Trip Report Disneymoon Report

The Brickers' Disneymoon Report (10/21 Update: Wedding Photos Added)


Welcome to the Disneymoon Report. For those of you who have been following our Saga in the Pre-Disneymoon thread, thank you for bearing with us as we have delayed in getting this report posted. Hopefully it lives up to at least some of the expectations.

If you make it through this trip report and are hungry to read the others, here is a catalog of our past trip reports:
Engagement Report
August 2008
November/December 2008
August 2009
October 2009

Worth noting is that this report report is 44 single spaced pages of text. I don't point this out because I want to warn you before you make the time commitment to read it, but because at this length, and given my schedule, much of the report was written very hastily. I hope that it’s somewhat coherent and not rife with grammatical errors, stylistic faults, and misspelled words, but such may be the case.

Along the same lines, there are approximately 500 images among the first set of posts. The way I take pictures, my camera produces a “digital negative.” This is unlike most P&S cameras, which give you a usable .jpg file right out of the camera. This means I have to edit each shot. Normally, I spend 20 minutes or so editing an image that I post on Flickr. Given the time constraints and the volume of images to edit, I edited most of these in batches, grouping similar pictures together and performing quick edits. Consequently, some of the shots may be less-than-stellar.

If you're interested in the photography here and would like EXIF data for the pictures, it can be found on the Flickr page for each image that is on Flickr (denoted by little watermarks that read “Bricker”). To access said data, click the picture, which will take you to Flickr. EXIF data can then be found by clicking the "More Properties" link in the lower right hand corner.

Finally, as promised in the Pre-Trip Report, I will be posting a wedding report as well. However, we do not yet have our wedding pictures, so that will have to wait until a later date. This report thus begins on the morning of the Honeymoon.

Alright, enough with the disclaimers, warnings, and other miscellaneous opening remarks. On with the show!

The Brickers’ Disneymoon Report

Waking up at 4 a.m. is never fun. But, when it's the day after your wedding and you're heading to Walt Disney World, you don't complain. Such were the circumstances when Sarah's parents came into our suite to wake us up the “morning” after our wedding. We were already thirty minutes late; apparently, the AM/PM mistake happens outside of the world of of Seinfeld.

So began the whirlwind process of getting ready for the day. If our lives were set to music, the same John Williams' score that plays during the beginning of Home Alone, where the family rushes for the airport, would be played here. Much like that film, we forgot a few things. We both knew this would occur, so we weren't too upset. Contrary to the film, we did remember each other, which I considered highly positive. We wouldn't be starting the marriage on the right foot if we forgot one another.

In addition to being late to heading to the airport, neither one of us—individuals who had gone to a Chicagoland school for 5 and 7 years, respectively—could give Sarah's father adequate directions to the airport. James and Andrew, although it's unlikely that you're reading this, sorry for calling you in the middle of the night. After driving 20 miles out of our way, we did arrive at the airport. At this point, you can probably queue the John Williams score again. We rushed to check our bags, at which point we realized we were fine time-wise. Then, as we walked up the concourse towards our gate, the most glorious moment of any trip to the Midway airport occurred: the Golden Arches came into view.

I believe I have stated this before, but I am a huge McDonald's fan. Even with all of my love for McDonald's, I only eat there a few times a year since I generally attempt to eat healthy. However, I always eat there the morning we leave for Walt Disney World. McDonald's breakfast is, unequivocally, the best way to start any trip to Walt Disney World. No matter what the circumstances, two Sausage McMuffins will prepare you for the day. This day acted no differently, as they again prepared me for the day.

I might as well get this out here now since it will be a theme of the trip report; for those who don't know, photography is a hobby of mine. I normally include my photography-related thoughts in my trip reports. Most of the time, I don't really know what I'm talking about, and really just ramble on about nothing, so skipping these segments is highly advised.

I always take an inordinate number of photos at the airport. This is because I really am not wild about photography, except for at Walt Disney World, so I don't practice much outside of the parks. As with anything, you get rusty if you don't practice. While this particular trip was definitely not about photography, I had two new lenses on the trip that I had used for a grand total of about two hours (almost all of which was use with one of the lenses), and I needed to get familiar with the lenses and get rid of the rust.

