff, trying to act cool when they are really acting like idiots.


New Member
The lady in the seat in front of us goes, "Are you all going to talk the entire time?" very rudely. And I said, "Probably".
And your response "Probably" came off just as rudely. Granted, she may have been a little more polite in asking your group to be quiet, but that doesn't mean you had to equally as rude back. That would have ticked me off as well.

Talking quietly on a ride doesn't bother me, pointing things out doesn't bother me. Little kids exclaimations of surprise or wonder are usually quite cute and totally acceptible IMO.

Having extended cell phone conversations in lines are annoying (I never actually seen anyone using a cell in a ride). Loud conversations during the rides are also annoying -- but I usually just say "Would you mind? Its our first time through and we want to hear everything." And I've never had a negative response to that. Yes, I say that even though we've been on it before -- but its something every Disney fan can understand and potential conflict is avoided.

But idiots that shriek or scream throughout dark rides like HM, POTC are the worst. We were once stuck on the HM in the graveyard scene. Likely they stopped the ride to load a special needs person or whatever, but we were there for 5 minutes. It was bad enough with the ghosts popping out from behind the graves shrieking over and over -- but that's the ride and I know you can't help it when it happens to stop there. Then some moron decided it would be fun to shriek back at the grave ghosts to pass the time. He and his companion found it so hillarious that they decided to do it the entire rest of the ride. By the end, I was ready to shoot them both!


New Member
Yeah, it happened to me last year. My family and friends were on the living with the land and my sisters friendsends started to talk very loud that in some point of the ride the CM actually told them to be quiet. It really makes me mad people like that

Disney Reigns Forever


New Member
On one of our trips, we took the backstage tour at Mk. After that we had to keep reminding my Aunt that there are little ears around. She would be trying to tell how this was done or that was done. Her husband even told her once " to shut up, you're ruining for others". After that she did shut up, at least on things like that.


New Member
hmmmm ride talkers can get annoying but heres how i see it.
if they are going to quietly talk about what they are seeing for example if they are on POTC and are in awe at seeing jack sparrow and such then yes,but what really annoys me is when people talk loudly about things like what they are going to do next or when they are going to eat and where.
it just really hacks me off when they do that.
and another thing that annoyed me this holiday,me and my family were in the queue for turtle talk and we were the last cut off group to go in the theatre.and then the show just started and about 20/30 people got up and walked out.
i mean if they had something to get to then why didn't they read how long the queue was and how long the show was.and if they didnt like the show (not that they gave it half a chance) then they should have at least stuck it out untill the end i mean its only like a 15-20 minute show right.
im sorry it just really made me angry that people could be so inconciderate.


Yes, just for imitating spiels...

That Columbus Day, I was at that briefing room (aka the library) on ToT at DHS, and a handful of people around me was talking along with the televised spiel. Two days before that, some little boy was doing the English spiel on the tram after we spent the day at Epcot for the International Food and Wine Festival in an imperfect voice. OUCH! :brick:
Same thing happened to me on Pooh Friday. Very loud woman talking to her child, "Oh look, there's Pooh". Like the child was blind and didn't see Pooh 5 inches away.

(soapbox) Come on people. Just ride the ride and don't ruin it for the rest of us. It's selfish. When you talk through a ride, it's to make your experience better and degrades everyone elses. How do you like it when someone pushes a stroller into your ankle or pushes past you in the park? That's someone else trying to hurry up and make their experience better while degrading yours. You can experience the ride and have the same enjoyment being quiet too. (/soapbox)

hear! hear!


New Member
I've been known to talk and sing loudly on Space Mountain.:lookaroun
(Can't help it, it's so dark and everything that you feel like no one can hear you. Sorta like in the shower.:ROFLOL:)


New Member
My sister and I say the things in the briefing rooms some times, but very quietly cuz we are shy.

One time though in the briefing room for RnRc there was a teenage boy, bout 18-19 maybe, and he had been on the ride lots of times because of what he said.
When the lady is like we can't take them, he was like "C'mon thats not nice" and funny things like that that made a lot, about 3/4 maybe more, of the room laugh. The funniest thing was when the lady is like "Let's make it a stretch"
and replied "How bout a Super Stretch!" and then of course she replied "No, a super stretch."
It was all really funny.

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