Disney yuck


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We were plagued with the Disney yuck by the end of Day 3. You guessed it. We booked for 10 days. Fever, cough, runny nose. We've been stuck in the hotel. This is a nasty sickness whatever it is. It's hard not to take it personally 😅😭 Does anyone have experiences with this? We are likely going to lose out on all of our remaining days (7). This trip was so expensive and I'm heartbroken. We knew it was a risk but were hopeful because we had a perfect trip last year.

I guess I'm looking for a little commiseration. Has anyone been in this situation? We had a great vacation last year but got covid at the resort a year before that. We lost many days then too but we got to experience all 4 parks and one extra park day. It wasn't a total loss. This feels like a nearly total loss. I'm starting to feel like we just aren't compatible with coming here. It doesn't seem like most people get slammed by illness as often as we do and it's a very expensive dice roll 😭🤣😭

Disney has been my happy place since I was a kid. I was burned by our covid experience in 2022 but I couldn't ultimately stay away. I was encouraged by our great trip in 2023 and thought we could get away with more park days than this before sickness befell us. He's recovering very slowly and I feel awful for him. We can't do anything. We likely won't get any refunds. We will be going home mostly empty handed and want to be well enough for our travels home. We rented a car which is good so we won't have to expose anyone else or be stuck on a plane and can go at our own pace. Sickest our son has ever been by far. I think this might be our last trip and it breaks my heart. Lots and lots of sick people at the parks and on transportation. I've never seen it like this.

Thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
That’s horrible. Dropping that amount of money and getting nothing in return really Su@@s Hope you might be able to recover enough for some park time that’s left. I can’t imagine a worse situation.
We’ve had some slight illnesses on vacation but never been sick enough to lose days or be resort bound. Don’t expect any refund from Disney. Feeling so bad for you.


Well-Known Member
Most flus or colds take about 2 to 4 days after exposure to start showing symptoms. More than likely your symptoms are due to exposure that took place before you got there. IMO
If it took the minimum of 2 days as you say and this is day three, it is possible the exposure took place on day 1 ;)


Well-Known Member
Is it your son that gets sick frequently?

Does this happen often, and not just at WDW?

You may want to have him visit an immunologist if so. There are certain diseases and genetic issues that can play havoc with an immune system. My wife would get horrible sinus infections on a regular basis. Like really really bad ones. However my wife is one of these people who's motto is "suck it up and deal". She would just suffer through them, constantly, a couple of times at WDW.

We have now found out, through a lot of doctor's visits and a lot of testing that she has a genetic issue where she basically cannot hold antibodies in her body for more than a month or so. Every time she was exposed to germs, it was as if it was for the first time. It's called CVID. Common Variable Immunodefiency. The good news is there are treatments for it (they could be better - frankly) and with those treatments she does not get sick nearly as often.

So if your kid is getting sick on a very frequent basis you may want to see an innunologist.


Well-Known Member
My entire family came down with Covid during our 2022 trip. DH was a moron and didn’t mask up during our 5 1/2-hr flight and sat next to someone coughing the entire flight. I think he made it to a couple parks during our stay, but we all came down with it. My poor mom nearly missed her. Raise she had schedule for when we got back since still was testing positive for Covid. It might be uncomfortable but I e definitely learned my lesson about not masking in flights. I now mask when in public the few weeks before any big trip. So sorry about your trip🫤


Well-Known Member
we got the occasional cold in disney. it’s worse when it’s warm & humid. the only time we missed a park day was i got really sick from having dinner at garden grill. throwing up all night. so wiped out we stayed at the resort the next day. i’d rather have a cold.
Disney is where my parents found out I was severely asthmatic. It was my first trip and I had a nasty, wheezing cough the entire time. Trip to a clinic later and I had some medication to help with the congestion but an order to go see a doctor at home about getting an inhaler. As kids, we are often very sick. Yes this is terrible right now and crowds are overwhelming on younger immune systems. But don't say never yet.

