Disney Year of a Million Dreams.....


Active Member
I got a dream fastpass at DAK last january as my mom & I were walking back to board the train at Rafiki's Planet Watch.

My parents came to visit me (Im a cp) in october & we rode maelstrom cuz there wasn't a line & we had about half an hour before our reservation at Biergarten. As we were getting out of the boat, we were given the lanyards & pins.

On Halloween, I got 3 rice crispie treats from the housing people as I was getting on the bus to go to DHS for work. Since I was there about an hour early, I decided to ride GMR. I walked in the door & the line was rather long. I was gonna get out of line cuz I didnt think I had enough time to still be on time for work. I then saw a dream squad member asking people how many were in their party just before the door into the room with the screen playing movie clips. Just inside the door was another dream squad member, handing out dream fastpasses. I thought I was having a good day & when I got to work at Fantasmic, I was put on my favorite track for what to do during the show.

Edisto Pluto

New Member
We just got back from a Christmas visit. Our family of four received fastpasses for the day at MK. We were exiting Splash. It was the 21st of December and the rest of the day was a dream.


New Member
Original Poster
Am I the only person to get something going ONTO a ride? It's weird how they usually give it to people coming off one.

I personally don't like it I mean they could spend all of that money doing something else instead, I'm not sure what though so I'm probably wrong :shrug:
I think this celebration was run horibly. My GF and I have spent a lot of time in the parks over the last to years and got picked for nothing. I'm not complaining about it because I never expected to be picked. It seemed to me that they only pick families or older people. I also don't belive that any of the selections were random. I belive that certain groups of people were targeted
How true I belive this whole heartedly. My DW and I never were looked at and you would see all the people (2 kids a dog and cat type familys). I remember the 15th Anniversery they gave something to like every 15th person coming into the parks.

Mike 08

New Member
i was there last week. my daughter was given a Tinkerbell Year of a Million Dreams pin by a CM at the Imagination! Pavillion. at first we were like huh, cause she didnt really say anything just handed it to her. then me and DW saw Year of a Million Dreams on it and said "she won a dream, she won a dream" my two year old daughter was far less amused than we were.


Active Member
We went three times. Last year as we were getting on Buzz we won Dream Fast Passes and this year as we were getting on Journey into Imagination won Dream Fast passes again. I kinda of would have liked the hat this year just for something different. Last year the people in front of us at Mama Melarose's won DVC Membership were we bumming.


Active Member
We won dream fastpasses going into Journey Into Your Imagination. we got there and the doors opened and the dream squad was standing there handing out fastpasses. there was only us and about 5 other people there at the time! was a big and pleasant surprise......


New Member
We got the Dream Fastpass on Christmas morning which was amazing. We were riding Winnie the Pooh first thing in the morning, and we got them. It was incredible and made Christmas so fun. It was absolutely incredible.
I do think they give most of their stuff early in the morning, because every time we have won it has been before 10:30 in the morning.


We need time for things to happen.
went twice..

During the celebration and got the ears both years.
We were pretty psyched..I mean dream fast passes, a night in the castle woulda been a little :p better, but hey, I definitely would NOT complain about winning the ears. It was good time and a great way to remember our trip.
PLUS it's WAAAAAYYYYY better than the new promotion...

What will you celebrate?? Seriously!!?? Most people go a certain time during the year, and why would you pin yourself down to your B-day? For free admission?
I think not. This promotion is lack luster at best and maybe a step above
not doing anything at all.


New Member
:p:ROFLOL:During our trip this past July we won twice. We were heading to the Magic Kingdom for the day and couldn't get on the bus at CSR, there was room mind you but some folks refused to move back at the request of the driver so we backed off to wait for the next bus. After we sat at the benches a CM approaced us (he had seen what happened) and told us he was getting us a Van to take us to MK, very nice of him.

:p We rode space mountain right away then headed over to buzz lightyear. After buzz, we headed to frontier land to ride btmrr. As we started down the ramp at the end of the line, I saw a Dream Team on the opposite tracks and wispered to my wife (didnt want to disapoint the kids) that they were there but we were on the wrong side of the tracks (story of my life). Well little did i know that the train leaves one side and returns to the other side so as we pulled back in to my surprise there was the dream team. My wife and I rode in front of our kids, the DT walked past us and i figured the family behind us was gonna win somthing, I turned around to see that my kids were getting off the ride and one of the Dream Team members was talking to my 9 year old son, he looked like he was in trouble, the DT member asked him if anyone in his family worked for Disney then told us we may have won somthing and escorted us outside. When we got outside they pulled out a little dvd player and started a film (I got scared that it was gonna be a DVC membership and was worried about the taxes) and lo and behold the video said we were Castle nite winners.

