Does Michael Jackson belong at WDW?

Is "Captain EO" (starring Michael Jackson) an appropriate attraction in Disney Parks?

  • Yes, MJ was a great performer who deserves to be honored

    Votes: 105 48.8%
  • No, MJ's personal issues "cross the line" of Disney's standards

    Votes: 110 51.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
You know, and maybe I should not admit this in public, but I once had experience with a grown man that would have me sleepover, sometimes in his bed, when I was a child.

I have come to known this man as, "Dad."

Children literally "sleep with" adults all the time, and not just biological parents. Sometimes the adult is a grandparent, or aunt or uncle, or sometimes a close friend of the parent, or even a babysitter. I know plenty of adults that would treat the children of their close friends as their own, and in no way-shape-or-form fear inappropriateness.

At the end of the day, we should not forget that MJ was a father. His children have consistently displayed evidence of heart-breaking love and appreciation for their late dad. To intrude on the sanctity of his role as a father... :cry:


Well-Known Member
I don't get your first part. His controversial past isn't anywhere in WDW. The only thing about MJ that's in WDW is a 3D sci-fi film he did in the 80s and maybe a photo of him somewhere in MGM. It's not as though Disney has erected a museum to MJ chronicling his life similar to Walt Disney in One Man's Dream.

I'm horribly offended by that statement. All I'm trying to do is have a civil conversation and express my concern for the growing number of similar threads relating to MJ. God forbid someone come forth and say "Hey, you guys are bringing up the same points in numerous threads." If you don't like my posts why do you keep reading and responding? Is someone not allowed to bring up a true statement because you do not approve of its point?

First, if MJ is being used at WDW all his baggage comes with it and is is reasonable to discuss that.

Second, you weren't trying to have a civil conversation. You were chastising posters for expressing their views. You were trying to drag down a vibrant interesting conversation.

Third, I didn't say you couldn't post, I only asked why you keep jumping in, not to actually participate, but to just berate.

Fourth, your fact was absolutely false, this is the only thread actually dedicated to this topic.

Finally, if you are offended by anything posted on these boards, especially the absolutely civil and banal comments I made, I feel sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
I simply don't have time to read over 100+ replies, so all I got to say is this. The 1st accuser has admitted that nothing inappopriate went on, and Michael was found not guilty when it came to the second accuser, and I think there's a reason he was found not guilty.

Now, guilty or not, the fact is, Michael Jackson, love him or hate him, is probably the greatest entertainer to ever live. Again, he was found not guilty, and I think he should be honored.

Wow so many things are just wrong in this post.:ROFLOL:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I simply don't have time to read over 100+ replies, so all I got to say is this. The 1st accuser has admitted that nothing inappopriate went on, and Michael was found not guilty when it came to the second accuser, and I think there's a reason he was found not guilty.

Now, guilty or not, the fact is, Michael Jackson, love him or hate him, is probably the greatest entertainer to ever live. Again, he was found not guilty, and I think he should be honored.

Honor your mother and father....honor the lord....DO NOT honor someone of the ilk of Michael Jackson. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Reread your post. You didn't say anything about one of the top 10 entertainers, now did you? No you didn't, you said probably the greatest ever. Not by a long shot. And, yes, I say this Honestly.

it's just my opinion that MJ is the greatest entertainer ever, and I would certainly think that many many other people would say the same thing


Well-Known Member
First, if MJ is being used at WDW all his baggage comes with it and is is reasonable to discuss that.

Second, you weren't trying to have a civil conversation. You were chastising posters for expressing their views. You were trying to drag down a vibrant interesting conversation.

Third, I didn't say you couldn't post, I only asked why you keep jumping in, not to actually participate, but to just berate.

Fourth, your fact was absolutely false, this is the only thread actually dedicated to this topic.

Finally, if you are offended by anything posted on these boards, especially the absolutely civil and banal comments I made, I feel sorry for you.

Ok, prove the first one. To me, it seems as though the only way to bring MJ's baggage with him is if you bring it yourself. So I would like proof that because MJ is at WDW, his baggage has come with him. I have yet to hear of any accusations that EO came out of the screen and touched a small boy, but I have not been up to the office in a few days. Maybe I will hear about it tomorrow when I get to work. But even so, I'd still like to see your proof.

Second, don't tell me what I'm trying to do and what I'm not trying to do. You want to attack me so you're going to percieve my post as a threat to everyone else. I'm trying to be civil, but you keep trying to force upon me that I am not and are attempting to start a fight. But I hold myself on a much higher level, so you're wasting your time.

Third, I am participating. It may not be how you like it, and it may not be your opinion, but it is participation. I merely made a point, but because you don't agree with my point, you are accusing me of berating the other posters, which I do not come here for. You are the one doing the berating, and it is of my posts and opinions.

Fourth, apparently you have not been around and just joined the other day. There have been numerous threads about MJ being in WDW. Just because you don't want to believe it, does not mean it is not true. You're making yourself out to be very ignorant because you want badly to be correct about this.