As for always getting sick, I still do! I call it Mouse Flu, affectionately. I'm immunocompromised so I'm taking vitamin C a month before and I'm wearing a mask on the plane. Even then, no amount of hand sanitizer is keeping me from at least one day of "crud". And I go through a few bottles of hand sanitizer. My hands find so many cuts around my cuticles...

I know it seems awful. My parents thought the same thing when I was clutching my chest and coughing in Epcot, barely able to take pictures. And my parents thought the same when I was just getting into doing Disney trips again and I got smacked with one of the rarest conditions out there (not related, my brain is wired badly). But he's either going to get stronger or you'll figure out there's a reason for this and find a way.

I try to stick away from sugary, sweet optimism... But I was that kid. Things got more manageable in time. When they were not manageable, a doctor had a resource I could use. Things are much better now than when I was a child. Wait and see. Watch how he recovers and keep watching.


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Original Poster
If it took the minimum of 2 days as you say and this is day three, it is possible the exposure took place on day 1 ;)
I'm positive it's from the parks. Our son was off last week for school break and we are always extremely careful before vacations. I think it was a day one situation too. We didn't fly either. We rented a car. We tried so hard to try to avoid this lol. I feel so foolish. Unbelievable luck 😷
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New Member
Original Poster
My entire family came down with Covid during our 2022 trip. DH was a moron and didn’t mask up during our 5 1/2-hr flight and sat next to someone coughing the entire flight. I think he made it to a couple parks during our stay, but we all came down with it. My poor mom nearly missed her. Raise she had schedule for when we got back since still was testing positive for Covid. It might be uncomfortable but I e definitely learned my lesson about not masking in flights. I now mask when in public the few weeks before any big trip. So sorry about your trip🫤
I agree and we are always so careful ahead of any trip too. I don't know what's going around but this is nasty. It almost seems like adenovirus or RSV. Our son was never in daycare so he might have missed out on RSV. It's a drawn out illness. It could be covid too but our son did fine with covid in the past. People say adenovirus and RSV put covid to shame.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Got the Norovirus a few days into a trip. Was awful. Was much better after a day and half but then my daughter got sick with it. I think Disney is more prone to these things because people know they are sick, try to tough it out because of the time and money aspect end up spreading that illness to others. Will always happen and it is just one of those things. Try to wash hands often. We ended up returning for another trip sooner than we normally would to make up for that lost time.

The Mom

Premium Member
My in-laws would go skiing over Christmas break every year. At least one of them would get sick during the trip (sometimes more than one) or shortly after returning. IMO, it was the flight that did it, not the location.


New Member
Original Poster
My in-laws would go skiing over Christmas break every year. At least one of them would get sick during the trip (sometimes more than one) or shortly after returning. IMO, it was the flight that did it, not the location.
Yeah that's one reason we don't fly down. We'd be sick even sooner probably. That stinks to get it from a ski trip. Disney is obviously a germ paradise so I can't clutch my pearls much.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
We were plagued with the Disney yuck by the end of Day 3.

Thanks for listening.

Public travel to and from Disney as well as the actual stay is like living in a giant petri dish. Unfortunately you get exposed to almost every communicable illness imaginable. Some make the judgement that in spite of having some type of malady, its their vacation and by gosh, they are going to do it no matter what. So the best you can do is keep your exposure as minimal as possible with not touching stuff, when you do hose it down with sanitizer/ wash your hands and stay away from people.


Well-Known Member
Public travel to and from Disney as well as the actual stay is like living in a giant petri dish. Unfortunately you get exposed to almost every communicable illness imaginable. Some make the judgement that in spite of having some type of malady, its their vacation and by gosh, they are going to do it no matter what. So the best you can do is keep your exposure as minimal as possible with not touching stuff, when you do hose it down with sanitizer/ wash your hands and stay away from people.
That's one of the multiple reasons that I just don't use Disney busses any more. Waiting in those bus lines and piling everyone nose to back on the busses breathing all the stale reused air dozens of others are is where I am pretty sure that I've gotten sick 99% of times that I have while at WDW (because there is always one family who has one or multiple sick people sniffing and coughing). And this was pre-covid - I wouldn't dream of it now.

