Do you take your cell phone in the park & where do you keep it?


Well-Known Member
I carry a Vera Bradley hipster. It's actually big enough to carry my phone and DSLR camera because once you have compared the pics between those two items, there is no comparison of photo quality. Also, the purse is soft, somewhat padded, providing protection for the fragile items and is machine washable. I do carry a gallon sized zip lock bag and put the whole purse in it when we ride Splash, just in case. When we're done, dry it off and put it away again.


Well-Known Member
I do not take it into the park and that is one of the main reasons we will not be headed back anytime soon (among some others). I am strapped to my phone and customers whims for 51 weeks a year and when I am on vacation the very last thing I want is my cell phone and the need to have to carry it to get the most out of the most recent iteration of MM+ and FP+ is far too over the top...I want to connect with my family on vacation and not to AT&T.


Well-Known Member
and the need to have to carry it to get the most out of the most recent iteration of MM+ and FP+

Actually you don't need your phone at all really. It's good for wait times or if your going to use it as a camera but other than that there really is no need. You can't schedule more FP from it and while you can make dining reservations, I would guess most people would schedule those in advance. When I was there in July last year, I was the only one in my group that even downloaded the MDE app. The most valuable thing it provided me was wait times so that we could check to see if there was a sudden drop on any of the big E-ticket rides.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
I am another firm advocate of the "leave the phone in the room brigade".
If i want a picture i have a camera for that or the photopass people for M+G.It is awfully relaxing just to spend the best part of two weeks completely shut off from the outside world and just in the company of my DW.
As for the quality of pictures debate it depends what you want the pictures for.If you are going to post straight to social media then phone images are great.If you want to do any post processing of images then a good camera will always provide better data.
Having been with a DSLR before i found it can get pretty involved and bulky with lenses etc so i have switched to a canon mirrorless camera that gives the flexibility i want in half the size.I have also invested in a gopro for video.


Well-Known Member
On our most recent trip last month, I took my 6 plus and kept it in my pocket during the trip. It was my only camera and the pics were excellent. If you do frequently use your phone as camera, just make sure to have a strong case on it in case it drops.


Well-Known Member
We were part of the "no phone at WDW" until our last visit. I was ablessing to move our fastpasses around based on lines as I got to the attractions. By doing this, we were able to get
our DGS (2) and DGD (9mos) on many attractions before leaving at 1pm for naps...on Jan. 2nd.

Buzz, Dumbo (2x), Mermaid, Pooh (2x), TeaCups (3x), Carousel (2x), Peter Pan, Haunted Mansion, Riverboat, Pirates, Jungle Cruise (2x), Carpets, Move It Shake It parade, Tiki Room, Small World

Midmorning Dole Whip and lunch at Columbia Harbor

We couldn't have done this without the phone. My DH also used it to take photos. He has an SD card for extra storage.


Well-Known Member
On our first trip to Disney (Christmas 2012) we saw a couple loudly arguing in the locker room. They were yelling because they had spent 2 hours looking for each other (and accusing each other of not coming to their meeting point) when, in actuality, they had both arrived but were on opposite sides of the street. The crowds were so large that they kept missing each other. At the time, my wife and I remarked how easily that could have been us (the missing part...not the arguing part) if we didn't have our cell phones. Frequently, we would get separated and need to call to reconnect. I wouldn't go to Disney now without one (and also not without a battery pack to recharge).


Well-Known Member
Dark rides and night shots I miss the versatility of my DSLR as it performed better in low light.
This is an excellent point, actually. iPhone cameras perform brilliantly in daylight and indoor light, but have a tiny sensor -- they're useless in low light conditions without a flash. That said, I got some surprisingly decent fireworks shots this last trip. But if you want to get any shots on dark rides without a flash (PLEASE don't use a flash!!), you'll need a DSLR, which I personally have no desire to tote around.

