Do any of you get motivated?

Speedo Bob

New Member
I notice that there is a large amount of fellow Disney fanatics who get motivated to lose weight and look better for there Disney trips. Being overweight myself I would like to hear if there are any of you out there that have been sucessfull in your fight to look better? I am planning on going on a diet for my trip in November.


New Member
Aw just suck it for Cindy like the guy on the commercial... :lol:

Can't say I've ever dieted for a trip. Had to do that after disney trips though... my wife and I love touring all the restaurants.

Best of luck!
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I am not a fan of diets, but here is an idea- Now that summer is here, how about walking in the mornings or evenings? It's good exercise, plus you'll be prepped for all the miles you'll have to cover during your trip. I exercise regularly, and even so, I have to say that the first couple of days at WDW are always murder on my legs. I may have to take my own advice before my next trip ;)
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Active Member
Originally posted by Moustronaut
Aw just suck it for Cindy like the guy on the commercial... :lol:

Can't say I've ever dieted for a trip. Had to do that after disney trips though... my wife and I love touring all the restaurants.

Best of luck!

As much as I SHOULD diet before (or after for that matter) a trip, I actually find I lose 5 or so lbs when I'm at WDW. I walk virtually everywhere, every chance I get. Oh...and those big swimming pools!

If it were all inclusive, I'd have problems like on my Dominican trip a couple of weeks ago. MMM..."free" beer...

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New Member
I've done the Atkins now for about a month. For the past two weeks, I have cheated a little but basically Im eating low carbs. Ive lost 9 pounds. I would also recommend the treadmill, it will help a lot and get you ready for all the walking. I personally started using self tanners a few days ago, this also helps me look better in my bathing suit.

Have fun! Just remember not to deprive yourself while you're there, otherwise then it's no fun!!
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Well-Known Member
My wife and I are making bets over who will wind up staying in the pool all day after our third park. "You guys go ahead, I'll be happy right here, don't worry about me." Do they let you poor epsom salts in the hot tub?

For those of us who have fought (and continue to fight) the "few pounds over" battle, here's great news:

The Truth About Eating:

For those of you who watch what you eat...Here's
the final word on nutrition and health, and it's a relief
to know the truth after all those conflicting
medical studies:

1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer
heart attacks than the Canadians, British or

2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and also suffer
fewer heart attacks than the Canadians, British or

3. The Japanese drink very little red wine and
suffer fewer heart attacks than the Canadians, British
or Americans.

4. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine
and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the
Canadians, British or Americans.

5. The Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of
sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks
than the Canadians, British or Americans.

6. Ukrainians drink a lot of vodka, eat a lot of
perogies, cabbage rolls and suffer fewer heart
attacks than the Canadians, British or Americans.

Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is
apparently what kills you.
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New Member
I've been walking 2 or 3 miles... 4 to 6 times a week since Jan. 1 2002... I also do some free weights & crunches (not faithfully)... I'm pretty strict with myself during the week, but allow myself some treats on the weekends. I can't really say that I've lost an incredible amount of weight (although I know I should...) but my b/p is down, and I feel much better about myself. Southbeach Diet I've heard some really good things about... it's kind of like the new improved Atkins diet. A friend of mine has lost 9lbs in a week, but she's been totally faithful. I loose while I'm doing Southbeach, but gain when I'm not...

Disneyanna... lots of 17 year olds feel they need to loose weight... be careful and don't get caught in the diet cycle. Eat what's good for you, and exercise! :)
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika
I am not a fan of diets, but here is an idea- Now that summer is here, how about walking in the mornings or evenings? It's good exercise, plus you'll be prepped for all the miles you'll have to cover during your trip. I exercise regularly, and even so, I have to say that the first couple of days at WDW are always murder on my legs. I may have to take my own advice before my next trip ;)

