Weren't we all? It really is sad. Maybe things will change in 34 years for the 100th.How naive I was.
I haven't be following WDW's 50th, but it seems they won't be getting any new entertainment, is that correct? I've seen photos of Cinderella Castle and it reminds me of ours. Why is it pink and blue? I've yet to see any commercials or advertisement in general for the celebration either.Kind of sad to say, but 9 years maybe lines up with a realistic expenditure timeline again. We've got a couple of years for the company to underinvest, attendance to drastically rebound and the inevitable 6-7 years it takes for the projects to actually come to fruition.
9 years of low expectations ahead!
One thing is for sure, it most likely can't be worse than WDW's 50th.
I believe you're right, a Disneyland 75th celebration will most likely be better. Disneyland has the upper hand of being the original, and based on Disney's track record for DL celebrations within the last 20 years, we actually get a decent to adequate amount of attention/new offerings. Even the 60th was pretty significant and blew away my expectations (I figured we'd get new merchandise and special food items and that's all). I have no doubt that we'll at least get new entertainment in nine years.
DCA, on the other hand... Maybe not.