This is all much to Sarah's chagrin, and rightfully so. I can't imagine anyone being too happy with me taking pictures of them eating breakfast after only two hours of sleep (and that's being generous—it was probably more like an hour and a half). Sarah has a way of being gorgeous no matter the circumstances, but I still think pictures of her eating are off limits. Still, she's a good sport while I attempt to figure out what the heck I'm doing with the camera. Luckily or unfortunately, I had a lot of rust, as I hadn’t really used my camera much in the previous month.

After breakfast, it was basically time to board the plane. In all of the hustle and bustle of the wedding, we had forgotten to check in early. Well, at least really early. Normally, I refresh's check-in page until it will let us check-in on the day prior. This trip, that was not the case. Consequently, we were not seated together. Strolling down the aisle of the plane, I always chuckle to myself to see two people clearly together who are situated window and aisle, as if to ward off stray single riders (don't know a better term for this, so I'll use the Disney term), who approach. If you ask to sit next to them, begrudgingly, they allow it (as if they have a choice), but they always move. I guess Sarah and I do the same thing when we are the earlier ones on the plane, so it's not a knock against everyone else, but it really does seem silly.

This was not the case with the people between whom I chose to sit, unfortunately for them, as it would be. Luckily for them, Sarah was seated directly in front of me. You see, I have a tendency (to put it lightly) of falling asleep while traveling. When this started to occur on the flight, the man next to me took on pillow status in my unconscious. Yep, I'm “that guy.” I always have been that way. My grandpa used to say that there was no point in me getting a driver's license, because I always fell asleep in the car, so I'd have no idea where I was going, and would always be lost. I really don't have any explanation or excuse to offer; I would hate it if someone started leaning their head on me, but yet I do the very thing that would irritate me. From my perspective, the man would have had every right to give me a good shot to the head.


To save money, Sarah and I had chosen a flight that had a layover. This was also the same reason that we chose such an early flight. A direct flight that left 3 hours later would have been $70 more per person. Without hesitation, if we could do it over, we would buy that flight. Although Sarah and I are cheap, we do understand the value of time. When you're on your honeymoon and it's the day after your wedding, $140 for three hours is a bargain.

During the layover, we moved forward to the second row. There, we were directly behind some people from one of the Disney forums (hi, if you're reading this, hope the vacation was magical!) who recognized us when we got onto the plane. The husband and wife were taking their kids (they told us the ages, but I've forgotten since), probably ages 7 and 5, to Walt Disney World as a surprise. They kept giving the kids opportunities to guess where they were going. The daughter (the older child of the two, I think) thought they were going to Washington, DC to visit their grandma. I can only imagine how the kids reacted when they realized they were at Disney. Something I imagine the kids and the parents both will never forget. I can only hope that Sarah and I are able to do the same for our kids when we're older. What a great surprise.

Although I was running on only a few (more now, given my sleeping arrangements on the flight preceding this one) hours of sleep, I couldn't sleep during this flight. I was excited not only for our honeymoon, but for the little morsels I could hear from the folks in front of us. I really am a sucker for that type of thing. I really can't wait for Sarah and I to have kids so we can do this. At the same time, there is no way we could continue our “style” of touring with young kids, so we will embrace the next few childless years.


Arriving at the Orlando airport (I know it has a memorial name or a sponsor since it's abbreviation is MCO...and there is no “MC” in “Orlando airport”) is always fun. Sarah and I are always elated. Add tired this time to the mix. Tired and elated, we ran off the plane towards...somewhere. We are getting better with this, but we still seem to get lost at that airport every time we go there. Not this time. We boarded the fake monorail like clockwork, went to the CORRECT floor of the car rental/accommodations area, and got in line for Disney's Magical Express.

I have a love/hate relationship with DME. Okay, mostly love. Although I do hate it when they want to pick me up and make me leave WDW. I wanted to test out another new toy, my neutral density filter, so I stepped outside and took some pictures of the DME bus. Unlike the lenses, I had used this before, but just for a few shots. Apparently, I had a decent handle of it, because a shot I took using it won me a iPad. Still, I wanted to hone my skills with it. I can be lazy with contest pictures. Disney pictures require precision and perfection.


