Do you see WDW in non-Disney things?


Original Poster
Hello All:
So I am at work watching a promotional DVD from EMC (a technology company I work in I.T.) Anyway, I am watching this DVD and right away I think I am riding SSE. There is about 3 minutes of the DVD talking about the history of communication and no matter how many times I watch it every time I think SSE?!? Maybe its WDW withdrawal but I was wondering what other things you see WDW in, in everyday life? :)


Well-Known Member
Hello All:
So I am at work watching a promotional DVD from EMC (a technology company I work in I.T.) Anyway, I am watching this DVD and right away I think I am riding SSE. There is about 3 minutes of the DVD talking about the history of communication and no matter how many times I watch it every time I think SSE?!? Maybe its WDW withdrawal but I was wondering what other things you see WDW in, in everyday life? :)

With me it's mostly smells. A smell can take me back to WDW faster than anything. The burning smell in Spaceship Earth, the Main Street Bakery smell, even popcorn. Oh and water. . .sometimes even the water here smells like Florida water. Sometimes the smell of shampoo in the morning reminds me of mornings in the hotels getting ready to go to the parks. So many, many smells throughout the day transport me back there. . .and I love it!

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Absolutley !! I recently had some coupons fall out of a newspaper and there was one for some cookies or cookie dough and the pictured cookie reminded me of a hidden Mickey.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness I'm not the only one:D . To me living in chicago I too have some withdrawls and see Disney World in my Day to day life. First off the community college has some resemblance to the hey-day of Early Epcot..Don't know why..but it does to me. Secondly..If I really need a fix..I go to the Museums out in the City...First the biggest one would have to be The Museum of Science & Industy...It's EPCOT packed into a museum..It Talks about Energy, The Land, Wonders of Life, Space Travel, it also has tons of hands on activites like Innoventions. To make it even more like the Magic Kingdom they have Colleen Moore's fairy castle that has a portrait of Mickey and Minnie that Disney added to this huge Dollhouse and the Streets of Yesteryear that makes it like walking down Main Street at Night. Then when I need a World Showcase fix I head to The Field Musuem where there's tons upon Tons of Artifacts and adjacent to the Field Museum is The Shedd Aquairum that has a Living Seas feel to it...minus Clownfish.


New Member
Thank goodness I'm not the only one:D . To me living in chicago I too have some withdrawls and see Disney World in my Day to day life. First off the community college has some resemblance to the hey-day of Early Epcot..Don't know why..but it does to me. Secondly..If I really need a fix..I go to the Museums out in the City...First the biggest one would have to be The Museum of Science & Industy...It's EPCOT packed into a museum..It Talks about Energy, The Land, Wonders of Life, Space Travel, it also has tons of hands on activites like Innoventions. To make it even more like the Magic Kingdom they have Colleen Moore's fairy castle that has a portrait of Mickey and Minnie that Disney added to this huge Dollhouse and the Streets of Yesteryear that makes it like walking down Main Street at Night. Then when I need a World Showcase fix I head to The Field Musuem where there's tons upon Tons of Artifacts and adjacent to the Field Museum is The Shedd Aquairum that has a Living Seas feel to it...minus Clownfish.

The Shedd does have clownfish.

There are lots of Disney-related things in Chicago, starting with the house where Walt Disney was born. It's still there. I know the Sears Tower elevators were redesigned with the help of Imagineers (not the ones who did Tower of Terror...I think). Imagineers, or former Imagineers, were involved in retooling the Chicago History Museum.

The annual Festival of Lights always features Mickey Mouse. You can ride the "L" and pretend you're on the monorail -- if you can get past the scent of urine, the annoying one-sided conversations of people on cell phones and other urban delights. You can watch the City Council debate and pretend it's the Hall of Presidents. OK, that's a stretch. More like it's a small world.

