disney world blues


Well-Known Member
OK, I just went and looked at the site--WAY TOO NIT-PICKY. Good gosh, just enjoy the parks instead of zooming in on bird doo-doo on a side of a building with your digital camera for an excuse to make a website.


Active Member
Originally posted by sandjhooker
And the Disney detail is what really caught my attention last time we went. As I rode rides or visited attractions, especially through the queue areas, I was amazed at the detail and the great lengths that Disney goes to make it as real as possible. I have a son bugging me to death about going to Six Flags and my mind keeps going to their attractions--about as lifeless as I can imagine. Disney has been and always will be head and shoulders above all others in their detail. Sure, things may need touching up every now and then, but it gets taken care of. No one is perfect, but the overall quality of the park lies in the eyes of the beholder. Personally, I'm not paying $50+ a day to walk the parks and critique them and take away my enjoyment.

Hi :wave:

I do hear you...really. I just can't agree. When I visit WDW, I really do expect the very best - if I wanted peeling paint and worn attractions, I could just go to 6 Flags...it's closer! :lol:

My personal pickiness does extend to the resorts as well. When I arrived at PO on our last trip, there was this half eaten container of fries on the ice machine on our floor - how gross is that? I thought of mentioning it to someone, but I decided it would be more interesting to see how long the container remained there....it did stay for the entire seven nights of our stay.

Does that disturb anyone else? :confused:


New Member
Originally posted by Glasgow
Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. You can take whatever you want away from Disney .. meaning that if you're looking for inadequacies, you will find them. But if you're looking for magic, you will find that. If life has taught me anything it's that happiness is not so much a result of a situation, but rather your reaction to it :animwink:

It goes way beyond trying to find inadequacies, and personally I haven't gone there to find something wrong, but if your in a queqe or just walking along and something is so blatenly unapealing as paint chipping as large as a quater, were you can see that it hasen't had any attention where you can see oxidation turing in to rust on metal or rot forming in wood, I ran in to that on my last trip in 93, and that is really so out of charater from the DL and WDW walt had wanted to present to guests. Yes I do have high standards in general but it also shows a lack of pride and respect to the guest as well as the asset, the parks are not just a money maker it is a company asset and being a stockholder I would rather use some profits on up keep, it is cheaper in the long run to do touch-up or minor replacements than to have to do a total gut to repair later after the unattended problem grows out of hand.. I think the sites creators are just trying to point out that this is not the kind of problems that Walt wanted to be seen and there love for the parks is so great that there upset as I am of the lack of attention to these details.

so if you want to enjoy the parks as the way Walt wanted us to I don't disagree with you there but these problems are destroying the integerity of the structures and if they keep up on with the current detail the place wil fal apart and we won't have it anymore

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
And here was me thinking that Disney had been making great strides in returning things to normal. Its a sad fact of life as anything ages its condition deteriorates, look at me. This process is accelerated if it has a hard life, so we all need a little care and maintenance but Disneys problem is that if they do it during park opening theres an outcry, they may have been able to do things at night in the past but as the whole park is ageing you would have to have a massive maintenance team working during the closed periods, not realistic not economic. As far as cosmetic things are unsightly id far rather the priorities were safety orientated.
And IMHO ( and ive been looking) things are not as bad as is being described and i thought have improved since2K.


New Member
Well said Snapper...

I agree that my impression is that things are getting a bit better than just a few years ago. Don't get me wrong, we are nowhere near the golden age of Disney parks and there are many little corners where bad show can be found. However, I see in my department and others, things that have been looking weak for some time being taken care of and improved.

