Disneyland Space Mtn confusion...


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Original Poster
I was on the Disneyland site, gearing up for a trip we will be taking to celebrate the 50th (can't wait!!!) and i was looking at space mtn. however the video/trailer shows images of the old cars from s.m. and images of mission: space. Now I'm not a genius or anything, but dont u think they should aleast sticky to ONLY space mtn. videp for the trailer. I found the M:S clips to be annoying and out of place (to say the least)

If you're not sure what I'm talking about, go to Disneyland.com and check it out.


Active Member
Posted on another thread:

imagineer boy said:
imagineer boy
Looks like they used a bit of recycled Mission Space footage for that. Note the spinning wheel thing and the restraints some of the people were wearing.

Connor002 said:
I noticed that too. It looks to me that about half of the footage is taken straight from M:S. Note several scenes of people in the restrainghts (sp?), and the footage of mars appears to have been taken as well.


Well-Known Member
I understand the info on the DL site could be a little confusing, but it's only confusing to those who know the difference! :lol:

Seriously, though, I just returned from DL and have to say that the newly redone Space Mountain is amazing! I am kind of glad they didn't give away the new ride details on the website. It would have spoiled the experience. I think they should do away with all ride videos and maintain the magic for when guests get to the parks! It's just more fun that way.

Doesn't anybody like to be surprised anynmore??? :veryconfu



I rode the new space mtn over the summer while in california with my friends family at an imagineering party. They had turned the ride on for people at the party to ride as many times as they wanted to. I rode it ten times before the end of the night and it was just as amazing every time.


New Member
I'm pretty sure there have been other posts about the fact that Disney loves to use old, stock footage. I have seen highlights from Horizons within the past few months and that ride has been gone for years. It's cheaper and easier than going out and shooting footage of anything new. Also, most people don't know the difference.


Active Member
I kind of agree in not showing to much and getting rid of ride videos. When I went to Disneyland this summer, one of the things I knew practically nothing about was Space Mountain (v. 2.0... minus the song.. I had that on a CD). Let me tell you... I was blown away the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, (and so on) times I rode it. There's just something about it that was the most incredible experience ever.


New Member
Yeah it is deffinetly better to be suprised. The new space mountain at DL was amazing! Especially the part....must resist :zipit:



New Member
What was even worse, I just spent $30.00 on the 50th Anniversary DVD they sell in the parks and in numerous sequences they used shots of Disney World! It's really irritating that they do it, as they must know only true die hards like myself would spend so much on a 30 minute travelogue.
Don't get me wrong, I love both Disneyland and Disney World, but when I buy a DVD of Disneyland, I guess I just expect they're going to use footage actually taken at that Park. You can get away with it on stuff like the inside of Muppetvision 3-D, or something that is exactly the same, but when you use Disney World's Main Street and don't think anyone will notice, you're insane. Just a small pet peeve of mine...like called the Haunted Mansion the Haunted House...


New Member
The exterior was left intact (although they did paint it white again). They did some work to the internal queue area, making it look a little more "futuristic" and they took out the Space Mountain TV monitors. The loading area has had the hanging spaceship modified to look a little more ominous, and the screen in front of it now projects a more realistic-looking outer space scene. On the ride itself, the track was completely replaced, though it is exactly the same as before (same turns at the same places, etc.), though the opening scenes where you climb to the top of the "mountain" have been updated. Of course, the music is now more of an "Incredibles"-style, and the inside is much darker (the center "ball/planet" is no longer lit up and the queue window is covered up. Apparently, they also reworked some of the roof to get rid of any "holes." The finale of the ride is also slightly different, but still in the same vein as the original. The exit has also been changed a bit - the escalator that was rarely turned on has been replaced with stairs and the images on the walls are different.
All in all, it's really just a modification of the original. The ride hasn't changed - though it might be a little smoother and maybe a little faster - but some of the surrounding elements have.


New Member
It did speed up, they also installed lighting rings, similar to RNRC, in summer '06, we are getting Rockit Mountain. The music will change, the lighting rings will be illumiated, and the redesigned asteroid will almost collide with your rocket, all after dark. It should be interesting. It is the second part of how they plan to keep the 50th momentum next summer, including the ToT randomization program.

It should be interesting.

2006- Rockit Mountain, ToT Program, Monster's Inc., refurbed PotC
2007- Nemo Sub Adventure, New Monorail Trains and a refurb. to the track.
2008-2010- Cars/Test Track attraction, New PM or Rocket Rods

It should pan out to be an interesting next five years.


New Member
nsxdrift_89 said:
It did speed up, they also installed lighting rings, similar to RNRC, in summer '06, we are getting Rockit Mountain. The music will change, the lighting rings will be illumiated, and the redesigned asteroid will almost collide with your rocket, all after dark. It should be interesting. It is the second part of how they plan to keep the 50th momentum next summer, including the ToT randomization program.

