Disney world Rain???


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Original Poster
Hi all,
we are heading to wdw within 8 hourswe will be there thur night, fri, sat, sun, and mon www.weather.com
says it is going to rain almost every day. 1 how reliable is this source.
2. will it be bad enough to cancel night time fireworks.
3. does wdw close rides during a thunderstorm.
4.does anybody in orlando have more weather related information they could give me?
5. what do you suggest we do?


It's just not a trip to Disney without at least one good thunderstorm :lol:

I wouldn't worry about it. Trust me- you'll have fun no matter what. The parks don't shut down and most of the rides/attractions are indoors anyway :) Buy yourself a super-cool Mickey poncho and you'll be set.


Well-Known Member
www.weather.com is a very reliable weather source, but with any weather predicting, anything past three is serious to real change. Plus, it doesn't mean it's going to rain all day, every day--rarely does in Florida. Like Erika said, get a rain poncho, splash in the puddles and have a blast!


hi! well when i went in august it rained most days but for only like an hour in late afternoon and it was more refreshing then annoying :) and in the 10 days i was there only 1 night was it bad enough to stop fireworks n stuff ...now i don't know what the weather is like at this time of year but i wouldn't expect you should worry too much about rain


New Member
Having done this numerous times myself and with friends and fmaily, I suggest you wear clothes that you don't mind being a little wet in and get a poncho or other rain wear. While it rains run through the park in the rain, it's lots of fun and depending on the storm things are alot less crowded. you could also bring a change of clothes if you want. Some of my best memories are during the rain in the parks and dancing in the streets and running through puddles to rides.:D :D :D



New Member
1. I have no clue how reliable the source is, I'd check the weather channel.

2. It depends on how bad the rain is, but yes it could cancel the fireworks

3. Only rides that go outside and usually only if its raining really badly, say with lightning

4. Nope, sorry

5. Don't sweat it, it rains in Florida all the time.. usually for only short periods usually.


New Member
The weatherchannel.com is NOT a very reliable source for up to date weather information, for some strange reason. Last year, when I went to WDW, we packed according to weatherchannel.com, and were really upset when it rained all week when it said that it would be sunny most of the days. Also, a few times here in Michigan I have planned camping trips from what WC.com said, and was really mad when it didn't rain when it said it was going to, all I had were long pants! I think is is pretty accurate on a two day spectrum, other than that, I would just wing it!


New Member
Attractions close do to Lighting, but now thunder or rain. However, Heavy rain can cause attrations to break down. Test Track is the exception, as it will close for rain.

Here is a list of attractions that close do to lighting.


Main Street Vehicals
Jungle Cruise
Swiss Fam Treehouse
Tom Sawyer Il.

Share a dream can run in very light rain
Spectro, WILL NOT run in rain
Fireworks do foro the most part


Test Track


Backlot Toar
Indiana Jones

Parade can go eather way
Fantasmic Lighting def not, rain maybe

Animal Kingdom

Lets list what IS OPEN,

Lion King
Tree of Life

Not the park to be in, Epcot and MGM are you best bets, as well as Disney Quest. AVOID THE WATER PARKS!!! not to fun in the rain, and CLOSE for lighting.

But having said all this, the rain doesnt last long in Central FLA, and the thunderstorms last about 30 min. So dont worry about it to much.

BTW this list is not offical, it just from my experencies


New Member
Thunder is caused by lightning. At SeaWorld, I'm pretty sure if lightning is within 5 miles of the park, the rides are shut down.

Imagine that a weatherman is wrong. That's never happened before. :rolleyes:


New Member

We have been there when it's rained (downpoured) for 4 days straight (9/7-14/97)! We really needed the ponchos, but sweated miserably in them! When we would exit an attraction the crowd would stop so everyone could don their ponchos before exiting.

I've also been there (10/00) when it did not rain a single drop the entire week!

Our last trip (9/02) it showered off & on. Some days it would pour at EPCOT, but MK wouldn't get a drop & vice-versa. The rain clouds are uaually a LOT smaller than the ones up north, but very scattered. This last trip instead of donning our ponchos in EPCOT we just ran from pavilion to pavilion. Even though it was relatively warm in the evening we did chill from going in & out of the air-conditioned buildings.

You'll have a great time regardless of the weather.


New Member
It's always more fun to go in the rain anyways. Everyone leaves and then you have the whole park to yourself! Besides they don't close any of the rides since most of them are inside

Do you know what meteorologist means in latin?

Liar ;)


New Member
I think the general opinion is, don't sweat the rain. It will happen. If you want to save a little cash, buy ponchos before you go. (Or course, the Disney branded ones can become a souvenir, that is your call.)

I can remember our trip in 1991 (end Sept early Oct.) We had rain every day I think, mostly just a little rain passing through.

Our last day there we got a down pour, and I mean down pour. I have video of it, it is quite amazing.

We were out in the water mice (mini speed boats) and having a great time. We were staying at the GF and were well past the Contemporary. All of a sudden one of the Disney Patrol boats comes flying at me singleing to stop. So I did and he said I had to head back right now, a thunder storm would be here any second. Full throttle back and as soon as we hit the dock the bottom fell out. One of those rains that gets you completely drenched in seconds. Sure enough it was a thunder storm. The flash and sounds were simultanous. It was quite a light show, almost as good as Illumination. :lol:

The rain in Florida is a very interesting thing. Depending on the time of year and what kind of storm it is determines how long the rain will last. All summer, if we had rain it would come between 2:30pm and 3:30pm and then it would be clear the rest of the day. If you go in the late fall-early spring there is a better chance at getting an all day rain or a long rain (more then an hour). My best suggestion when it comes to water and Disney World is try to stay as dry as possible because it is muggy down there and it takes forever to dry.

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