I appreciate the web site. It helps to bring those corners into the light...and I know for certain, THEY do see this stuff. As long as the bad stuff continues to be fixed, I'll continue to enjoy the 90% of WDW that blows away anything when it comes to attention to detail.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is perfect, and WDW isn't either. Paint peels, plants die; these things happen. Does that mean that every night Disney should go through and paint everything and replace every plant that is looking sickly? No. Nobody has that kind of time or money. Shoud Disney be told that they are neglecting their parks? No, because they are not. The Florida heat and rain just isn't always kind to the paint or plants, and neither are the guests. Would you believe that I have seen, on more than one occasion, Toad fans at MK scrapping green paint off the Winnie the Pooh queue to reveal the purple paint from Mr. Toad? Yep, it's sad but true. Weather is intense, guests can be disrespectful, and these things happen. Want a change? Email Disney. Maybe they'll close MK for 2 weeks to repaint everything in the park so it will look beter. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
How sad that people go to WDW just to complain - If they don't like what they see then perhaps they should just stay away and leave it for the rest of us to have fun. :fork:


New Member
Original Poster
heres my view.i think for the most part disney does a great job at keeping up the parks.these things on the websight represent only about 5 % of things wrong in the parks.being in fla for the last 30 years i undertsand about how florida heat can damage paint(especially the primary paint colors disney uses alot like (red,black,green,and purple).also disney property encompasses 47 square miles(size of new york city) so it is a major area to keep clean and fresh.i undertsand disney trys hard to keep up and the eventually get it fixed or repainted.my gripe is when a problem is addressed and it is half assed done-like slopping some paint over old without sanding old stufff down or leaving overspray on ground like a kid finger painted it.thats my beef i cant blame disney for bird ________ or something breaking but when its time to fix the problem do it right-THE DISNEY WAY


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
So does anyone have any excuses about the food container sitting on an ice machine for a week? :confused:
1. housekeeping kept their snack for their break there for the week
2. it was a new box everyday because someone was pulling a fast one on the housekeeping staff
3. housekeeping staff were blind and couldn't see it
4. you were hallucinating and it was not really there
5. you win--they simply missed it. unfortunately, this stuff happens sometimes. really, there is no excuse. hopefully, it's been thrown away by now.:animwink:


New Member
i have to agree w/ meeko...the site is nit picky and ive never had a peice of peelin paint or a cracked wall ruin my vacation. i do feel that the level of maintainance at WDW has dropped but its still a WHOLE lot better than pretty much anywhere lese ive ever been...i must also note as well that the wdwblues people are not to quick to update either...they need to get up on that. the one thing i notced last week when i was there was how bad the road on main st looked. parts seemed to literally be crumbling and it not only looked bad but it also looked dangerous. i think before they go sticking 3inch paint jobs on the barely noticable peeling paint on Peter Pan at the top of the rehab list, Main St is in much greater need. but thats just my 2 cents...:cool:


New Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
Nothing is perfect, and WDW isn't either. Paint peels, plants die; these things happen. Does that mean that every night Disney should go through and paint everything and replace every plant that is looking sickly? No. Nobody has that kind of time or money. Shoud Disney be told that they are neglecting their parks? No, because they are not. The Florida heat and rain just isn't always kind to the paint or plants, and neither are the guests. Would you believe that I have seen, on more than one occasion, Toad fans at MK scrapping green paint off the Winnie the Pooh queue to reveal the purple paint from Mr. Toad? Yep, it's sad but true. Weather is intense, guests can be disrespectful, and these things happen. Want a change? Email Disney. Maybe they'll close MK for 2 weeks to repaint everything in the park so it will look beter. :rolleyes:

Well for you information that is exactly they used to do, I know for a fact that that is what Walt had happen at DL and it was standard procedure at WDW in the early years to continue that pholosphy, But at that time the company was still run by the family. since Eisner and company were brought in the family has had almost no say except for Roy, But sadly his input has almost no bearing on policy anymore, so all in all it's all corporate with accountants running the show and recomending cutting the corners that Walt would have balked at ,

There is a famous story that in the early days of DL was that the park map was selling for 25 cents and the accountants came to Walt saying that were not making any money on the map, we need to raise the price. the map cost Walt 24 cents to produce for a 25 cent sale and the accountants thought that there was no return on the production, Walts answer was we will make back the profit by selling more maps and having guests putting them on there coffee table for there friends to see and get them interested in comming to Disneyland, so we will have free advertising, Walt wasn't the best with money , Thats were Roy came in, but he knew how to make the guests happy with a spectacular place to enjoy themselfs.

