Do any of you get motivated?

Speedo Bob

New Member
I notice that there is a large amount of fellow Disney fanatics who get motivated to lose weight and look better for there Disney trips. Being overweight myself I would like to hear if there are any of you out there that have been sucessfull in your fight to look better? I am planning on going on a diet for my trip in November.


New Member
OK, I just gotta say one thing about the Atkins diet. Though it really really really works (I went from 160-124) as soon as I went on vacation and decided to have a few burgers, I IMMEDIATELY gained back like 30LBS!! The atkins will only work if you stick to it FOREVER!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jaimjaim25
OK, I just gotta say one thing about the Atkins diet. Though it really really really works (I went from 160-124) as soon as I went on vacation and decided to have a few burgers, I IMMEDIATELY gained back like 30LBS!! The atkins will only work if you stick to it FOREVER!

This is true with all "get thin quick" diets. You loose it then you go back to your normal eating habits and all your hard work goes down the drain. Room1313 I think has the right idea. Just cut down on the intake and increase the out put(eat less exercise more).
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Well-Known Member
Well, another little trick I learned is to take your body weight and times that by 11...Thats how many calories you burn each day without exercise. At Sports Authority, they sell stationary bikes for like 60 bucks, and there well worth it, just make sure it has a calorie counter. Many of you may think its hard to burn calories, but its really not, as I just burned about 6 typing this. For a half an hour of non stop motion, both arms and legs moving, you lose no less than 1000 calories, and there is only 3500 calories in a pound.
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Well-Known Member
Basically the only way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more!!!

However, I agree with Katherine as I am also a dancer, the Atkins diet needs to be discussed with your doctor first. My fiance wanted to go on it but he has very high cholesterol and this particular diet would be potentially very harmful to him, so we are both having a go at WeightWatchers. but in reply to the original question, yes I do try to lose a few pounds before a WDW trip if only so I can put them back on while I am there!!!!!!
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New Member
I have been on the LA Weight Loss progream since mid-march and I have lost 19lbs. I love it! I would suggest it for anyone wanting to lose weight. YOu eat a lot during the day so you don't feel like your missing out on food. Basically this is how it works.

1. MUST have at least 64oz. of water a day.
2. 2 proteins a day. (grilled chicken, round steak, egg whites)
3. 4 vegetables a day. (greens only) someone mentioned carrots and those are full of sugar. Dont eat them. You can have mushrooms too.
4. 3 Fruits a day. Cantaloups are the best for losing weight.
5. 2 starches a day. (ex. 2 melba toast would be your 2 starches for the day)
6. 1 fat. you can have a dab of butter if you want.
7. 1 Dairy. (if you like yogurt you can a 40z cup a day and thats it for dairy)
8. 2 free foods. (ex..jello, ketchup, mustard)

If anyone wants more sprecific information about this diet PM me or e-mail me at

Also I think Erika was the one who mentioned walking and that is a great idea. My doctor said you only need to walk about 30 minutes a day for 4 days out of the week. He said you at least need to break a sweat.
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Speedo Bob

New Member
Original Poster
Some of these story's are really getting me motivated to lose weight for my next trip. I really am tired of being so self concious, and one of the reasons I love WDW so much is because everyone is having such a good time, that people really do not judge you on your appreance there. If a person my size goes swimming at any other vacation destination people point and stare. :( So hopefully by November I can lose alot of the weight, get my back waxed, and get a tan before I go, so I will look great in my Speedo.:D
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Well-Known Member
I just went to the beach yesterday to get a "tan". I thought it wouldt matter if I put sunscreen on or not.. Well, im burnt like I vacationed in an oven. It hurts so bad..Im going to post a pic of my sunburn..I look like a tomato:lol: :cry:
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