Disney's Splash Down photos policy

walts son 1971

Account Suspended
We where there last June during gay days buy accident and didnt notice much change saw no men kissing only a few holding hands.Yes there where a lot of pretty boys there that I assumed where gay,looked like that guy in xfkirstens avitar.The gay days thing is all of florida,we heard that the real wild stuff happens at universal and less at Disney.Glad we never go to universal,I personally dont care just like most people just dont want to see the kissing and we didnt.We have never had our picture lost just seem to always have some guy behind us with tatoos all over his arms:hurl:


Well-Known Member
walts son 1971 said:
.We have never had our picture lost just seem to always have some guy behind us with tatoos all over his arms:hurl:
And whats wrong with tattoos?? I am offended by that remark!! I have tattoos, what about them make you so disgusted? You should be ashamed of yourself!!:rolleyes:

I am only kidding!! :wave:

However I see nothing wrong with having tattoos!! I DO have a few tatoos and don't see how those would be a problem in a ride photo.


New Member
Sledge said:
First off, according to The Bible being gay is a sin. I don't really go by that or care because a lot of it is crazy and ridiculous but that's another story. But I see it where if people are going to be so strict with what is a sin or not and follow every word in the bible, then how can they also say it's ok to be gay. It's like people want to pick and choose with what they like and don't. It's either all or nothing. I am trying to be as nice about it as possible by not using slurs and mean names.

I am not offended by all gays. Most of them... yes. The ones that are like the annoying guy in Dharma and Greg I cannot stand. However the ones like Greg or the black gay guy on Real World are ok because they don't go around acting like they are. It gets REEEEEEEEEALLY annoying when they have to make little comments so we know they are gay. It is one thing when you are only around other gays or friends that except you are gay, but society on a whole doesn't approve of it since it isn't the norm or traditional. Look at the whole political thing with gay marriages. We don't have "Straight Day" or "Straight Pride" so why do they need to have Gay Day and Gay Pride... it's pretty much just screaming for attention. I am sure if there was a "Straight Day" that gays would lash out and be offended.

Part of the reason I am so homophobic has a lot to do with things that have happened to me with these people. Having my butt grabbed and getting hit on by multiple ones and it was just gross as heck. Now I actually know how women feel when guys do stuff like that.

I think if he is able to talk about his gayness and everyone can think that is ok, then I should be able to explain why I don't think it is ok and defend myself since everyone wants to look down upon me now. To me a majority of non-gays think it is gross and shouldn't be made public. Even the media won't show two guys kissing on television, when showing a man and a woman is no big deal so obviously I am not one of only a few that thinks it isn't right. If you are gay that is fine but do you really need to be proud of that? I am not proud I am straight, I'm not proud I have brown hair, I'm not proud I am 6'4", I'm not proud I am white. Get my point? Be proud of something that you actually have control over and not your sexuality. Pride and not being embarrassed are two seperate things. It's almost like people do it to stand out and get attention. It should be like religion, you can go around and preach about it as much as you want but don't be surprised when you P.O. people that don't agree and get tired of hearing it, so you should keep it to yourself.

Even though I don't think it is right, I don't get all bent out of shape or mad with some of the stuff people say to insult the way I feel or tell me I am wrong. We have different opinions. I'm not saying I am right, but I'm not saying the opposite side is right either. I don't even think being gay is totally wrong as long as you don't go around making your sexuality your personality. I am not judging them because their lifestyle is different. If I were I would hate everybody but white upper middle class americans, and that just isn't the case.

Ok, I said what I wanted to say to defend my views. I've heard y'alls so lets drop it. It's not like we are trying to change each others minds. Just wanted you to hear me out before you thought I was a total idiot. If you want you can continue to get all mad over what I say which contradicts the "just because it isn't what you believe doesn't make it wrong" philosophy. I'll take the high road and not let this continue regardless of how many people want to bash me for MY views.

Good God you're pathetic.


New Member
Rickinnyc said:
Good God you're pathetic.
Check post #117. He has apologised, an act that is not pathetic.
Sledge said:
I am also sorry for the things I said. I re-read them after I calmed down a little bit and it sounded a lot meaner than I intended it to be. Regardless, I appologize for what I said and I realize I over reacted. :(

walts son 1971

Account Suspended
Purple dragon I have nothing with tatoos but this guy had more flesh covered with tatoos than natural skin color,and I think he was there for white trash days (not saying people with tatoos are at any way white trash)We all laugh everytime we see the picture we call him tatoo man

walts son 1971

Account Suspended
Sledge,Im sure you will be banned by the end of the day,your not allowed to speak bad of gays on these sites.I got banned from disneycentral for speaking poorly about gay days.I think we all should go back to talking about girls pulling up there shirts in the pictures and leave the other stuff alone.


Well-Known Member
walts son 1971 said:
Purple dragon I have nothing with tatoos but this guy had more flesh covered with tatoos than natural skin color,and I think he was there for white trash days (not saying people with tatoos are at any way white trash)We all laugh everytime we see the picture we call him tatoo man
I hear ya!! Some people go overboard and cover their whole body with tattoos. However some do it with an over all theme, which when done right, looks very beautiful. Others just stick any old tattoo any old place, till it becomes a mish mash of color, that can be quite unattractive. So I am assuming you were speaking of the latter, in which case I can completely understand.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
maxime29 said:
Half of this thread is completely off topic, and it's getting very annoying.

I agree. All this talk of on-ride photo systems is really getting in the way of the gay issues. :drevil: :animwink:


New Member
walts son 1971 said:
Sledge,Im sure you will be banned by the end of the day,your not allowed to speak bad of gays on these sites.I got banned from disneycentral for speaking poorly about gay days.I think we all should go back to talking about girls pulling up there shirts in the pictures and leave the other stuff alone.
After making his post, Sledge apologised with the following:

"I am also sorry for the things I said. I re-read them after I calmed down a little bit and it sounded a lot meaner than I intended it to be. Regardless, I appologize for what I said and I realize I over reacted."

He has aknowleged what he said was wrong, so I don't think he deserves talk about getting him banned.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Perhaps when some of you get a few more miles on the clock, and rack up those life experiences, you may soon realise that almost everything talked about on here means buck all. Beliefs are like opinions and arseholes everyone has their own but few enjoy having someone else’s shoved in their face.

Mind you Ms Joile......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Beliefs are like opinions and arseholes everyone has their own but few enjoy having someone else’s shoved in their face.

Mind you Ms Joile......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

And thank you very much for that visual that I will have to scrub from my brain.


New Member
Anyway, from my trip, I have a picture of the "washed" away figure:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pic. It looks like it's changed since I worked there. It used to be the wet mickey wringing out his gloves saying "Sorry, your photo has been washed away".

(Small piece of trivia: the splash mountain mickey who's dripping wet and wringing out his gloves saying "Dry is not an option" is the only place you'll see mickey without his gloves. :) )


New Member
Yea..."skidded off the road", "crashed into", "seatbelt wasn't buckled"...you'd think that Disney could at least try to put some effort in!


New Member
Djali999 said:
We will delete any image that has overtly sexual behavior, offensive gestures, nudity, signs held up, and a variety of other things. So don't ruin it for yourself and everyone else in your boat, please.
The flashing thing happend to me and my friend on your boat. The girls behind use did flash the camera.

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