Disneyland Paris – Where the magic may happen at the weekend?


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Disneyland Paris – Where the magic may happen at the weekend?

A few weeks ago my partner and I took a 5 day trip to the Disneyland Paris resort. Before we left we had heard many comments putting the place in a bad light, I had visited the park when it was Euro Disney about ten years prior, this had been my first Disney experience and the experience hadn’t been a memorable one. Since that time WDW has come into our lives and is now our regular haunt.

Our Florida trip is still a few months away and a trip to Disney Paris was going to be our cure until then. We went with an open mind to have a fun Disney time, so how does the park rate?

The Disney resort Paris consists of two parks, Disneyland and Disney Studios, there is also a small Disney Village. The parks, hotels and rides are well themed and look fantastic, as you’d expect from Disney! The thing that let the parks down big time was the lack of Disney magic!

But fist the good stuff!

“Disneyland” - As I said the themeing is great and the rides are great, Big Thunder Mountain and IASW stand out as our top two rides. Another must do are the shows, the Legend Of The Lion King and The Tarzan Encounter are top rate and full of the Disney spirit, a must see!

“Disney Studios” – The themeing here seemed a little slap dash, will let them off as it’s a relatively new park for Paris. The best ride here was Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster, not as great as the MGM studios version but still the best ride at Disney Studios. Show wise they have Moteurs Action which was a brilliant stunt show, this is the first time we have seen this show and it was great, can’t wait to see how it translates to MGM studios. Another must see fun show is Animagique, this is a UV puppet and live action show featuring Donald Duck who breaks into the studio vaults and experiences some bizarre characters come to life. It’s a visual delight with a catchy theme tune (does any one know where I can get hold of it?)

The bad stuff!

“Disneyland” – One thing that hit us hard was the lack of Disney magic from the majority of the cast members. In our whole 5 day trip to the parks we met about 3 great cast members who were chatty, smiled and seemed happy to be there. The rest seemed unhappy and more interested in chatting with each other than the guests. It is so true when they say that the cast members make the magic! My hat goes off to the hard work and professionalism of the WDW cast members, however the Paris cast have much to learn. It took a lot of cajoling for any of the Paris cast to smile or talk to us. Even as they walked through the park they didn’t seem to want to make eye contact with the guests.

Another major disappointment was that there was absolutely no mention of the 50th Celebration. No signs, no banners, no pins and no promotion what so ever! After reading and seeing the photos of the build up and celebrations from the other parks around the world, it was a total let down that there was no mention from our European representative.

The New ride at Disneyland Paris is Space Mountain Mission 2, the first time we rode it was great, great music and great visuals. The second time was also great music and visuals but the ride was very rough and gave me a bad headache from my head hitting either side of the shoulder restraint, and my partner got bad neck and shoulder pain from the shoulder restraints as well. We could only bare the pain for a couple more rides. Another oversight for this ride was in the queue lines, they need bins! There was a lot of litter and the queue area gets darker as you go up steps, the empty plastic bottles on the steps are very dangerous and there were a lot of them! Bottles not steps! Another queue line that we felt needed attention was for Big Thunder Mountain, the graffiti along this line is a problem.

My last gripe about Disneyland Paris is the Parade. The floats were ok (looks as though they had borrowed from different parks) but the parade lacked theme, magic and imagination. The parade started with a song called Dancin’ A Catchy Rhythm, we thought this was a great song to start the parade with! However this one song was the parade! It repeated again and again and again with no variance or theme to the floats going past. An annoying, boring and disappointing parade!

“Disney Studios” – The lack of magic flowed over into the Studios as well. On our very first visit we took our place along the marked parade route ready for the ‘Good Morning Walt Disney Studios Parade’. The park was quiet and we would have a great view point for photos except for one thing, the parade stopped 100 yards before our view point. The parade had gone off the parade route and headed over to the Production Courtyard, at which point the characters had a meet and greet. We had a mad dash over to the characters to try and get some photos, as did a lot of people standing by us. When we got over to the characters they were walking all over the place, there seemed to be no organized queue lines for the characters. It was very frustrating that we couldn’t get photos of the characters in the cars and even more so because we couldn’t get nice shots of the characters with all this mayhem. There were no cast members with a lot of the characters and this was also the case later in our trip as well, we met Friar Tuck on one occasion and his inner sleeves were falling down showing a real arm. There was no cast member to tell! We gave up in the end with the morning parade meet and greet and went on the rides. This was a bad first impression! The music for this parade was the “Cars and Movie Stars” theme from MGM Studios, they had done a Disney Studios voice over and it was left to run in the back ground. A “Now it’s time to meet your favourite Disney stars” would have been nice, but no! If the park map had mentioned this parade change there would have been no disappointments!

The rest of our Studios visit was great except for the less than enthusiastic cast members. Also on our journey out of the park we saw Goofy in the ‘Lilo & Stitch Catch the wave party’ in the Production Courtyard and as we walked out through the front lot of the park we saw another Goofy having a meet and greet! What are they playing at?

