I often hear people saying stuff about Disney World and getting it wrong. Often it's people who haven't been often and innocently (but incorrectly) say stuff like "They had this great ride called The Tower of Fear which we did twice". The temptation is always there to correct them, not to belittle them but rather because it annoys me slightly (no idea why?) or it's an opportunity for me to talk Disney with them. As I've gotten older however, I've started to wonder if doing this makes me seem a complete Jackass to them, after all nobody likes being corrected when they get things wrong do they?
When we're queuing to enter the parks we often hear people getting little things wrong when discussing stuff. My wife now knows a bit herself about the parks and so she picks up on it more than she used to do. When she hears it she looks at me knowingly and gives me the stare that says "Do you really want to do this, isn't it better to just let it go". And you know what, I've got to that point in my life where I just smile to myself and leave it, though the temptation is still sometimes there.
The one exception is when somebody is advising somebody else incorrectly and could mess up their visit. For instance telling them there's no height requirement for Space Mountain etc at which point I'd have to say something otherwise they could end up with really disappointed kids. But other than that I just tend to leave it.
What does everyone else on here do though in this situation?
When we're queuing to enter the parks we often hear people getting little things wrong when discussing stuff. My wife now knows a bit herself about the parks and so she picks up on it more than she used to do. When she hears it she looks at me knowingly and gives me the stare that says "Do you really want to do this, isn't it better to just let it go". And you know what, I've got to that point in my life where I just smile to myself and leave it, though the temptation is still sometimes there.
The one exception is when somebody is advising somebody else incorrectly and could mess up their visit. For instance telling them there's no height requirement for Space Mountain etc at which point I'd have to say something otherwise they could end up with really disappointed kids. But other than that I just tend to leave it.
What does everyone else on here do though in this situation?