disney world underwater in 30 years?


Well-Known Member
ogryn said:
Would this mean they would clone Aquatopia over from DisneySeas?

I agree with jmaxwell007. We could all be potentially screwed if global warming gets too high. Mass-flooding may destroy our economies.... who knows...? :)

is that like the old motor boats at DL -- AWESOME ATTRACTION -- really gave you so much more control and freedom than any other attraction. It is greatly missed.


Well-Known Member
icorsix said:
I heard a guy on the SciFi Channel say that we should expect contact with aliens in outer space by 2020, if we haven't already been visited by them. Should Disney do something about Tomorrowland just in case? I mean, if E.T. sits through Stitch's Great Escape, we'll be the laughing stock of the galaxy. Don't you think?:hammer:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
We totally would. We should start writing Disney with our concerns. They definitely need to know about this.

As for WDW going under, I don't know how trustworthy the info from the guy at NASA is. But even in my short time on earth, I've learned to never say never. Did any of us think that tsunami would happen before it did? Or that New Orleans would pretty much get destroyed by one of the biggest recorded hurricanes? Or that it would get hit by not one, but three tornadoes within 6 months of Katrina? The flooding of Florida may or may not happen; if it does, it may or may not happen in the time span they think it will. But to say "oh, it'll never happen" - to not at least consider the possibility of it happening in our lifetimes would be a huge mistake, I think. No matter how far-fetched it may seem to you, there's still that small percent chance that it could very well happen. But if it does, I hope for our sakes that we'll all be dead before then. How boring would a life without Disney World be?

Now if you will excuse me, I have to start making hats out of aluminum foil. 2020 will be here before you know it!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
hcswingfield said:
And guests who buy the park/cruise package can skip the bus ride to the coast to board the cruise liner. They can just step right outside the resort and right onto the boat!
harry, we might have beach front property............. that will increase the porperty value



New Member
Disneyworld will befinitely be ocean front property one day but I don't think it will be in 30 years.

Anyway take a look around at the "world" we live in, someone is going to "push the button" (sooner than later) and we won't really have to worry about what happened to the mouse!


New Member
yea like I said prolly lots more than 30 years prolly more then 100 years I almost gurentee disney wont exist when this happens in about 1000 years.


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
we have bigger things to worry about if WDW is under water. and secondly, it doesnt matter if they have insurance or not..... insurance couldnt do anything and if they could, they would have to borrow half the fed reserve to move the mouse

lets just play devils advocate: if WDW is under water, im not going to be worring about riding EE or SSE......... at least PotC will still work :rolleyes:

I agree with you. By the time WDW is underwater there will be a lot more for us to be worrying about in the world. How many millions of Americans will be homeless - where will we put all the Floridians and Mississippians and Louisianainans?

I seriously doubt it will happen within 30 years though. Maybe 300.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
nyfrenchy said:
well, as expected, that topic fly high over the heads of people here and resulting in immature comments.

Sadly you can't expect people to JUST CARE, you know just in case it could actually happen. The melting of the ice cap AS OF TODAY is already alarming... but alarming only for those WHO CARE. And those people won't be found on those boards.

That's hardly fair. Many care, but beyond doing what we can as individuals, can't have much impact on the millions who aren't doing their part. Should we run screaming into the hills? How about we lighten up, throw a joke or two around and still manage to raise awareness of the potential issue?

Not everyone has to deal with the issue seriously to demonstrate that we care.


Account Suspended
in the last 30 years has the coast of florida changed that dramaticly? NO so why would this 30 years be any different? It takes THOUSANDS or MILLIONS of years for something like that to happen ie: Pangea. We have nothing to worry about. These people are just trying to keep us scared that SOME BIG NATURAL DISASTER is about to happen again, there is almost no way of predicting something like that!


Jorma said:
On the lighter side maybe the they will decide to build a new WDW in a central globally warmed area like north Texas and shorten my trip. :lol:

NOW you're talkin!! Move it all to Texas!! :sohappy:


New Member
Anyone remember a very big, well publicized Earth Day rally in California sometime back around 1989 to 1991 (cant remember exactly) that had many celebrities as speakers and when Ted Danson quoted numerous high level research scientists and government experts and warned us that the Earth's oceans wouldn't be able to sustain life within the next decade due to global warming, over fishing, and man's pollution and agricultural runoff? I think they were maybe a bit off the mark with that prediction as well. I dont remember the height of land in central Florida, but isn't it around 150 to 200 feet above sea level? If so, it would take a SERIOUS amount of quick global warming to melt enough ice at the poles to submerge all of Florida. Gotta love media pundits running on at the mouth without the facts to back them up.


New Member
alright folks, this is why they built the Living Seas in the first place. Everyone should be trained and ready for this! We'll start a new life....under the sea


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Videoteck said:
.......I almost gurentee disney wont exist when this happens in about 1000 years.
i think that is a safe bet. i cant see too many people in 3006 riding IASW and getting anything out of it.......


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Before the global warming people tell us to stick our heads in the sand because the world is coming to an end (as we know it)....

Remember that the present earth climate, the one that "modern" humans have been living in, is over 100,000, that's one hundred THOUSAND years old. Now, let's look at the "rise in temperatures" that everyone is getting so worked up about. How long have accurate thermometers been around? About 50 years. And I mean thermometers that are accurate to 0.1 degrees, since it's always the global warming advocates telling us that the average temperature of the earth last year went up X.X degrees.

So, if there have been accurate thermometers for only the last 50 years or so, how can one believe any true temperature data beyond that ? The answer is you cannot. Especially when many of that temperature data is coming from cities that take temperature readings at or near an airport.

Next, it has been proven that the earth has cyclic climate changes. While I agree that the global rise in temperature has been faster than normal, it is not something that we can control all that much.
Ding Ding Dine. We have a winner.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
peter11435 said:
Ding Ding Dine. We have a winner.
yes, ive always laughed at the global warming issue since .1 degree is soooooo much.

but we need to watch it for air quailty and our breathing fresh O2


Active Member
That is really unfair to assume that the people on this board won't care. But as stated before, this is a Disney Fansite. I guess we will all just have to wait and see what happens.


New Member
It doesn't matter....according to The Discovery Channel we are going to die from the Bird Flu in the next 3 years....plan your WDW vacation accordingly!!!!

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