:king:The DT members made a really big deal about my son being the "winner" and he couldn't have been happier, they had him sign all sorts of paperwork and he kept saying that he was finally the center of attention and not his big sister, it was pretty cool. We got to ride in the afternoon parade in a car with Daisey and at the end of the parade route they had us in a roped off viewing area at the Fire station. My son had told one of the DT Cm's that his favorite character was pluto before the parade and she overheard him asking us about buying a Pluto hat, (we told him to wait, it was our first full day at WDW and he might find somthing he wanted more) so when she met us at the viewing area after giving us all water or soda, she handed him a bag and it had a pluto hat in it for him:drevil:he was so excieted that I got all teary, i dont think i have ever seen him so excited over a gift or toy. :sohappy:
the Castle was amazing, we were given dinner at CRT as well as breakfast at the Crystal Palace the next day. the Coolest thing by far was the concierge fellow who took us around the park that evening, he was a walking fast pass for everything, we felt bad cutting in line at micky's toon town for character photos cause there was a loooonnnggg line, but the rest of it was amazing, including semi private viewing area for spectromagic. they let us invite other people with kids, so we kinda filled up the viewing area.

:)Two days later at AK, the kids and I rode primevil whirl (hurl for me) and as we exited, we passed a DT member, I had a dream winner button on my backpack ,I guess it was only for castle winners, cause he stopped me and asked me about the stay at the castle, we chatted and he said "you know you can win twice", i replied that would be nice and said have a nice day,:wave: we continued down the ramp and another cast member stopped the kids and gave us dream fast passes! that was a lot of fun on a very crowded day at Ak

All in all a very exciting year of a million dreams week for us, unbelievable luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah.....5 trips in 2 years...plus sending in the postcards for the mail in contest 3 times a week, and I haven't won a thing.

But we did have fun on vacation though!


New Member
Original Poster
:p:ROFLOL:During our trip this past July we won twice. We were heading to the Magic Kingdom for the day and couldn't get on the bus at CSR, there was room mind you but some folks refused to move back at the request of the driver so we backed off to wait for the next bus. After we sat at the benches a CM approaced us (he had seen what happened) and told us he was getting us a Van to take us to MK, very nice of him.

:p We rode space mountain right away then headed over to buzz lightyear. After buzz, we headed to frontier land to ride btmrr. As we started down the ramp at the end of the line, I saw a Dream Team on the opposite tracks and wispered to my wife (didnt want to disapoint the kids) that they were there but we were on the wrong side of the tracks (story of my life). Well little did i know that the train leaves one side and returns to the other side so as we pulled back in to my surprise there was the dream team. My wife and I rode in front of our kids, the DT walked past us and i figured the family behind us was gonna win somthing, I turned around to see that my kids were getting off the ride and one of the Dream Team members was talking to my 9 year old son, he looked like he was in trouble, the DT member asked him if anyone in his family worked for Disney then told us we may have won somthing and escorted us outside. When we got outside they pulled out a little dvd player and started a film (I got scared that it was gonna be a DVC membership and was worried about the taxes) and lo and behold the video said we were Castle nite winners.

:king:The DT members made a really big deal about my son being the "winner" and he couldn't have been happier, they had him sign all sorts of paperwork and he kept saying that he was finally the center of attention and not his big sister, it was pretty cool. We got to ride in the afternoon parade in a car with Daisey and at the end of the parade route they had us in a roped off viewing area at the Fire station. My son had told one of the DT Cm's that his favorite character was pluto before the parade and she overheard him asking us about buying a Pluto hat, (we told him to wait, it was our first full day at WDW and he might find somthing he wanted more) so when she met us at the viewing area after giving us all water or soda, she handed him a bag and it had a pluto hat in it for him:drevil:he was so excieted that I got all teary, i dont think i have ever seen him so excited over a gift or toy. :sohappy:
the Castle was amazing, we were given dinner at CRT as well as breakfast at the Crystal Palace the next day. the Coolest thing by far was the concierge fellow who took us around the park that evening, he was a walking fast pass for everything, we felt bad cutting in line at micky's toon town for character photos cause there was a loooonnnggg line, but the rest of it was amazing, including semi private viewing area for spectromagic. they let us invite other people with kids, so we kinda filled up the viewing area.

:)Two days later at AK, the kids and I rode primevil whirl (hurl for me) and as we exited, we passed a DT member, I had a dream winner button on my backpack ,I guess it was only for castle winners, cause he stopped me and asked me about the stay at the castle, we chatted and he said "you know you can win twice", i replied that would be nice and said have a nice day,:wave: we continued down the ramp and another cast member stopped the kids and gave us dream fast passes! that was a lot of fun on a very crowded day at Ak

All in all a very exciting year of a million dreams week for us, unbelievable luck

I think ima go ahead call that the best vacation ever, or atleast for me that woulda been. How was the suite?


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
We've been twice in the past two years with this promotion and won something both times. In October of 07, it was a Photo Pass photographer took photos of us around Epcot and then this past year we were family of the day and bumped up to Concierge level at the Yacht Club. :sohappy:


I didn't get anything as I only went once for two weeks but my Mum didn't heart a DT member say "Hi" to her so I just blame her. :lol:

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