What is interesting though is the requirement that you be medically observed by a nurse for at least 15 minutes after the shot is given, to make sure you don't have a seizure or other "reaction".
I've gotten lots of shots in recent years at a very reputable hospital; Pneumovax23, Zostavax and then Shingrix which replaced it because Zostavax was crap, Boostrix, Twinrix, my annual Flucelvax. And not once has the nurse said "Okay, now we'll wait here for 15 minutes while I observe you to make sure you don't seize up or have a bad reaction."
The nurse gives you the shot, puts the band-aid on, and I walk away. 1 minute later I'm in the elevator, 3 minutes later I'm walking thru the parking lot to my car, and 5 minutes later I'm on the freeway onramp. But for this Covid vaccine you have to sit there for 15 minutes being observed by a nurse to make sure the vaccine didn't react badly in your system. That's gonna bog things down quite a bit.