Well-Known Member
Not to be argumentative, as I can see the point. But it is focused on moving you INTO the movies, how is that a celebration of Hollywood and the film industry?
First again, I am not a fan of Cinemagine, nor some other names.
Hollywood Adventure was I think the expected name, and can see the tie in....but I keep getting hung up on movies really aren't based in Hollywood any longer.
You enter a Hollywood where the sets don’t end just outside of the camera, where the director never yells, “Cut!”, and where you get to be a part of the movie as it unfolds (whereas you used to be a part of the movies as they were being ‘made’).
Plus, in some areas, you are still *actually* in L.A.
I just don’t see the need to change the name when the dedication still fits (in a different way), and the park is still set in Hollywood and celebrates it’s golden age (plus the fruits of some of Disney’s most successful labors in the film division).