On your comment of closing the park, c'mon don't be rediclous, thats why they did all the repainting at night so they wouldn't have to do that, Maybe parks that are seasonal in the snow belt have the luxury of doing major painting in the off season but Disney doesn't have that luxury, and they know that going in since they wanted a year round park and that is why we don't have one in the midwest which would be a better alternative to SF/GA, which is all thrill rides and no much else.

I think also you taking that site out of context, everyone keeps saying that worring about peeling paint is going to ruin there vacation, you are looking at this all wrong and a very shalow responce, it goes deeper than that , Much Much deeper.. I don't think it will ruin anyones vacation but for us that care it will tarnish the pride that the park had in the early days

read my last post and you will see why


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineergurl
:( :cry: ok people im going in 5 days!i must go and save disney from destruction,wish me luck

Thanks gurl, and by the way, while your there, I saw some peeling paint at the All Stars, you might want to complain about!:lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by luvthemouse
i have to agree w/ meeko...the site is nit picky

I have to ask at this time... Isn't that the Point? If you are going to set up a site like this, shouldn't you be good at what you are striving for... I have no problem with them setting a site up like this and being very "nit picky". The more so the better. The more things they find that we never usually see, the better off the park can be for it. If you don't want to know that much of the bad, simply don't read the site, however, it is good that someone is that picky... it helps Disney and may sometimes alert them to things they were not aware of too.:)


New Member
Originally posted by spider-man
I have to ask at this time... Isn't that the Point? If you are going to set up a site like this, shouldn't you be good at what you are striving for... I have no problem with them setting a site up like this and being very "nit picky". The more so the better. The more things they find that we never usually see, the better off the park can be for it. If you don't want to know that much of the bad, simply don't read the site, however, it is good that someone is that picky... it helps Disney and may sometimes alert them to things they were not aware of too.:)

I could not have said it better myself, I dont think there nit picking at all , and for thoes who do you don't care like some of us do about out beloved parks


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jmarc63
On your comment of closing the park, c'mon don't be rediclous, thats why they did all the repainting at night so they wouldn't have to do that, Maybe parks that are seasonal in the snow belt have the luxury of doing major painting in the off season but Disney doesn't have that luxury, and they know that going in since they wanted a year round park and that is why we don't have one in the midwest which would be a better alternative to SF/GA, which is all thrill rides and no much else.

Uh.. being rediculous was kind of the point. Obviously you don't undersand the humor of my statement, so I'll try to put it a different way. Disney has more important things to worry about now than making everything look perfect. They may try, but it's never going to happen. It was one thing at Disneyland in Walt's day when everything was new and there was only one park. Now there are more parks, resorts, attractions, and other areas than is probably possable to keep as immaculate as Walt kept Disneyland. That's just a fact of life.

Originally posted by jmarc63
I think also you taking that site out of context, everyone keeps saying that worring about peeling paint is going to ruin there vacation, you are looking at this all wrong and a very shalow responce, it goes deeper than that , Much Much deeper.. I don't think it will ruin anyones vacation but for us that care it will tarnish the pride that the park had in the early days

read my last post and you will see why

First, I don't appreciate being called shallow. Second, isn't all Disney trying to do is entertain their guests. If the guests are entertained, I see no problem. Not that I want to see it looking like Six Flags or something, but I think a lot of people here have much to high standards for Disney. Nothing is perfect, so Disney shoudn't expected to be either. Also, I hope no one takes this the wrong way but Walt Disney is dead, there are more that just one park, and it's not 1955. WDW shouldn't be expected to try to keep Walt's vission for Disneyland to such a degree that everything must look perfect.


Account Suspended
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if people who create these sites that nitpick and criticise WDW, call for you to sign a petition to save an attraction and just flat out complain, put all that energy toward something positive. Like feeding the hungry. Donating their time for Habitat for Humanity. Or just following a presidental election and going out to vote. All this wasted time and energy................

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