Do you have any secret spots in Disney World to sneak a Power Nap???


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While not at your resort.. do you have any secret spots to catch a quick power nap to recharge ??

Something like .... Hall Of Presidents perhaps??? :king:

Sometimes to lose conciousness just for a few minutes can reset my body and give me energy to feel good as new!

I wish that the Tomorowland Transit Authority was a bit longer so i could fall asleep for a few mins hehe :snore:


Active Member
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
While not at your resort.. do you have any secret spots to catch a quick power nap to recharge ??

Something like .... Hall Of Presidents perhaps??? :king:

Sometimes to lose conciousness just for a few minutes can reset my body and give me energy to feel good as new!

I wish that the Tomorowland Transit Authority was a bit longer so i could fall asleep for a few mins hehe :snore:

Impressions de France. Nothing better than a quiet movie with nothing but French impressionistic music in a dark, air conditioned theatre, that usually isn't very crowded. I've caught some much needed zzzzs in there a few times.


New Member
Ellen's Energy Adventure can provide a very LONG nap. If you can sleep through dinosaurs.

Tom Sawyer Island. Find a nice, secluded rocking chair and just :snore:
I hate to say it cause it is one of my favorites, but C of progress. I love that thing, yet on a hot day, with a full belly, it can happen. I just wake up when sport barks.


New Member
American Adventure...sorry, I always end up falling asleep also, Hall of Presidents and CoP.....I know it sounds anti-American, but the air-conditioning just relaxes me.


New Member
You mean... people sleep in the parks over the age of 7?? J/K, but the only place I've seen someone older than first grade sleep is in HoP- my 12-year old brother this past trip...I was ready to kill him, but that's somewhat unrelated to un-Americanishness...


Depending on how good of a sleeper you are, I'd try Spaceship Earth. Though, you really have to be able to block out distractions, but with the amount that ride has issues with stopping, it can be a good nap. Plus I'm sure one of the cast members would be nice enough to give you a wakeup call.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The best place for combat Z's is Spaceship earth, the gentle rocking of the cars and lulling hum of the electrical motors Jessers dulset tones, perfect snoozville.

except sleep is for Wimps :animwink:


Account Suspended
i have taken naps at the expostion hall on main street before. just go to the theatre where they show the early disney cartoons and find a seat. when you wake up jump on the train next door.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
You guys are really making me for a digital camera and scanner now.

One of my favorite WDW theme photo opps is to find people sleeping.

I have one of a woman sleeping sitting up outside Ice Station Cool.

I have another of a man lying on a bench opposite the entrance to TTA.

But my prize possession is of a woman reading a book :confused: :confused: on a bench by Cinderella's Golden Carrousel.


Well-Known Member
for those of you who said American Adventure... you must be out of your mind. the song from that show, "Golden Dream" has to be one of the best on property!

as far as nap taking-
Hall of Presidents (Iago has his own bed there... anyone know what this alludes to?)
Tom Sawyer's Island
Ellen's Energy Adventure (45 minute nap!!!)
The Tiki Room (take ear plugs)
The Expo on Main Street... in all honesty, this really is a great place to take a nap, and there is hardly ever anyone in there! it plays old disney cartoons too!


Well-Known Member
Yellow Shoes said:
You guys are really making me for a digital camera and scanner now.

One of my favorite WDW theme photo opps is to find people sleeping.

I have one of a woman sleeping sitting up outside Ice Station Cool.

I have another of a man lying on a bench opposite the entrance to TTA.

But my prize possession is of a woman reading a book :confused: :confused: on a bench by Cinderella's Golden Carrousel.

don't forget, they might be CMs! I went on a day off and went walking (for excercise) through World Showcase... and if i would have had my digital jukebox then, i would have taken it!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Yellow Shoes said:
I have another of a man lying on a bench opposite the entrance to TTA.

Time it right and you can get lots of tired and emotional people at the food and wine festival :animwink:


New Member
COP is awesome for a naps..So is spaceship earth. Believe it or not, I love napping on the TTA, suprised no one has said that yet...The breeze up there paired with the sounds of tommorowland are awesome!


New Member
On my sisters band trip they were soo tired after geting to the Magic Kingdom after an all night bus ride they slept in the Hall of Presidents, Phillharmagic, and the swan dock. I have also found spaceship earth nice to sleep on.


New Member
U of E and SE in Epcot. TTA and H of P at MK. On a hot summer day the U of E wipes me right out- sleeping like a baby. I fell asleep once on the Great Movie ride and the Gangster ragged on me from 2 cars up-It was bad.My wife was mortified and I was as red as a cherry.I don't recommend this. :eek:

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