So to sum up, we had a really nice short break and enjoyed the rides and shows. Be aware, if you do visit make sure you hold your ground in the queue lines as we found the people in the queues here the rudest ever. If you take a step forward they are on your heals and bumping into you. And should you happen to turn and talk to a friend they will push past you in a shot. Also, the parks here are seasonal, there are no fireworks until the busy summer months and you will find most of the restaurants closed mid week until this busier time. This was a let down and made us feel like second class Disney visitors.

We weren’t expecting a duplicate WDW but we were hoping that the same magic might be there. It wasn’t and the lack of magic let it down big time. They don’t seem to be as ‘on top of things’ as we hoped they would be, from silly Goofy mistakes to misinformation we felt very let down by the Paris resort. If the park had been a magical Disney experience then our visits would have become regular, as it stands we may visit again in about 10 years. In the mean time we will keep booking and looking forward to vacations in WDW Florida.

A few bad show photos

Space Or Thunder?

This was the sign at the entrance to Thunder Mountain.

Star Tours - Dust Anyone?

A Broken screen gathers dust - Two screens at this entrance were caked in dust. It would have only taken a minute to clean and would have given a better impression.


New Member
My only trip to Disneyland Paris was several years ago, and the cast members being standard European "I'd rather do anything than be here" was something I noted too. Along with the European public being generally more rude and selfish than the crowds in Florida.

I've not been back since - tend to save for a Florida trip instead. But you never know, I may take a weekend break sometime.

disney dude

Firstly, I think you are being very harsh in your assessment of DLP and are way too critical. I think you are trying to compare the resort to WDW which it clearly isn't. I visited in May after only getting back from WDW in Feb and I will admit that I was very pessimistic on what it would be like, and to be very honest was really surprised. I think DLP has its own aura and own element of Disney Magic, although I fully agree that it can't compare to the magic of WDW.
The Disneyland Park is very well themed and the rides are fantastic, POTC, ISAW, Space Mountain & Thunder Mountain were on a par, if not better than WDW and we encountered no problem with the CM's, maybe its the language barrier that people have a problem with. The Hotels are fantastic, very well themed and the Village is also very good. The Studios needs to be enlarged, but then again it is only a few years old. I also thought the parades were great and the floats colourful and well themed. You are obviously very fortunate that you can go to WDW on a regular basis, but those who can't DLP is a great alternative. My Family love both WDW and DLP and we have no hesitation going back to Paris, in fact 4 days has been booked over Xmas, including 25th Dec.


New Member
disney dude said:
we encountered no problem with the CM's,
I can't say I ever had a "problem" with a CM, just that many of them did not have the sparkle of their Florida cousins, they could just as easily have been moping behind a news stand as in a Disney Park.

I think the general selfish attitude of a higher number of the public was more noticeable to me than bad CMs - but then having to deal with ruder public may be what makes the CMs not so happy looking as those in Florida.

The Disneyland park itself is stunning. I've yet to see a photo that does the castle justice. It always looks small, but where it works in real life is the surrounding area.


Original Poster
disney dude said:
Firstly, I think you are being very harsh in your assessment of DLP and are way too critical. I think you are trying to compare the resort to WDW which it clearly isn't. I visited in May after only getting back from WDW in Feb and I will admit that I was very pessimistic on what it would be like, and to be very honest was really surprised. I think DLP has its own aura and own element of Disney Magic, although I fully agree that it can't compare to the magic of WDW.
The Disneyland Park is very well themed and the rides are fantastic, POTC, ISAW, Space Mountain & Thunder Mountain were on a par, if not better than WDW and we encountered no problem with the CM's, maybe its the language barrier that people have a problem with. The Hotels are fantastic, very well themed and the Village is also very good. The Studios needs to be enlarged, but then again it is only a few years old. I also thought the parades were great and the floats colourful and well themed. You are obviously very fortunate that you can go to WDW on a regular basis, but those who can't DLP is a great alternative. My Family love both WDW and DLP and we have no hesitation going back to Paris, in fact 4 days has been booked over Xmas, including 25th Dec.

Thanks for your responce in support of DLPR. We went to DLPR to have a good time, and as I said, we did. We also mentioned in our opening paragraphs that the rides and themeing are fantastic, this area was not in disrepute. However what usually makes Disney stand out from the rest is the magic of the cast members, customer service and the great organisation. That’s what they pride themselves on but on this trip they didn’t deliver. I’m sure that during peek times they put on more magic and fireworks and the parades are great, however our visit lacked all this. For the money we paid to go on a 4 night 5 day trip we could have had a week in Florida. We don’t want to put people off going to DLPR, we went with an open mind and had a good time. The review is an honest one from our experience. We will be writing to DLPR with the hope that they take the information on board.


