Personally, I find the MK so much prettier than DLP it isn't even funny.
MK: The world's greatest castle
DL: Sugarcake castle. It always reminds me of Cinderella's birthday cake castle during the 25th celebration. (But the dragon in the dungeon can't be beat!)
MK: The world's prettiest Fantasyland
DLP: Cartoon style Fantasyland. Sorry, it doesn't work for me. This is what a Disney park would look like if designed by a five year old Disney princess girl.
MK: The world's awesomest Tomorrowland
DLP: Jules Verneland for a tomorrowland. I'm sorry, but Walt (and Roy!) Disney are my visionaries, not Jules Verne.
Also at WDW I can see actual authentic 1970 futurism, not the 1990 version of 1890 futurism.
MK: Liberty Square! Liberty Square!
DLP: No Liberty Square. No New Orleans Square either. Just Frontier, Adventure, Fantasy and Discoveryland. LS provides some much needed real life authenticity to what otherwise might be a park too heavy on the fantastic, exotic and imaginary.
Which castle park do you prefer? Which is the prettiest, most fun, your favourite?