Finally, your comments have slowly degraded into attacks upon me and my posts because they do not agree with your opinion. I am not sorry I do not agree with you but I do feel sorry for you because you refuse to acknowledge simple truths. But that's ok, we welcome all types at WDW. I appreciate your concern about me, but I don't need your pity. It is better used on yourself. For future reference, I would like you to think about using the search button in the forums. That way situations like this will not happen to you again.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
You realize the man molested children (plural), right? You find that funny?
No. "The man" didn't.

He was accused and exonerated. Unless you were personally present to witness otherwise [which would make you as deplorable as you accuse him of being] or, God forbid, was a child actually molested by him [which makes you pitiable], you cannot state that as fact.


Well-Known Member
I just did.

Watch, it's a two'fer: OJ killed his wife. I didn't personally witness that one either.
Krack runs over old ladies with her car.

There. I don't need evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to state things as fact anymore so I said it: Krack is an old lady killer.

In both cases the jury could not decide beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime occured. It doesn't mean that it didn't, but if a jury couldn't decide then there was something there that pointed the jury in the other direction. The way I think of it, if the doubt was there in the court room, that should transfer to the real world.

Whether the accusations of molestation is enough to tarnish a reputation so much that a person shouldn't be represented in WDW is a valid arguement, but I don't think that any of us are in a position to definitively say that a crime occured.

Now, I eagerly await: "Judicial system is corrupt." "I don't care, I've made up my mind." and possibly "Blah blah blah HORIZONS!"

EO doesn't belong in Epcot because a park dedicated to the future shouldn't be reviving 25 year old films. That's the extent of it for me.


Active Member
EO doesn't belong in Epcot because a park dedicated to the future shouldn't be reviving 25 year old films. That's the extent of it for me.

That is what this discussion should be about, not just because I agree with your point but all the other arguements are not furthering the discussion as to whether or not WDW will remain the leader in theme parks. In my opinion...rehashing 3D videos from the early 80's is not keeping WDW competitive. Once the MJ fans see the film the interest will die off very quickly. What then WDW?

Want to "honor" the entertainer? Put something, some kind of display, not a show that takes away from other attractions, in DHS that people can go see if they want. Isn't that the entertainment park?:shrug:


Think for yourselfer
Krack runs over old ladies with her car.

There. I don't need evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to state things as fact anymore so I said it: Krack is an old lady killer.

In both cases the jury could not decide beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime occured. It doesn't mean that it didn't, but if a jury couldn't decide then there was something there that pointed the jury in the other direction. The way I think of it, if the doubt was there in the court room, that should transfer to the real world.

Whether the accusations of molestation is enough to tarnish a reputation so much that a person shouldn't be represented in WDW is a valid arguement, but I don't think that any of us are in a position to definitively say that a crime occured.

Now, I eagerly await: "Judicial system is corrupt." "I don't care, I've made up my mind." and possibly "Blah blah blah HORIZONS!"

EO doesn't belong in Epcot because a park dedicated to the future shouldn't be reviving 25 year old films. That's the extent of it for me.

Well as much as this post made me chuckle, I have to take issue with a couple things. One, just saying krack kills old ladies is much different then him being accused and investigated, then paying you 15 million dollars to just shut up about it.

And in our courts the burden of proof is on the prosecution. So even if it is 95% that someone committed a crime, but there is a hint of doubt, that person skates. Not to get into the merits of our judicial system or anything, but being declared innocent is much different then being proved innocent. IMO, and the opinion of many many people, he was more then likely guilty of the crimes he was accused of. And even if he was not, the other things he was guilty of doing are more then enough for me to wish they would keep him out of WDW.

The Disney Kid

Well-Known Member
No. "The man" didn't.

He was accused and exonerated. Unless you were personally present to witness otherwise [which would make you as deplorable as you accuse him of being] or, God forbid, was a child actually molested by him [which makes you pitiable], you cannot state that as fact.

He was accused twice. Only once was he exonerated. The other time he settled out of court for $20 million. You don't cough up $20 million in hush money unless there is something to hush up.:hammer:

Mr. Morrow

New Member
I feel like you skip reading every two posts. I don't care about the alleged actions. I care about the confirmed, confessed actions. Google Living With Michael Jackson to see what the man admitted to in his own words.

EDIT: I wouldn't have to say "alleged" anyways. I'm not an attorney, judge, politician, columnist, or reporter.

I saw it he said the kids slept in his bed. Never once did he admitt to sexula assult. I think some people were simply thring to get some money. It wouldn't be the first time. Tawana Brawley, The Duke Lacross case, David Letterman.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Lets be honest his records were criminal.


Bo Selecta


Well-Known Member
You realize the man molested children (plural), right? You find that funny?

No, I believe you misunderstood me, I meant that Unkadug's comment before mine cracked me up. I absolutely do not believe that the accusations against MJ were funny.

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