After a couple of shots, I came back inside to return to Sarah's side. She really deserves a lot of credit for allowing me to be a “kid in a candy store.” After we waited a bit, it was finally our turn to board the DME bus. If you're thinking this is a lot of nothing thus far, I promise, it'll start to get interesting, eh, maybe.
Okay, so nothing all that interesting happened on the DME bus, besides seeing new segments of the video that I absolutely love. Why this isn't on Mousebits, I don't know. Passing through the gates was, as always, magical, and I really don't even mind doing the loop around the resorts before getting to ours. It builds anticipation and this time, allowed us to see “home,” Saratoga Springs.


Then, we arrived there. Stepping out of the bus, I felt somewhat like royalty. As we strolled past freshly minted Beemers and Lexuses (Lexi?) I thought to myself, “how did they allow two poor college kids to stay here?” Well, college kids were we no more. Poor, yes, though. The lobby was as grand as the exterior, and instantly, I knew this was going to be one heckuva stay. Not to stick our noses up to the value resorts, where we usually stay, but this was completely different. It's not just as if the resort were in another league. It was playing a different sport.


We tried to sweet talk our way into the “best” view out of the crappy view rooms (as I've read some can see the BoardWalk...a little; or at least the pool), but the Cast Member assisting us was unable to do anything. We were rarely on the balcony anyway, so the parking lot view wasn't that bad (although I think we would've been a lot more had we had a better view). I think Online Check-In hurts you in this regard. Sarah and I never have had issues having room requests fulfilled with regular check-in; they never happen with online check-in.

After check-in, we stopped at the sundries store to get a snack, then headed to our room. I am in no way “on staff” for Disney, but I'll give the sales pitch anyway. If you're our age, or anywhere around our age and in similar circumstances, buy DVC. I did the whole cost/benefit objective analysis (assuming 2 kids, “second best” use of money at ROI of 7.5%, 32 years of use, etc.) and thought it was a good idea for us given that we'd be spending nearly the same amount to stay at the Poly for our time-frame. However, I didn't fully account for the feeling I'd have when stepping into the room, when getting up in the morning, or a whole host of other externalities. Additionally, I don't think I accounted for the feeling I THINK I would've have had waking up at the Poly thinking, “all we did was sleep here on this particular night, and gee wiz, we spent $300+ on it?!” Despite what Disney says, DVC does not pay for itself after one use (our break-even point for comparable on-property locations is around 15 years), but it is worth it. In an instant. We will definitely be adding on as soon as funds allow. Oh, and Bay Lake Tower, we'll see you in 2011!



Glad I got that little DVC advertisement out of the way (hey, someone has to fund this thing—am I wrong?). Unlike me, Sarah is not so amenable to falling asleep on the shoulder of a strange man (thankfully). She implored me to take a nap, but I could not. I slipped out of bed and wandered the room before waking her up. We agreed to thirty more minutes of nap time, after which we'd head to the Studios. We also decided that getting me out of the room was the only way to facilitate that nap, so I headed out with the camera and tripod to play.

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New Member
Congratulations to you and Sarah! Sounded like you had an amazing time on this trip, made me want to share Disney with my boyfriend of 2+ years even more. Can't wait to see Sarah's Wedding report and will stay tuned for your disneyland and christmas reports :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Awesome report! I hope to have someone that shares my love for Disney one day. You have inspired me to try some different shots on my next trip in January. Granted, all I have is a point and shoot, but it does have alot of options. I just have to learn how to use them.

Last weekend I went to the library to look for some Disney books and one of them that I got had your pictures in it. They were awesome as usual.

Congrats on the wedding.


Well-Known Member
Great trip report! Took me 12 hours to get through it, but worth it. Now i have to see MILF. Btw, confit means cooked in its own fat, so duck confit is cooked in duck fat, but can be loosely used as anything slowly cooked in fat, such as garlic confit. How did you two manage to get all thoase parks done running around like crazy? hurts my head trying to get all that in. Congratulations on the wedding. I love the blackthidot reference! We spent our honeymoon there two years ago. When in December will you be there, as we willbe there dec10-15. Love your pictures. Here':wave::xmas:s to a happy marriage for the both of you.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the flash advice- definitely something I am going to try to use more this time. It speaks to your skill with the flash that it's difficult to tell which pictures it was used in. Great article today on WDW photography, by the way :)

Thanks. I am hardly adept with the flash--at least not to the degree I'd like to be adept.

Well then - strike that idea! I suppose it makes sense WDW wouldn't want others profiting from their park. :D

Thank you for the link!