The Adler Planetarium has a room that's reminiscent of Spaceship Earth. There's a comedy club at Downtown Disney. We have the Cubs. Plus, with all the ethnic neighborhoods, there are more (and much, much, much better) restaurants than Epcot. Chicago can be your World Showcase. You can even take the Wendella Boat Ride to pretend you're on Rio del Tiempo.

Maybe Disney should do one of those Disney Destination packages for Chicago. That'd be cool.


Well-Known Member
The Shedd does have clownfish.
Yes..This is true..I'm referring before they NEMO-Fied the Pavillion.

There are lots of Disney-related things in Chicago, starting with the house where Walt Disney was born. It's still there. I know the Sears Tower elevators were redesigned with the help of Imagineers (not the ones who did Tower of Terror...I think). Imagineers, or former Imagineers, were involved in retooling the Chicago History Museum.
Also in the McDonald's at Water Tower place has a Portrait of Walt Disney

The annual Festival of Lights always features Mickey Mouse. You can ride the "L" and pretend you're on the monorail
Good thing I live by the Rosemont Blue line I play my MP3 and listen to the Monrail Speils and I'm gonna do that when I see the Lights that weekend.[/quote]

Maybe Disney should do one of those Disney Destination packages for Chicago. That'd be cool.

Too Bad DisneyQuest Chicago doesn't exsist anymore:cry: ...It's a stupid Furniture store now...The only thing that's still there is the Elevators the Employee's used and you can still vision the layout if you've been there.


Well-Known Member
Yep, happens to me all the time. At least once a week I see or experience something that reminds me of Disney. My wife just rolls her eyes. There's a little glass pyramid on top of one of the malls in Tallahassee and everytime I see it I think of Figment. Our civic center at a glance resembles the old Horizons.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Actually, as I was dozing off at the musical West Side Story last Friday night, each time I started dozing, I would start dreaming about Disney.....then I would snore and wake myself up.

We left at intermission. :lookaroun :lol:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Actually, as I was dozing off at the musical West Side Story last Friday night, each time I started dozing, I would start dreaming about Disney.....then I would snore and wake myself up.

We left at intermission. :lookaroun :lol:

I HATE when that happens. :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member

Anyway, it happens more often than perhaps I would like it to. But, at least we've got a hobby, right? :D :lookaroun


New Member
man.... i know what you mean.. for me it's rice krispy treats.... I've been trying to perfect them like the ones in disney world shaped like Mickey...

The other day I watched the re-run of Family Matters when they go to disney world... even as lame as that episode was.. it made me teary.


Well-Known Member
When I hear certain songs for some reason they remind me of Disney.When I go to WDW and some songs that get played alot stay in my head then years later I hear the song and it reminds me of WDW.
Also every time I see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory I think of WDW.


Well-Known Member
I am always reminded of Disney because I am always comparing attractions to Disney. I have noticed that the local zoo has Animal Kingdom-ized itself a lot lately. And I've been to several science/museum exhibits that remind me of interactive exhibits in Epcot.


New Member
With me it's mostly smells. A smell can take me back to WDW faster than anything. The burning smell in Spaceship Earth, the Main Street Bakery smell, even popcorn. Oh and water. . .sometimes even the water here smells like Florida water. Sometimes the smell of shampoo in the morning reminds me of mornings in the hotels getting ready to go to the parks. So many, many smells throughout the day transport me back there. . .and I love it!
I knew I wasn't the only one who smells Disney in random things!

I swear, sometimes at night outside, I smell the Magic Kingdom before closing time. It's an awesome smell. :)
You people are all CRAZY! I am just kidding, I always play the Soarin soundtrack at work. It gives me a quick "fix". I always think of Disney when I am at a large mall or a store like Bass Pro Shops.


New Member
Okay- so today I realized a new thing that reminded me of Disney World.....

I work at Duke and some of the sidewalks are made out of what it seems like German Blocks, so when I drive over them in my car I feel like I am on Test Track, of course!!!!

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