DLR Food: Where to eat and where not to!


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE=" Also:
Disneyland quick service >> WDW quick service
WDW table service > Disneyland table service- mostly because of Epcot and SO many options

I absolutely agree with you that DL's quick service is better than WDW. With the exception of Flame Tree in Animal Kingdom (and maybe the new AK options too) and BOG lunch in MK (although it is only sort of quick service), the QS options in WDW are not good and do not have much variety or healthy options. DL has some really good QS options to choose from.

As far table service, I only sort of agree that WDW is better. They do have a lot more options, and some are amazing, but quite a few of them range from just so-so to being pretty bad. I would say that the majority of TS places are really good, with Napa Rose and Carthay Circle being absolutely fantastic, but they do have a lot fewer options to choose from. I would give WDW a slight edge based solely on more variety of higher end options. On the more mid-level TS options, I think DL is better, especially for breakfast options.

Overall, I think that DL beats WDW for food options for me.[/QUOTE]

You make a good point differentiating "mid-level TS" from some of the higher tier TS from a thematic/design perspective and/or a quality of food perspective. Off the top of my head, I can't think of many, if any, low level TS locations at DL, whereas I've had bland experiences at WDW. The truth is, a lot of QS food at DL beats this "mid-level" TS at WDW!


Active Member
Just got back a couple days ago, and I'm looking forward to talking about all the awesome food we had at Disneyland! But before I put together a little trip report, I wanted to ask if anyone knows what happened to the menu at the Hungry Bear... I wanted to go because I had missed out on it last time and had heard nothing but good things. However, we got there for a late night dinner on Saturday and were pretty disappointed by the menu offerings. No fried green tomato sandwich? No cupcakes? We all ended up getting turkey caesar wraps and they were just okay. Anyway, I hadn't heard anything about a menu change, so thought I would check to see if anyone knew any details. I will say that sitting on the downstairs dock at Hungry Bear during Fantasmic is AWESOME because you get to see the barges, the Columbia, and the Mark Twain go by - the Mark Twain characters were waving at our small group on the dock very enthusiastically as they went by, and it was a wonderful surprise and a nice way to end our trip!


Well-Known Member
Just got back a couple days ago, and I'm looking forward to talking about all the awesome food we had at Disneyland! But before I put together a little trip report, I wanted to ask if anyone knows what happened to the menu at the Hungry Bear... I wanted to go because I had missed out on it last time and had heard nothing but good things. However, we got there for a late night dinner on Saturday and were pretty disappointed by the menu offerings. No fried green tomato sandwich? No cupcakes? We all ended up getting turkey caesar wraps and they were just okay. Anyway, I hadn't heard anything about a menu change, so thought I would check to see if anyone knew any details. I will say that sitting on the downstairs dock at Hungry Bear during Fantasmic is AWESOME because you get to see the barges, the Columbia, and the Mark Twain go by - the Mark Twain characters were waving at our small group on the dock very enthusiastically as they went by, and it was a wonderful surprise and a nice way to end our trip!

The Hungry Bear menu JUST changed within the past week or so. Lots of unhappy people at the loss of the green tomato sandwich. Hopefully a new and better menu is on the way.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I will never eat at Rancho Del Zocalo because how are you that close to Mexico and have garbage Mexican food?! I HAVE QUESTIONS.
The food there is decent for theme park food, but absolutely agree. Disneyland is too close to to Mexico, Los Angeles, and many other places around Southern California to serve the low quality of Mexican food at RDZ. Sad!

Dear Prudence

Well-Known Member
The food there is decent for theme park food, but absolutely agree. Disneyland is too close to to Mexico, Los Angeles, and many other places around Southern California to serve the low quality of Mexican food at RDZ. Sad!
It's pretty good theme park food (there is -or was-- one wet burrito that was pretty good). I wonder if they make it bland because people cannot handle Mexican food? That's the only thing I would think would make sense.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's pretty good theme park food (there is -or was-- one wet burrito that was pretty good). I wonder if they make it bland because people cannot handle Mexican food? That's the only thing I would think would make sense.
I’d eat there before at any of the burger/chicken strip spots in the park.

LOL I think the flavors are lacking due to laziness. But who knows, maybe they actually think the food is fire? It’s not lol.


Well-Known Member
Agree with the last two posts. We eat at RDZ every trip because a mediocre burrito is always better than a bad burger or bad pizza. 🤣

@Dear Prudence I think you are on to something about public tastes. I went back in line to order a side of sour cream or guacamole (I honestly can't remember which - might have been both.. haha) and some men in line behind me had to ask what it was I had in my hand. When I told them, then said, "do you just eat it straight?". I mean, these men had clearly never seen it before. So yeah, bland is probably more universally palatable. As a lifelong Californian, I often forget that other parts of the country aren't as familiar with Mexican food (i.e. My in-laws annoyingly refer to tortillas as "burrito shells".)


Well-Known Member
As a lifelong Californian, I often forget that other parts of the country aren't as familiar with Mexican food (i.e. My in-laws annoyingly refer to tortillas as "burrito shells".)


Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Have they been changing recipes lately?

The honey spiced chicken sandwich at Hungry Bear has been one of our favorite QS meals for years but the sauce was very different last week, rather than smooth it was chunky, we didn’t taste even a hint of honey, and it was so spicey we both had numb lips by the time we finished. It wasn’t bad but it was nowhere as good as the previous sauce.

We had a similar experience with the Ronto Wrap, the peppercorn sauce is delicious and normally makes it one of my favorite Disney foods but I couldn’t even taste it this trip. It was very bland.

On a positive note Lamplight was open every day, the Pot Roast at Plaza Inn was as delicious as ever, Disney still has the best corn on the cob anywhere, and we were thrilled Red Rose brought back the poutine on their late night menu, we had it as a late snack a few times over the weekend.

It was just disappointing a couple of our favorite item recipes seem to have changed.

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