Do parents really put their older kids in diapers for a trip to Disney world?


New Member
My daughter is almost 4 and has been potty trained for over a year. I think that she would refuse to go back into diapers. And if she didn't refuse and I put her in one anyway, I'd be afraid that she would go backwards and want to wear them all the time. Sure, sometimes the lines are long. But I've never really had a problem with waiting for a bathroom. Plus I think people tend to be a little understanding when you have a young child that has to go potty!

We are taking Abby in March and she won't be wearing a diaper.


Active Member
I don't write just to get my post number up. I write cause I love Disney World and like to talk about it. I see no problem in that. Oh, and I just got that astronaut thing. I don't watch much news.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this has GOT to be a hoax.

By the way, last time I was there I saw a 10 year old :eek: getting his diaper changed.

My 1st thought, "What horrible parents!"


And you're sure the kid didn't have developmental problems?

As to the original question, ah no... I would rather buy a replacement outfit if need be than go back to changing diapers. :hammer: Please!! :lol:


Active Member
You know, for certain kids it might not be a bad idea. When I was a teenager, my friend's little sister was still having the occasional daytime accident at 6. All things considered, it might have been better for her self esteem to let her have a little protection on a high risk day than to suffer the embarrassment of visibly wetting herself. In a situation like that, I think the decision should be tailored to the child's needs and personality.

That being said, throwing diapers on an older kid to avoid having to leave a line is just plain evil.


New Member
If the child has occasional problems or is a 'special needs' case then i don't see any problem in wearing diapers. As far as changing a kid in a que line, absolutly not. Have some respect and courtesy for the park guest around you. Most, if not all, people in line would understand if you had to run to the bathroom to change and hold your place in line. Thats just mutual respect and courtesy for everyone. And makes everyones day more pleasant including the self esteem of the child. This also applies to our older/senior citizens who might not visit the parks because of their personal needs. I know I'd hold a space in line for them.


Well-Known Member
You know, for certain kids it might not be a bad idea. When I was a teenager, my friend's little sister was still having the occasional daytime accident at 6. All things considered, it might have been better for her self esteem to let her have a little protection on a high risk day than to suffer the embarrassment of visibly wetting herself. In a situation like that, I think the decision should be tailored to the child's needs and personality.

That being said, throwing diapers on an older kid to avoid having to leave a line is just plain evil.

Sure, that's a different scenario... but any parent knows that with all things, but toilet training in particular, consistency is key. So if a child needs to wear pull ups or whatever, it shouldn't be just to go on vacation.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own unique systems and needs. So long as it doesn't adversely affect your trip, it really shouldn't matter. As long as it works for them...


I've never heard of this. It sounds like a really bad idea to me...if a child has just been potty trained, putting him or her back into diapers will probably just confuse them. And if the child is older, in the 6/7 year old range, that will just be scarring. I have memories from when I was 6. I wouldn't want any of them being me wearing and/or actually using a diaper.

ITA... it sounds really weird to me; traumatizing for the child.

If someone's that worried, how about packing an extra pair of shorts for the kid in case they wet their pants instead. Better yet, set aside money to buy some shorts if something happens :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own unique systems and needs. So long as it doesn't adversely affect your trip, it really shouldn't matter. As long as it works for them...

I think, what everybody is trying to say is, as long as it doesn't adversely affect the CHILD, it doesn't matter. The trip is what does not matter.


New Member
My 4 year old did have a accident at the animal kingdom last year she had just turned 4 and she was running around playing in the play area and just forgot I took her to the bathroom gave her a change of clothes and we talked about how sometimes things happen it was not a big deal. I would never put my child back in a diaper just take the kid to the bathroom or if they have accidents sometimes bring a change of clothes and a ziplock bag is it really that hard? I hate to say this but I think people have gotten way to selfish about what is best for them and not the kids. I see way to many kids at disney in stollers with pacifiers my 4 year old does not use a stroller or a pacifiers and maybe some kids do need a stroller or a pacifier but a lot of this is just lazy parents a normal 5 year old does not need a diaper or a stroller let alone a 12 year old. I know a lot of people use the strollers for the older kids but I guess they dont have a issue when the kid is 30 living at home with no job because they want them to be lazy.
hey some people put their kids in cages when they are at home. I'm sure you can find some people that put their kids in diapers too. Sounds like lazy or ignorant parents but that's just my opinion.


New Member
I have a 7y daughter and I would never put her a diaper now. If she would be in a big hurry, and there is a long line, I would ask the people on front of the line and explain, and I would let my daughter go in the bath stall by herself so people waiting in line don't think I am lying.


New Member
Not that I want to revive any controversy here, but I have a 9 year old and a 7 year old who regularly still wear diapers for urinary convenience when we go places. Especially like Disney, to a movie theatre, or on vacations. It is not wrong or demining to them unless you the parent make it so. They are just another kind of underwear. My kids don't wear them all the time, but it sure makes life easier on them and us while traveling on the highway or if we are in long lines at an amusement park etc. They both actually can change themselves so it is not like they are being treated like babies. Good quality ( not Depends or store brand junk) Diapers on any one at any age is actually very comfortable and convenient for all. The skin stays dry until it is very full so there is zero chance of rash or any other issues. Just wear loose pants or a loose skirt and no one will even know. Trust me, we do it all the time.
Also to address the one comment about "a 5 year old does not need a diaper". My son did not potty train until he was 4 1/2. We tried everything. So at 5 years old he was still bed wetting and you better believe we put in diapers for anything including grocery shopping we had to do as he was just not ready to grasp it yet. He has not had a day time accident now close to 2 years so things are finally good. But we still will let him wear diapers so he and his sister don't have the potty dance in pain holding themselves trying not to pee themselves situations until we can get to a toilet. A diaper lets them go when they have to and no discomfort. Call me a lazy parent? Well I don't know what is so lazy about having to change a 5 year olds diaper? That takes more work than sending the kid into the bathroom. Sorry I just don't agree with most of the posters on here. My kids still wear diapers now and then for convenience. So what? it is not hurting them or anyone else.

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