I am more than happy to send you all my paypal email address to give me payment for random tips I email you! :D All of the information is out there for free, though, so perhaps paying me would be a waste of money. :lookaroun

I am originally from the South Bend area (A bunch of my family lives in Lakeville and I still think of it as home!) so I can see how you might find little to thrill you with pictures.

Yeah, it's very dull. To be fair, Valpo's campus (especially the Chapel, as you'll see in our wedding pictures) is beautiful. I can't complain too much as I could have photographed that a lot more than I did. Same with ND's campus. Not much outside of those two things unless you take the train up to Chicago.

I was waiting for this TR and just noticed the link in one of your posts... I was actually excited to read it! :o

What can I say that already hasn't been said,... throughly enjoyed the report and all the pictures, and a big congratulations to you and Sarah!

Now to get mushy for a second... I like what sweetpee said in her post... it's so true. Good things don't have to come to an end! I don't think we're much older than you and Sarah but we've been married 10 years now (we got married really young). And I can honestly say my love for my husband is more now than the day I married him. It truly does get better with time... and wait until you have kids (if you have kids)... it changes everything but in a good way.

Thanks for taking the time to post and share with us!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the trip report. That's great to hear about you and your husband. Congratulations! Sarah and I continue to learn new things about one another and our relationship has evolved and changed in many ways since we first started dating, so I can wholly appreciate what you're saying, albeit not to the same degree (yet) for us!

Tom, fantastic report, loving the pictures. Just a quick couple of questions.

I live in the UK and am rocking over to World of Walt in December, I have (like yourself) a D90, zoom lens, 1.8 50mm and standard kit lens.

I was looking in your photos and you seem to have a rucksack that is big enough to hold the lenses as well as a tripod hook on the back.
What bag is this? And what tripod are you using?

Also, I'm not staying in a Disney hotel, one just 5 minutes away instead. If you just wait for everyone to leave at Magic Kingdom do they allow you to just roam to take photos?

:EDIT: Also what flash unit are you using? And are you changing the flash exposure for the daytime shots when you only need it for fill flash?

I use the Flipside...some number, but for what you have, that bag would be major overkill. Check out the Lowepro Slingshot 100AW. My tripod is the Velbon Luxi F and my flash is the SB-600 (and I do adjust the exposure on it at all times). If you wait for everyone else to leave, you'll be asked to leave as well. If your plan is night shots, you're going to want to avoid the parks with EMH. You might have a tough time finding suitable nights for this at the MK, given MVMCP and EMH.

This was such an amazing trip report. Your photographs are amazing and your stories are so personable and descriptive. Loved every moment!

You posted it at such good timing for me as well: my fiance and I will be honeymooning at Disney in 3 weeks.... leaving September 5. This was definitely a huge excitement booster!!!!!!

You should write a "Must do's" synopsis for Disney Honeymooners...and quick! :)

Congratulations on your marriage and can't wait to read about more of your travels!

If funds allow, the big thing would be V&As. If not there, maybe Cali Grill. Beaches and Cream is another (I want to describe it as almost quaint but that's not quite the right term) cheap and nice little place with a fun atmosphere. Other than that, I can't say it varies too much from other trips. You probably already have a resort booked so it's too late for this, but any future honeymooners reading this, I'd totally recommend an EPCOT or MK resort, as they give easy access to the room, where you'll presumably be spending more time than normal.

Awesome trip report. Took me several days to find time to read it in its entirety but it was worth it.

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

I've spent the past half hour reading this and GREAT JOB!

Your TR makes my TR look like a monkey did it, and the pictures aren't even in ball park. :p

I have a few questions (sorry, not enough time to read the whole thing yet):

1.) How'd you think of BWV? Would you recommend it?

2.) Did you stay at SSR? You said it was your home, so I'm wondering if that will be your DVC home? We loved our stay at SSR and hope you would/will/did too! lol

Number 1 is answered in the TR so I'll bet you'll find that eventually (we loved it). As for number 2, we have stayed at SSR, albeit before we were DVC owners. We bought at SSR via resale because it was the most pragmatic. Prices were generally lower there than anywhere else (except OKW, Vero, and HH). Couple that with the low annual dues and later expiration, and it is easily the top value-for-money. SSR is a really nice resort, but we don't plan on staying there in the near future. Too many other resorts to explore, plus the theming at SSR is a little plain for our tastes (we like the heavily themed resorts). There's certainly nothing 'wrong' with SSR, though!