Original Poster
barnum42 said:
I think the general selfish attitude of a higher number of the public was more noticeable to me than bad CMs - but then having to deal with ruder public may be what makes the CMs not so happy looking as those in Florida.

The Disneyland park itself is stunning. I've yet to see a photo that does the castle justice. It always looks small, but where it works in real life is the surrounding area.

We totaly agree, the public at the parks are very selfish and rude. It took us a while to calm down from all the pushing and cutting in lines that people were doing.

The castle is stunning! Would have been a nice back drop for the fireworks if they had been running!


New Member
Steve-Matt said:
We totaly agree, the public at the parks are very selfish and rude. It took us a while to calm down from all the pushing and cutting in lines that people were doing.
I only lost my rag once, and in the scariest way possible - quietly. I had found a great spot for the parade - directly behind a group of wheelchair users. Just as the parade was about to start a selfish group walk in front of the wheelchairs and stop to watch the show.

They may not have spoken English, but the understood the language of prod, point and threatening glare. They moved rapidly on :D


Park History nut
Premium Member
We`ve never had a bad CM in Paris, indeed, a lot were up to WDW standards, some even surpassed it. The public however, due to many day coach trips, can be like Blackpool on a Bank Holiday.... rude, loud, boisterous.... not all of them, but you can spot them a mile off.


New Member
I have to say that when I visited DLP two years ago I was extremely impressed with the attitude of the CM's, not at all what I expected. Since then I've been to WDW and agree that the standard of customer relations there was much higher but I think the defining factor is the attitude of the guests, in florida nobody gives the CM's any grief, people wait patiently in line for character meet & greets, rides and are generally better behaved than our european counterparts who don't seem to understand how much easier interaction would be with just a little patience and consideration for other guests, I lost count of the times I had someone "push in" to get to see a character or step on the back of my ankle while queing for a ride and i'm sure CM's would smile more often if they got a thank you for their help!!!


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
............... can be like Blackpool on a Bank Holiday.... rude, loud, boisterous....
Isn't that part of the fun :lol:
Personally I would never go to DLP - the reason ? Rude Europeans. I've encountered them across the cities of Europe over numerous trips over the past years. OK, you find one or two rude folk in WDW but the majority of visitors to Florida are polite and friendly and the CMs are great


New Member
I agree that WDW is the place to be, DLP however can "fill the void" between visits to Florida and a short trip can be inexpensive so a trip there is definitely worth it for a quick fix, you just have to deal with the rude, arrogant, pushy europeans for the duration of your stay, once you are in the "heart of the magic" I usually find that I can overlook them for a while!! I don't know about anyone else but i find that the CM's and characters always treat me better when they hear my British accent, perhaps they appreciate that we "Brits" show them more respect and courtesy and therefore are more willing to pose for photo's, sign autographs etc!!!!


Well-Known Member
We got back yesterday, we go around this time every year
and I have to whole heartidly agree with everythnig you have said.

As mega disney freaks me and my b/f are constanlty comparing DLRP to WDW, the key is not to, they don't have the money, the budget, and from my outlook..the care to reach the WDW standards.

We've never had rude cast members, but we rarely see a smiling cast member.
when in Fantasyland this week we did see one cast member at a drinks cart playing with a mobile phone, sitting on the railing...whilst supposed to be working.

The state of the parks is always messy, not terribly, but it seems everything needs dusting cleaning and touch up paint.

the Wonderful World Of Disney Parade, or The Princess Parade as it was known (and no, there was no difference between the two bar one float) is abismal, to hear the same music track around 9 times is a little much, I enjoyed Fantillusion and Wishes was...well, I enjoyed Wishes, but I feel it slaughtered the memories of seeing Wishes at WDW last December.

We have annual passes and will continue to return, being ex cast members, we will continue to complain to each other about the "state" things are in, and it's really a shame, as it could be a wonderful resort

We use DLRP for one thing...a quick fix. when we can't get the time to spend a few weeks at WDW, or we're flat broke, we'll head to DLRP for the weekend, and it helps, but I would never return if there was a better offering locally.


New Member
Makes you wonder though sometimes whether Disney should have bitten the bullet and gone for a Disneyland UK!! I'm sure us brits could have made a better job of "recreating the magic"


New Member
Tigger&theBeast said:
Makes you wonder though sometimes whether Disney should have bitten the bullet and gone for a Disneyland UK!! I'm sure us brits could have made a better job of "recreating the magic"

If cast members would have been as nice as in Alton Towers....... :zipit:

(sorry I had a bad experience with one of them when I rode AIR)

I mean, I don't think it's a question of "location". We all know that Europe is not US, it's not the same culture of "entertainment and leisures" but I think DLRP is doing its best. So if there is a comparison between Florida's resort and Paris' resort, it will always advantage Florida.
But I agree that the cast members team has to make some efforts to reach the americain magic :) and i just want to remind that cast members come from all different countries from Europe and... UK :D

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