As a photographer this makes me die somewhat inside.
It shouldn't. The equipment doesn't define a photographer vs. a non-photographer. I studied photography in college, used view cameras, built my own cameras, and used a 35mm Nikon for years. The best camera is often what's most available. An iPhone is thin, small, and does a better job than a lot of purpose-built cameras on the market.


Well-Known Member
the need to have to carry it to get the most out of the most recent iteration of MM+ and FP+ is far too over the top...
You don't need it at all for MM+ while in the parks. It's handy if you want to check wait times or character meeting times ("Oh hey, Mickey's over in Adventureland, and there's a 10-minute wait for Pirates, let's head over there!") but once you've made your FP+ reservations it's not needed at all. Leave it in the room and have a good time.


Well-Known Member
OP has an iPhone so not possible, even newer Samsung, LG, and other popular Android phones are moving away from replaceable batteries. A portable charger generally is around $50 for a good one that will give you an extra 100% in a day where an extra cell phone battery if yours can take one is generally 40-80 so depends but generally speaking a charger is a better way to go.
I've gotten them for $10....


Well-Known Member
All the leave the real world behind, detach, separate, you don't need it for MM+, etc. chat...I get it. Personally, I like to be able to check the wait times to see if we should hop over to say, HS or EPCOT. I'm not glued to my phone, waking into people while texting, checking work emails...I get the most out of the bubble, too.

However, with a father who suffered a cardiac event the day I returned from Disney after our last trip that resulted in months on life support, a coma, rehab, etc. and now a mom with stage 4 breast cancer, there is no way I would ever leave my phone in the room. I often think what if my dad's situation occurred mid-trip on a day we were commando at the parks from open to close and they couldn't reach me... It would have been horrible for them, and me when I found out. I am available to the people that matter 24/7, even at Disney.

Just a thought.
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Well-Known Member
It shouldn't. The equipment doesn't define a photographer vs. a non-photographer. I studied photography in college, used view cameras, built my own cameras, and used a 35mm Nikon for years. The best camera is often what's most available. An iPhone is thin, small, and does a better job than a lot of purpose-built cameras on the market.

This is true I used to carry a small point and shoot before smartphone cameras became feasible replacements.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I have my phone on me while at the parks normally because it's part of a group and split up everynow and then and text to meet up again. It's always in a front pocket too or a secure cargo short pocket. I always keep it on vibrate not to disturb a ride or show, which depending on the show or ride I couldn't hear it ring anyway, plus I don't want to be that guy. As for MDE app I screen shot my fastpasses for the day and set it as my lock screen so I don't have to kill my battery loading the app. It's definatly helpful and pretty convenient, at least I think so.
That's basically what I do. I screenshot every day and then save them in the pictures.

I do use it for checking wait times, though.


I bought a very small pack to keep mine and my wife's phones in so I don't have to worry about them falling out of a pocket. I can also put my wallet in it so I'm not sitting on it.

It's small enough that I can put it in a cargo pocket on my shorts so I don't need to go through a bag check line.


Well-Known Member
Although we "travel light" in the parks, DH and I both take our phones (he has a Smartphone and I have an old-fashioned phone that "only calls people"). ;) I keep mine (in a ziploc baggie if we're going on Splash Mountain or Kali River Rapids) inside my small crossbody purse. DH keeps his in a pocket of his cargo shorts.


Well-Known Member
I wear jeans or Capri's with belt loops and wear a belt. I hook my camera case onto the belt. In my picture you see a cell phone/credit card holder that also has a belt loop. Then I have an eyeglass case with a hook that I hook onto the loop of my jeans to alternate sun glasses/reading glasses and finally I have a coin purse with a hook that I put my license, credit card and some $$$ in, which I tuck into my pocket for safekeeping. We keep our phones on vibrate and message each other if my family gets seperated.


Well-Known Member
A ziploc is fine for "you might get wet" rides, but I've got one of those pouches; for $10, it's as good as a waterproof case. I've used my iPhone and camera while diving with no problem. Wish i had it on Shark Reef.

The pouches are NOT rated in any meaningful way, like an Otterbox or LifeProof (same company now anyway).

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