Good advice, Erika!! I agree... if I even try to diet, it just makes me obsess more over food. So I forget that. I have heard, and found to be true for myself, that it is easier to replace a bad habit rather than try to get rid of it. So, instead of saying "I won't eat any cookies (or whatever your weakness is) today" you say "I am going to eat 2 servings of vegetables today." That way you don't feel like you're taking something away. But mostly for me it's all about exercise. I go to the gym at least 3, but usually 4 or 5 days a week. It gives me an excuse to get out of the house and away from the computer! :lol: Plus, with 4 kids, I have to have the energy to keep up with them. It really helps a lot for that.
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Captain Cab

New Member
Try the diet plans by Sugar Busters! If you remain faithful and get some light to moderate exercise every other day, then you'll see major weight loss within a couple of weeks. This plan works wonders, but you have to remain faithful (like any other diet).
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New Member
... I made my Disney Reservations in Feb. of this year for May (just got back :() ANyway, I wanted to lose about 30lbs. The knowing I was going to Disney world totally motivated me!! I didn't lose 30lbs, but i did lose 20!! And even with all the eating in Disney World that I did, the walking that I did there totally crossed out all the junk I ate :) Also Trim Spa helped ;)
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jaimjaim25
oh, one more thing.. just walking 1/2 hour a day will really help if anyone wants to lose weight. Seriosuly, just walking totally works.

Yes, exercise is totally key. It's important to also note that weight bearing exercise, for women in particuar, is very necessary. It has been proven to ward off osteoporosis, and the more muscle you have the higher your resting metabolic rate will be.
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Well-Known Member
Being a dancer I've heard every thing there is to know about deiting and nutrition. I've also heard nutritoinist talk to us numerous times in smmer intensives and these are some things that have helped me to maintain(and lose a little) weight...

1. drink water in place of anything sugary drinks or any sodas

2. Get some exercise

3. Eat lot's af veggies- some like carrots & celery can actually burn more calories than your putting into your mouth so your getting "negetive" calories

4. Don't become discouraged- many prople(including myself) eat more when they're stressed, depressed, ect.

5. Don't completely elliminate your favorite foods just eat them in moderation- many studies have shown that people who just eliminate their favorite foods binge later and that causes them to gain it back.

6. Use the 10% rule- look at the nutrition facts and if there is atleast one things in the Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Iron, or Dietary Fiber that is more than 10% it is a worth while food.

I've also found that rice cakes make a good snack, most are low in calories and low fat or fat free just try to stay away from the more sugary ones.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I have been on a diet since Febuary, and I really dont wanna say how much I lost, cause then you would say whoa, he musta been huge, but what I have been doing is eating whatever I wanted everyday, just keep it under 1500 calories. Then I exercise 2000 calories everynight. I have a stationary bike, and it takes about an hour to burn 2000, and it even has a calorie counter on it. Also, for the first 2 weeks, I didnt eat anything on Monday, just to clean my body out ya know, but I stopped doing that..Try not to eat after 5 to...Also, another great way a drop a pound or two is to go to WDW and have a Giant pretzel. The calorie count is really low, and you burn it off almost right away..also, dont drink any drinks with calories. Lemme just tell you, I have followed this since Febuary, with an off day once a week, and I lost 55 pounds.
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New Member
I have insulin resistance due to cysts on my ovaries. (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Does wacky things to my insulin production. Has caused me to gain weight no matter how I tried to diet, eat in moderation, etc. The ATKINS DIET has worked for me! I started the diet in March and have dropped 40 pounds so far, not including the inches lost. I have never felt better. We are going to WDW in October, I can't wait to see how much more melts away by then. It is so much easier to move around and enjoy so much more when you're healthier:) Also, walking is what I do to keep myself moving. This is good to do several months before a Disney trip anyway - works you up to the walking you'll be doing there! Let us know how much you lose! :sohappy:
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If anyone else is considering the Atkins diet (read: young girls especially) you may want to talk to your doctor first. Many people believe it is dangerous for your body to remain in ketosis for extended perionds of time, and some doctors say it may affect your ability to bear children.

I have a coworker who does Atkins and she seems healthy enough. But it is not for everyone (especially me- being a vegetarian :lol: )
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New Member
I've never dieted for a trip, but I went to the mall tonight and tried on bathing and my flabby belly will be hitting the treadmill first thing in the morning.
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