It should be interesting.

2006- Rockit Mountain, ToT Program, Monster's Inc., refurbed PotC
2007- Nemo Sub Adventure, New Monorail Trains and a refurb. to the track.
2008-2010- Cars/Test Track attraction, New PM or Rocket Rods

It should pan out to be an interesting next five years.

theyre changing the name to ROCKIT MOUNTAIN?!?!?! BLEGHHHH!!!! that simply cannot be allowed


New Member
nsxdrift_89 said:
It did speed up, they also installed lighting rings, similar to RNRC, in summer '06, we are getting Rockit Mountain. The music will change, the lighting rings will be illumiated, and the redesigned asteroid will almost collide with your rocket, all after dark. It should be interesting. It is the second part of how they plan to keep the 50th momentum next summer, including the ToT randomization program.

It should be interesting.

2006- Rockit Mountain, ToT Program, Monster's Inc., refurbed PotC
2007- Nemo Sub Adventure, New Monorail Trains and a refurb. to the track.
2008-2010- Cars/Test Track attraction, New PM or Rocket Rods

It should pan out to be an interesting next five years.

And where did you get this info??? I'm afriad we have another know-it-all on here who went to high school with Micheal Isner..... :hammer:


New Member
If it makes you feel better...

If it makes ya feel any better, whenever they show fantasmic for WDW they show footage from Disneyland...most noticably the dragon which of course doesn't have arms at all in the WDW version. :hammer: :lol: But I would just like to take this momment to say I'm really excited because I'm going to LA for the first time ever in October and already have my saturday planned for a whole day of land :wave: :sohappy:

Capt rex

New Member
Space Mountain will indeed take on the name of Rockit Mountain once the sun goes down at some point in the future. The speculation is that it will be around spring break of next year. If you were to stand under the SM marquee, you can notice the word Rockit there just not lit up. The sound track is supposed to be provided by Van Halen when that version opens


Active Member
Regarding the 50th having WDW footage on it, the WDW Vacation Planning video shows the old SM from DLand when it talks about SM on it. My son first noticed it when he was 12 and that was 6 yrs. ago. I'm sure it is a cost thing to use the stock footage when making the free vacation videos every year.


New Member
Steve4wdw said:
If it makes ya feel any better, whenever they show fantasmic for WDW they show footage from Disneyland...most noticably the dragon which of course doesn't have arms at all in the WDW version. :hammer: :lol: But I would just like to take this momment to say I'm really excited because I'm going to LA for the first time ever in October and already have my saturday planned for a whole day of land :wave: :sohappy:

Actually, I don't know where that dragon comes from. Disneyland's dragon is just like Disney World's - a head on a stick with "wing-like" appendages. I've always hated that the advertisments had that great-looking dragon and yet when you see the show you can clearly tell it is just the big dragonhead-on-a-stick. Sounds like a fast food place in a mall, if you ask me.
And if it's true Van Halen is doing the music for Rockit Mountain, then I won't be riding it at night. Aerosmith? Van Halen? Has Disney completely lost their musical taste? Ick.


Park History nut
Premium Member
djronnieb said:
And where did you get this info??? I'm afriad we have another know-it-all on here who went to high school with Micheal Isner..... :hammer:

Don`t be so harsh; most of this is confirmed (2006- Rockit Mountain, ToT Program, Monster's Inc.,2007- Nemo Sub Adventure, New Monorail Trains and a refurb to the track,) and Cars/Test Track attraction has been discussed all over the DLC boards, as has New PM or Rocket Rods - especially when a team of suits from Imagineering spent a day walking the PM/RR track & were comparing blueprints on the load platform.

BTW, it`s Eisner with an E :lol:

Cary; the name change is for an evening version of SM (Disneyland!) - along the lines of at a set time each day, in the space of a few minutes, the `Space` on the outside signs will extinguish, and LED`s will spell `Rockit`. The ride itself will feature a DLRP RnRC style lighting rig (already in place, just never turned on during guest hours) instead of the normal effects, and the soundtrack will change over too. Interesting to see how they`ll make the audio switch since Soundtracker stores the audio on flash cards... short of swapping cards on each train, or even having to cycle the entire ride whilst empty and flicking a switch, I wonder if a signal (FR, IR or similar) will be sent to each car as it enters the mountain during the evening..

Put another way; the effects are supposed to be good enough to (almost) have a totally new ride - a second SM without building one. Bet TDA love it (and it`ll give the 50th party a boost when it needs it too)


Well-Known Member
On the topic of different videos.....

The video clip for Hong Kong's Festival of the Lion King is of the original, although it is a completely different show! :rolleyes:

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