It's way worse than planes, because some of the newer studies on flying show yes you are at more risk when boarding/disembarking because people stand close to each other lining up to get in and out, but the flight itself, because of airflow and how the vents work and the filtration systems, actually isn't terribly susceptible to passing viruses. Especially when everyone was masked and distancing in lines to get on and off, if you were going to be around people - planes definitely weren't the worst way to do it.

That's why there weren't widespread reports where everyone got COVID on specific flights - and we will never know, but between waiting in the lines, and spending 15-20 minutes all crammed in a bus with little to no airflow, I wouldn't be surprised if entire bus loads of WDW guests got sick that way.

The Mom

Premium Member
That's one of the multiple reasons that I just don't use Disney busses any more. Waiting in those bus lines and piling everyone nose to back on the busses breathing all the stale reused air dozens of others are is where I am pretty sure that I've gotten sick 99% of times that I have while at WDW (because there is always one family who has one or multiple sick people sniffing and coughing). And this was pre-covid - I wouldn't dream of it now.

It's way worse than planes, because some of the newer studies on flying show yes you are at more risk when boarding/disembarking because people stand close to each other lining up to get in and out, but the flight itself, because of airflow and how the vents work and the filtration systems, actually isn't terribly susceptible to passing viruses. Especially when everyone was masked and distancing in lines to get on and off, if you were going to be around people - planes definitely weren't the worst way to do it.

That's why there weren't widespread reports where everyone got COVID on specific flights - and we will never know, but between waiting in the lines, and spending 15-20 minutes all crammed in a bus with little to no airflow, I wouldn't be surprised if entire bus loads of WDW guests got sick that way.
Never mind the attraction lines!


Well-Known Member
We get sick either on or after, every trip. Every single one. It's always a sinus thing.

We have come to the conclusion that since we travel when it's cooler to cold at home and come to Disney when it's warm out, it's the hotel AC that triggers a sinus irritation. Every time we turn AC at home, we get some kind of irritation in throat or nose. That's our best guess anyways.

Getting sick is just part of our routine now. 😄


Well-Known Member
We were plagued with the Disney yuck by the end of Day 3. You guessed it. We booked for 10 days. Fever, cough, runny nose. We've been stuck in the hotel. This is a nasty sickness whatever it is. It's hard not to take it personally 😅😭 Does anyone have experiences with this? We are likely going to lose out on all of our remaining days (7). This trip was so expensive and I'm heartbroken. We knew it was a risk but were hopeful because we had a perfect trip last year.

I guess I'm looking for a little commiseration. Has anyone been in this situation? We had a great vacation last year but got covid at the resort a year before that. We lost many days then too but we got to experience all 4 parks and one extra park day. It wasn't a total loss. This feels like a nearly total loss. I'm starting to feel like we just aren't compatible with coming here. It doesn't seem like most people get slammed by illness as often as we do and it's a very expensive dice roll 😭🤣😭

Disney has been my happy place since I was a kid. I was burned by our covid experience in 2022 but I couldn't ultimately stay away. I was encouraged by our great trip in 2023 and thought we could get away with more park days than this before sickness befell us. He's recovering very slowly and I feel awful for him. We can't do anything. We likely won't get any refunds. We will be going home mostly empty handed and want to be well enough for our travels home. We rented a car which is good so we won't have to expose anyone else or be stuck on a plane and can go at our own pace. Sickest our son has ever been by far. I think this might be our last trip and it breaks my heart. Lots and lots of sick people at the parks and on transportation. I've never seen it like this.

Thanks for listening.
Go get some probiotics into you and your family.
L glutamine also helps us stay germ free.

One thing.. when we do get sick at home.
Lots of lemon water seems to speed it out.

Sorry for the bummer germs.

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