melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 2, 2015 #1,301 Breakfast, sometimes eating a big meal in the middle of the day makes me lethargic. WYR eat at Wolfgang Puck Express or Cooke's of Dublin?
Breakfast, sometimes eating a big meal in the middle of the day makes me lethargic. WYR eat at Wolfgang Puck Express or Cooke's of Dublin?
Tuvalu Premium Member Jul 2, 2015 #1,302 Wolfgang Puck Express Assuming the wait is the same, WYR ride the ferry or the monorail from the TTC to the MK?
Wolfgang Puck Express Assuming the wait is the same, WYR ride the ferry or the monorail from the TTC to the MK?
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 2, 2015 #1,303 Monorail WYR use a snack credit at Boardwalk Bakery or the Plaza ice cream Parlour?
Flyersgirl17 Well-Known Member Jul 4, 2015 #1,304 ice cream!!!!!!! wyr: fireworks at july 4th or at MNSSHP
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 4, 2015 #1,305 MNSSHP I couldn't handle being in a crowd that big today! WYR a free meal at Yachtsman steakhouse or Le Cellier?
MNSSHP I couldn't handle being in a crowd that big today! WYR a free meal at Yachtsman steakhouse or Le Cellier?
Tuvalu Premium Member Jul 4, 2015 #1,306 Yachtsman, the food is superior WYR free breakfast or free dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table?
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 4, 2015 #1,307 Free Dinner WYR ride GMR or IASW continuously for an hour?
jw24 Well-Known Member Jul 5, 2015 #1,308 GMR! Can't stand Small World! WYR dine at Cali Grill or Artist Point?
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 6, 2015 #1,309 Cali Grill, I prefer their menu at the moment. WYR save LMA or Indiana Jones from the DHS updates?
ShoalFox Well-Known Member In the Parks Yes Jul 6, 2015 #1,310 Indiana Jones WYR have more direct to video sequels or more Disney Channel original movies?
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2015 #1,311 Disney Channel original movies WYR More retail units or more dining options in the Downtown Disney/ Disney Springs expansion?
Disney Channel original movies WYR More retail units or more dining options in the Downtown Disney/ Disney Springs expansion?
Tuvalu Premium Member Jul 8, 2015 #1,312 Dining options WYR spend 6 am - 6 pm in the MK or 6 pm - 6 am?
WDWmazprty Well-Known Member Jul 9, 2015 #1,314 DHS WYR eat at Chef Mickeys or Crystal Palace for breakfast?
Brer Panther Well-Known Member Jul 9, 2015 #1,315 Crystal Palace. Would you rather have a new dark ride replace Peter Pan or Little Mermaid?
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 9, 2015 #1,316 Peter Pan, i'm a little mermaid fan. WYR eat at Trex or House of Blues?
jw24 Well-Known Member Jul 12, 2015 #1,317 House of Blues. T-Rex seems pretty average from what I've heard. WYR compete in a Toy Story Mania tournament or Take part in riding any Disney coaster for 24 hours straight?
House of Blues. T-Rex seems pretty average from what I've heard. WYR compete in a Toy Story Mania tournament or Take part in riding any Disney coaster for 24 hours straight?
RadiatorSpringsRacer Well-Known Member Jul 13, 2015 #1,318 Tournament. Would you rather Hunchback or Black Cauldron get a parade float?
WDWmazprty Well-Known Member Jul 13, 2015 #1,319 Hunchback. WYR refurb The Great Movie Ride or The Carousel of Progress?
melmel89 Well-Known Member Jul 13, 2015 #1,320 Carousel of Progress, I love it so it would be great to see it looking its best. WYR stay at riverside or French Quarter?
Carousel of Progress, I love it so it would be great to see it looking its best. WYR stay at riverside or French Quarter?