disney world blues

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by jmarc63
I could not have said it better myself, I dont think there nit picking at all , and for thoes who do you don't care like some of us do about out beloved parks

Perhaps if you have seen some of the things I have you may have the ability to put peeling paint and duff light bulbs in the context they deserve. Dont confuse entertainment with real life:)


Active Member
Originally posted by happy snapper
Perhaps if you have seen some of the things I have you may have the ability to put peeling paint and duff light bulbs in the context they deserve. Dont confuse entertainment with real life:)

I don't.

Real life pretty much suck$...

WDW is where I go for Magic :)


New Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
Now there are more parks, resorts, attractions, and other areas than is probably possable to keep as immaculate as Walt kept Disneyland. That's just a fact of life.

Well IMO that shouldn't be an excuse,

Originally posted by meeko_33785

First, I don't appreciate being called shallow. Second, isn't all Disney trying to do is entertain their guests. If the guests are entertained, I see no problem. Not that I want to see it looking like Six Flags or something, but I think a lot of people here have much to high standards for Disney. Nothing is perfect, so Disney shoudn't expected to be either. Also, I hope no one takes this the wrong way but Walt Disney is dead, there are more that just one park, and it's not 1955. WDW shouldn't be expected to try to keep Walt's vission for Disneyland to such a degree that everything must look perfect.

I didn't say you were shallow , I said that kind of thinking was shallow, If you want to take it personally then thats your problem. It appears to me that you must be fairly young and/or don't understand why a place like DL or WDW existed in the first place, and why Disney is diffrent that a SF. We have as you call it "high standards", because Disney started out with a higher standard Than the rest and now current management is back-pedeling from that standard that we came to expect from a Disney product which includes the films and animation as well as the parks. of cource nothing is perfect but should that be an excuse for forgeting Walts legacy even thou he is gone and try to do the best you can to keep the parks in good repair? I don't belive it should be so.


New Member
Originally posted by happy snapper
Perhaps if you have seen some of the things I have you may have the ability to put peeling paint and duff light bulbs in the context they deserve. Dont confuse entertainment with real life:)
How does poor maintenance standards get confused with entertainment, I don't find poor maintenance entertaining at all, sloppy standards are just bad show as well as bad business

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by jmarc63
How does poor maintenance standards get confused with entertainment, I don't find poor maintenance entertaining at all, sloppy standards are just bad show as well as bad business

Disney and its parks are part of the entertainment industry. An industry which IMHO overblown its own importance. I’m sure that in an ideal world Disney would never have a failed bulb, a chipped piece of paint and not a single piece of litter would be found. However in the big bad world that is reality, i.e. not Hollywood tinted people are starving, aids is rife, drug use and gun crime continues to grow and the system which drives Disney, consumerism, is under growing pressure. Through all the financial uncertanty Disney has to continue to operate. That’s what I meant by keeping it in perspective.

Yes tell them when its wrong, more importantly if they fail to react complain vigorously. But things like worn paint on a wall caused by guests sitting on it?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jmarc63
It appears to me that you must be fairly young and/or don't understand why a place like DL or WDW existed in the first place, and why Disney is diffrent that a SF. We have as you call it "high standards", because Disney started out with a higher standard Than the rest and now current management is back-pedeling from that standard that we came to expect from a Disney product which includes the films and animation as well as the parks. of cource nothing is perfect but should that be an excuse for forgeting Walts legacy even thou he is gone and try to do the best you can to keep the parks in good repair? I don't belive it should be so.

I understand fully why DL and WDW are here- to have an entertaining and beautiful place where families can have a good time together. Is it that? Yes, it is. I expect them to have extremely high standards, but not the imposable standards that some Disney fans set up for them. Let me put it in perspective- WDW is twice the size of Manhattan. Since (I'm guessing) half of it are probably guest areas, that would make the amount of area that guests see about the size of Manhattan. Compare WDW to how clean, perfect, and immaculate Manhattan was (pre 9-11). I think that it is incredible Disney looks so beautiful and does a wonderful job of keeping their guests areas looking so.


Active Member
Has anyone seen my fries?:mad:
I left them right next to my ant farm.:D

Yuck! Glad I stayed at the AS Movies.:sohappy:

No one can come up with a valid excuse for the fries being there a week. How many CM's had to pass that ice machine during that time?

I think the main problem is the tourist industry in Central Florida has expanded to much to quickly and that the labor pool is not large enough to do all the nice things we all came to expect.

