Does anyone else still...


Original Poster
cry at live performances of Beauty & The Beast? I saw a local high school production of the musical (cried) and the live show at MGM in Septmeber (cried even harder!) and just today at the 100 Years of Magic Ice Show (in good old Trenton, NJ) cried again. The ending just gets me every time (I think it's something to do with the redemptive power of love :) ). Good thing I can handle the video, or DD would think I was nuts (maybe I am, a little! :D).

Anyways, is there a piece of Disney Magic that never gets old for you? Please share!



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
cry at live performances of Beauty & The Beast? I saw a local high school production of the musical (cried) and the live show at MGM in Septmeber (cried even harder!) and just today at the 100 Years of Magic Ice Show (in good old Trenton, NJ) cried again. The ending just gets me every time (I think it's something to do with the redemptive power of love :) ). Good thing I can handle the video, or DD would think I was nuts (maybe I am, a little! :D).

Anyways, is there a piece of Disney Magic that never gets old for you? Please share!


It interesting that even if you know how a movie/play ends it can still get to you.

Yes, I too have found myself tearing up at plays and movies, even though I knew what was about to happen.


New Member
I cry like a blubbering idiot! Belle loved the Beast for who he was on the inside. This sets a high standard for all of us.


Well-Known Member
Amy...Hi!!...I miss you..How is Emily?..:)

Ok....Beauty and The Beast is my FAVORITE and I cry also...I love it..I also cry at the end of the movie...:)

Watching wishes and Spectromagic also do it for me....and when I walk down main Street for the first time..I also tear up....

I cry at commercials though and I also cry if I catch the last few minutes of a movie or show ..even though I have watched it fifty million times I think a lot of people do it or we are just big old babies...;)


New Member
Disney's Beauty and the Beast toured the UK and me my son and mil went and did't know what to expect but to cut a long story short its was wonderful and yes i cried i hate to say it but it was better than MGM but MGM still gets me every time:cry:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I cry like a blubbering idiot! Belle loved the Beast for who he was on the inside. This sets a high standard for all of us.

Psychologically speaking, you can also argue that Belle loved the Beast for the man she was able to shape him into becoming. He was uncouth, uncivil, unsocial to the point of being sociopathic, but she "worked" with him, and made him someone she COULD fall in love with, the perfect gentleman slash warrior. Someone who could kick anybody's a$$ but still sensitive and gentle & loving.

And then he became, like, totally hot.

Not trying to psychoanalyze anyone on the boards honest, but I've seen plenty of women in my life date, live with and marry men who were total tools, and they made it their life mission to "change" him. And I'm sure most of us know at least one woman in a similar boat, trying to mold a guy who doesn't want to be molded into a gentleman he doesn't want to be, to the point of ignoring obvious character flaws. Putting up with months of Nasty for the occasional night of Nice. The couple that makes you ask "Doesn't she know that she can do better?"

While BatB has fun characters, zippy songs & exciting action sequences, it is the ultimate "I can change him" fantasy. The main difference between its story and most contemporary scenarios is that Belle wasn't necessarily looking to fall in love with the Beast. Mainly, she saw herself as being stuck with this SOB, perhaps for the rest of her life, and while she couldn't escape, she had enough inner strength to not be willing to put up with his crap eternally. She had to change him in order to make a situation she was forced to live with, better. But once she "civilized" him, (or, if you prefer, changed him back into the wonderful person he USED to be before he became such a hard-a$$, and isn't every hard-a$$ a perfect gentleman deep inside once you teach him to remember to be a perfect gentleman?) oh, what a wonderful man to have around the house.


Well-Known Member
Mickey's Philharmagic made my eyes tear up, also the pre-show movie at Honey I shrunk the Audience where the little boy is looking for his lost dog. On my last day of every WDW trip I go to the Magic KIngdom and stay till closing, as I leave the park I turn towards the castle for one more look and with tears in my eyes say "thank you Disney for another great time,see ya real soon". :(


Well-Known Member
Lol, gee I'm surprised my husband hasn't responded to this, I cry at pretty much everything when it comes to disney, Walking into the park for the first time on your trip and hearing the music on mainstreet, My girls interacting with the cahracters, parades oh god I fill up, I love the share a dream come true parade's new music , spectromagic, and oh yes ROE gets me, especially the music "we go on " and " promise" its one thing to listen to it at home, but actually being there and walking around hearing it, totally different!!
Watching our videos's from past vacations.....yeah blubbering fool...years ago before we had kids we were watching magical moments parade, back when the characters got off the floats and danced with the crowd, well fairy gomother comes up to a little girl next to us and says"well hello again sweetie, remember we had breakfast together this morning?" well the little girls eyes lit up and she went toi dance with the fairy godmother, after they were done she brought back the little girl to her parents , turned to her and said"now remember just how much your fairy godmother loves you." Yup I lost it right there.....yup thats me ....moooooshballl!!!


New Member
You sound like me! I cried at the live performance of Lion King and also when we went to see Beauty & The Beast at our local live theatre.

Ok, maybe not MAJOR waterworks, but I was crying a little and it was sort of embarrassing!! :lol:


New Member
I'm so glad I'm not alone with the blubbering!!! I always get so emotional on the ferry when you can see the castle full on, or walking onto Main Street USA thinking "I can't believe I waited so long to come back!" I guess it's all the sounds & smells and just everything about Disney that gets me. My DH doesn't get it, but to me it really is magic and if you cant cry about that, what can you??!!


Active Member
Whenever I hear "When you wish upon a star" I get choked up! It's always the music at Disney that makes me cry...I am so glad that I am not the only one who gets teary eyed! :eek: :cry:


New Member I'm reading this thread and I'm thinking...sure, there are some things that I tear up over...and then I start reading everyone's posts and I'm tearing up over that...thinking "oh yeah - that's a good one" and "yeah - me too." I'm doomed.


New Member
I got teary eyed when we watched the train come in and did the countdown to enter Magic Kingdom the year we took my step-daughter. Don't ask me why---that's not really that mushy. I also get that way still during American Adventure at the end. I cried the other day just reading the story about getting to stay a night in Cinderella's castle. Tear.


Ok I'm a guy, but I still get choked up about many Disney things, but now I'm really in trouble as I just got married at WDW this past December. And I dont think my wife and I will ever be able to look at WDW the same after our incredble wedding. We just had our families over for a "SuperBowl & Sweethearts" party where we watched our Disney wedding video for the first time. And I promise you even the people in the family who never cry had to wipe a tear or two.

For all you emotional types and since V-Day is just around the corner, If you would like a good cry just read my post about our Disney is in my signature...I warn you grab a tissue first!


Original Poster
Well thank you all for sharing!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Reading these made me think of all the wonderful Disney memories I have and dream even more about going back...and, yep, probably crying at MGM again!

May all your wishes come true! :wave:

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