Cowboy Steve
Well-Known Member
I get more defensive when they say "Why go to Disney when you can go to Six Flags for half the price? It's the same thing. It's just an amusement park.
PFFFT. uh.. PFT. NO. I'm so defensive about this topic I had to make an 8 minute video discussing the difference between an amusement park and a theme park.
Totally onboard with that! As my side 'fun' job I worked 14 years in the safety department of the amusement park voted best on the planet 14 of the last 15 years here in Ohio. I'm very passionate about the park and still would go several times a month with anyone that wanted to go (working there did not sour my enthusiasm for the park one bit)! But I will be the first to point out there is a big difference between an amusement park and a theme park. They are 2 entirely different cultures and experiences. Disney is still king of the theme parks! But I will admit Universal is nipping at their heals. Very impressed with the WWoHP additions to UO. The HP theming (is that a word? Theme - ing?) and quality of the marque attractions are definitely on par with Disney... as is the ability to milk every dime possible from my pockets