And hey, everyone loves monkeys! I'm sure your TR is good. Once I finally have more time, I am going to spend an afternoon combing through all the ones I've missed over the last three months.

Outstanding report! Great pictures! You've got some awesome memories to look back on when you're old and gray.

We really do! Thanks for reading the report!

You are truly an artist. These pictures are better than the ones they have in those "official picture books" they sell at the parks.

Ha, artist might be a little strong. A couple photography friends and I have floated the idea of self publishing a coffee table book, but the problem is that it could easily cost $40-75 (with zero markup), and we doubt anyone would purchase at that price. With all of the work that would go into it, to have no one purchase would be disappointing. The idea was sort of put on the back burner when the Unofficial Guide contacted us and published our pictures for us. Not quite the same, but it didn't require us to go through Disney Legal or do anything ourselves, so it ended up being much easier!

Congratulations to you and Sarah! Sounded like you had an amazing time on this trip, made me want to share Disney with my boyfriend of 2+ years even more. Can't wait to see Sarah's Wedding report and will stay tuned for your disneyland and christmas reports :animwink:

Do you two have a trip planned? I'm sure it would be amazing to see WDW through a 1st-timer's eyes!

Awesome report! I hope to have someone that shares my love for Disney one day. You have inspired me to try some different shots on my next trip in January. Granted, all I have is a point and shoot, but it does have alot of options. I just have to learn how to use them.

Last weekend I went to the library to look for some Disney books and one of them that I got had your pictures in it. They were awesome as usual.

Congrats on the wedding.

Even with a P&S, you can get amazing shots. Most of the night photography (not the fisheye stuff as that requires a specific lens) I do, I could also accomplish with a P&S. Knowledge is 90% of the battle. Glad you enjoyed the report!

Great trip report! Took me 12 hours to get through it, but worth it. Now i have to see MILF. Btw, confit means cooked in its own fat, so duck confit is cooked in duck fat, but can be loosely used as anything slowly cooked in fat, such as garlic confit. How did you two manage to get all thoase parks done running around like crazy? hurts my head trying to get all that in. Congratulations on the wedding. I love the blackthidot reference! We spent our honeymoon there two years ago. When in December will you be there, as we willbe there dec10-15. Love your pictures. Here':wave::xmas:s to a happy marriage for the both of you.

Learn something new every day! I would have never guessed that about confit (no wonder it was so delicious!). It really wasn't that much running around, at least not compared to normal. Just for clarification's sake, the blackthidot reference was to a smart-______ poster here, not any bands or songs.

I'm not quite sure when we'll be there in December, yet. I'm thinking maybe Dec 3-12.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh - and I'm going to be doing an update with a video of the Kiss Goodnight either today or tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!


New Member
Tom you're a legend thanks for answering that!
Just one thing, I'm not good with the Disney jargon (it always takes me ages to work out what's being said at disboards) when you say EMH?
So what is your best advice for getting permission for night time photography? Just ask one of the cast members?

:EDIT: And one last question, I promise :P. The speedlight, I've never used a flash unit before, are they easy to get to grips with?


Congratulations you guys!! Glad you had such a great Disneymoon. After my trip in Sept. to WDW I have to start saving for a better camara and lessons on how to use it. I too love taking pictures, and usually shoot over 600 when I go! LOL!! Best of luck to you both in all you do!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
^is that video showing up for anyone? If not, how do I embed YouTube videos here?

EDIT: got it--looks like I need to read instructions a little better!

This is the first of two recordings I made of the Kiss Goodnight that evening. The other has a lot of background noise that I'd like to remove before posting. Are there any free programs that can remove noise?


New Member
We don't have a trip together planned just yet. I am applying for the Disney College Program in a few weeks (keep your fingers crossed for me!) So hopefully after I get through with that process we can start planning his trip down to visit me, he has not been in about 10 years and we have never been away together so I know it will definitely be special.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
For those who have posted/sent messages asking about Sarah's dresses, she gets them at local department stores (Dillards, Von Maur, Saks), J.Crew, and through online sample sale sites.