If Pop Century would have opened those fries would probably still be there.:eek:


Well-Known Member
My Friend just came back from WDW a couple of months ago(It was his first time there). He kept saying hom perfect the parks looked, how the grass looked so green and neatly trimed and stuff like that. For the average person, they dont notice anything wrong with the place, they are too busy asorbing all the magic, maybe some of you should try that too. Dont look for things that are peeling etc. just enjoy the fact you are there! WDW is an enormous place and can not be kept looking completely beautiful all the time. The place is 30 years old, buildings are going to age its a fact of life. I bet some of you will be the first to complain if prices increased so they could use the money to fix up the parks.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
That's what I thought!!

But the fries just sat....and sat....and sat.

That really troubled me
After thinking about this for a week, it finally dawned on me--why didn't you just throw them away yourself? Or eaten them?:hurl:


Originally posted by sandjhooker
After thinking about this for a week, it finally dawned on me--why didn't you just throw them away yourself? Or eaten them?:hurl:

Cause ants gotta eat, man.


Active Member
Originally posted by sandjhooker
After thinking about this for a week, it finally dawned on me--why didn't you just throw them away yourself?

You got to be kidding:rolleyes:

I don't think Miss Diva needs to be cleaning up after lazy guests.:(

I've had to clean off my fair share of tables at Pecos Bill's etc because of lazy people:eek: but I don't think I or Miss Diva need to be picking used food off of ice machines.:eek: :hurl:


RunDisney Addict
I think in any environment - especially one as persistantly hot as Florida's, you're going to see some natural wear and tear. Most people come to expect a little bit, and are not going to let a little crack in a bench wreck my Disney experience. Would you rather then tear the bench out and totally replace it every time it got worn down? This would be more of an inconvenience, then they would have something else to complain about.

I agree with some of the things on there. I didn't like the Swiss family Robinson treehouse with the grass roofs missing. However, when it was finally fixed and the color wasn't right, they still complained. The only way to get the colors to match would be to totally replace all the roofs. Would you rather have all that money spent there, and then something else get pushed off? I think not.

I'm not saying it's wrong to be a bit picky at times. But there are pictures there were 2 lightbulbs were out on a sign and they threw a fit about it. I'm guessing on any night, you'll have at least that many go out. Would you rather have them replacing bulbs in sight of guests? Remember, you must give something to gain something.

I also expect there to be natural wear and tear on some things. Remember, this is hurricane country. some things might have gotten damaged or broken in a violent storm. It takes time to order new things to put there, so just be patient that everything will correct itself. A lot of the damages I saw on that site could be attributed to high winds.

Remember everyone - logistics rules all - you have to have the man power and BUDGET for the upkeep on all of this. You can only do so much in one night, and sometimes you have to work during the day (gasp!) to make sure everything gets done in a timely manner. Nobody seems to complain that there were construction equipment in plain view while Mission: Space was being built. It was looked at as a necessary evil, and most people understand.

I'm not going to look at it as "the end of the magic" if I see a little chipped paint around the base of a post. I figure it comes with the territory with kids climbing on it, strollers and wheelchairs hitting it all day and so forth.

To keep the parks in 100% perfect order all the time they'd have to have a few hundred if not a thousand people there overnight to fix all the little problems. I find some of these problems to be very superficial, and not worth taking the time to strip and paint a handrail because a 1 inch piece of paint is chipped.

Remember..we're there to have fun...not to be a building inspector.


RunDisney Addict
Also - maybe just a suggestion. If you're going to post things that are fixed, show what they look like in their new and improved states. Seems they say "X is fixed...but look what it looked like before"

I guess if you show what the results are in before/after you may get your point across about how good things really can look.

Otherwise, it seems like you're just intent on complaining and not praising.


I think the only reason the site exists (aside from the fanatical quest for perfection in their beloved parks) is because they are local residents who have a lot of time and opportunity to spend time in the parks frequently. I go every two years if I'm lucky, so you won't see me spending time in a small corner checking the condition of the paint. I have too much other stuff to try to do before my week is up.


New Member
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
I agree that some things have changed and aged at WDW but I think this site is too negative and nit-piks but I usually see the world with rosey glasses unless I am having a really bad day.

I totally agree with this. The site is too negative. There should be NO SITES like that.:cry:


Active Member
I disagree...

I like that there's a site where people who truly love Disney can talk about anything at the parks that they did find disappointing.

I once again remember what my VERY bright mother says to me -
"I'll always love you, but that doesn't mean that I'll always like what you do."

I do love Disney (more than ya'll will ever know!), but I don't have to agree with their actions.

As for the Misson: Space construction, it breaks my heart that Horizons is gone - much less having to witness any construction on the replacement....:(

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