For those who aren't aware, Sample Sales are discounted invite-only sample sale sites that sell nice clothing and products (think Saks, Neiman Marcus, etc.). They are all legitimate retailers of said products (not like some New York street corner selling knock-off Louis Vutton purses). Their offerings rotate frequently and most usually sell out within a few hours. We've saved a LOT of money buying through these sites rather than the mall. Here are our favorites ranked in descending order:
#1 - Gilt Groupe/Gilt Man
#2 - Rue La La
#3 - HauteLook
#4 - Ideeli (mostly women's stuff)
#5 - Beyond the Rack

Tom you're a legend thanks for answering that!
Just one thing, I'm not good with the Disney jargon (it always takes me ages to work out what's being said at disboards) when you say EMH?
So what is your best advice for getting permission for night time photography? Just ask one of the cast members?

:EDIT: And one last question, I promise :P. The speedlight, I've never used a flash unit before, are they easy to get to grips with?

You just have to take the pictures "around" the guests and hope no one gets in the shot. EMH=extra magic hours. I'm not quite sure what you mean by with the speedlight question. Grips?

Congratulations you guys!! Glad you had such a great Disneymoon. After my trip in Sept. to WDW I have to start saving for a better camara and lessons on how to use it. I too love taking pictures, and usually shoot over 600 when I go! LOL!! Best of luck to you both in all you do!

Thanks so much! Hope you enjoyed the TR!

I was able to watch the video, thanks for posting it. The dachshund in my picture is Fritz, gotta love those weiner dogs!

Ha, we do love our dachshund. Even though he is a little...vocal.

I thought I already posted but obviously not

For noise cancelling use Audacity

Interesting, I already have Audacity, but I didn't realize it could edit the audio accompanying video. Good to know!


New Member
Sorry I've done some reading up and realise my question is null! I'm aiming myself to try and take better photos than you :p which I don't think is possible!

What wide angle and fish eye lenses are you using?


New Member
Thank you for taking the time and effort to write your trip report! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and reliving the atmosphere. We wish you and Sarah many many years of happiness. I married my 'best friend' 11 years ago, and our marriage gets stronger each year, as you will find yours too. Building memories, striving for the future, and always reaching for goals together will make for a rich and full life together.

Now, I have a gripe. We have been going to Disney twice a year for several years each Feb and July/Aug (not a small feat driving from NY with two young sons). This year we were going to skip Feb and just go in Aug (with DCL 'DREAM' already booked). We were going to take our boys 'somewhere new' in Feb. HOWEVER, your TR now has me antsy to go back again in Feb! Just told DH, he asked me what was the change in heart? I told him it was your trip report (btw, he is happy!!!). Guess we will try 'somewhere new' some other time. I need my Disney fix!! :ROFLOL:


Active Member
If you're going to rent a fisheye, I've heard really good things about the Sigma. I got a Tokina and wasn't too thrilled with it (it's what I got the best price on via eBay). It was a great trip, glad you enjoyed reading about it!

I'm actually gonna rent the Nikon 10.5mm fish. The girl I'm dating rents lenses from a couple sites that she has had lots of success with. So I'm gonna trust her (as I should, I'm sure the women will tell me) and rent a lens from there. I am, however, going to follow your advice on WDWPhotography and pick up a flash with some holiday money before I go down. Hanukkah comes early this year :-D


Well-Known Member
Ha, artist might be a little strong. A couple photography friends and I have floated the idea of self publishing a coffee table book, but the problem is that it could easily cost $40-75 (with zero markup), and we doubt anyone would purchase at that price. With all of the work that would go into it, to have no one purchase would be disappointing. The idea was sort of put on the back burner when the Unofficial Guide contacted us and published our pictures for us. Not quite the same, but it didn't require us to go through Disney Legal or do anything ourselves, so it ended up being much easier!

I didn't know you had pics in the Unofficial Guide (which one(s))!?! I noticed your pics in one of the Celebrations Magazine, though!

I don't think between $40 & $50 is bad for a good coffee table book but you need your markup to make a bit of cash on it!

WDI 1998

Active Member
Ok, great trip report, pictures that are now giving me an inferiority complex and a honeymoon to die for.....

BUT did you pass the bar or not?


New Member
Tom, LOVE the Kiss Goodnight video. Have you ever seen the Burn off at EPCOT? I'm sure you have. To me its one of the funniest things ever. "As we end another great day at EPCOT we wish you goodnight...BOOM!"

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