Disney vs Universal, Nintendo vs Sony

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Originally posted by JLW11Hi
I think the big point everyone is missing here is that it is hard to compare video game consoles to Theme parks. Only a limited audience plays video games, probably the largest audience is in the male teenage group. And, as posted earlier, that isnt a very large target group for Disney or Universal. I think they would worry more about targeting families than just teenagers.

But this probably has larger long-term repercussions than those in charge believe. The way I see it, Disney tries to attact every demographic. The problem with this approach is that you can't please everyone. As such those who want strictly thrill rides (the male teenage group, primarily) won't stick with Disney for the long term. In the next generation, Disney will have a much harder time attracting that generation because of they couldn't keep that generation's fathers interested.

Mind you, this will cause a fair amount of strife within a given family unit because the women will, more than likely, continue to like the product that disney produces (assuming that the product does not substantially change).

Of course, should the future generation's fathers wise up and realise that there is a great deal more than thrill rides to a good theme park, the assumptions in the first paragraph begin to disintegrate.

This is *not* meant to be a request for more thrill rides at WDW (although I think that one or two more could be great additions). It is, instead, an attempt to look at the long term consequences of short-term decisions. Since Disney, like all large corporations, tends to look for short-term gain, they will, I predict within a generation, be in as bad trouble as they were in the early 80's.

Of course, with all this pseduo-management speak and psychobabble, I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
>>>I predict within a generation, be in as bad trouble as they were in the early 80's.<<<

For the most part, they already are. Disney is creatively bankrupt, and as long as the mass talent exodus continues, it will only get worse. The one difference is that Disney is not having serious financial troubles like they were in 80's... yet.

Luau Cove

New Member
Originally posted by pheneix

Disney is creatively bankrupt, .

This is the most absurd thing I've ever read in here. If Disney was out of ideas, it wouldn't have so many projects going round and round every year, including Theme Parks, Movies, Merchandising, Festivities, Books, TV...Whatever you can think, Disney has been already there and continues in there probably leading the category, so if one thing's for sure is that right now they don't look like "NINTENDO" .



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Nintendo will support GC for at least another year..this is true..they are going to do a last ditch effort to push the system (Metroid is REALLY going to help them)...but sadly the GC's limitations (lack of DVD support etc) is holding them back...I really think nintendo has someone who sits down and says "Now...what would our customers WANT....so we know what not to include"...N64 and gamecube were prime examples of this (and thus the reason we have playstations today)...

Lemme ask you, Now, what do you think was wrong with N64? I got it pretty late, about 2 years before it was cancelled. Before it, I only had Genesis and Sega CD. To this day, I still play N64, mainly Smash Bros, Conker, Perfect Dark, Road Rash and Mario Kart.

And another question, my brother wants to upgrade to Gamecube. You say you have X-Box. Do you feel it's better than GC because of its DVD ability, or is there something else?


Well-Known Member
>>>Ok, so where is the press release saying that Nintendo is dumping GCN in a year? Where is it Now?<<<

It wasn't a press release, but rather a conference in Japan about the future of Nintendo. They never specificly said, "We will drop the GC soon," but expressed interest in dropping out of the console wars and focusing on software (maybe the profits that Sega is posting has changed their tune). Here is a story about the conference:


The GC is definitely going to be Nintendo's last system, and I have a feeling if sales don't pick up soon (they are losing the battle for a very distant second with Microsoft), they may go ahead and drop the GC anyway. It is a shame, because with a little help, the GC could a threat to the X-Box. That is going to be very obvious this fall when sells from Mario Sunshine and Metroid tear up the charts.

>>>This is the most absurd thing I've ever read in here. If Disney was out of ideas, it wouldn't have so many projects going round and round every year<<<

Most of which are half-baked TV shows, attractions, movies, watered down sequels, etc. The only thing that is saving animation is the deal with Pixar, and it is a given that when that contract expires, Pixar will run away from Disney as hard and as fast as they can. I can think of around 5 things that have a chance to be real successes for Disney, and one of them is getting released in two weeks (I personally can't wait for Lilo and Stitch, and neither can the rest of the world).


New Member
Original Poster
When I started this thread I wasn't comparing the companies. I was mearly stating how nintendo was the king of its world and was then over thrown. In the theme park world Disney is the king. I dont know how it turned into a GC thread (although I must say its quite sad since I own a GC and I think its great!).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial

Lemme ask you, Now, what do you think was wrong with N64? I got it pretty late, about 2 years before it was cancelled. Before it, I only had Genesis and Sega CD. To this day, I still play N64, mainly Smash Bros, Conker, Perfect Dark, Road Rash and Mario Kart.

And another question, my brother wants to upgrade to Gamecube. You say you have X-Box. Do you feel it's better than GC because of its DVD ability, or is there something else?

The N64 had a very powerfull 3d Processor (at the time) but was limited by Nintendos stubborn refusal to go to a CD based unit. The carts at MOST could hold 80 megs (and even that was pushing it)..and are generally much more expensive than a CD. This caused problems with high res textures, higer polycounts on the models..and really cheesy music. The system had a LOT of potential that wasnt used...o well...

As for my reccomendation...ehhhhhh...its a tuffie..personally..I feel the X-box is the better VALUE (it can just do more than the cube can)..but some of the exclusive titles for GC are looking mighty nice..specifically..metroid...do your research on www.ign.com on what games are coming for each system..find out wihch one would suit you best..


Well-Known Member
>>>The carts at MOST could hold 80 megs (and even that was pushing it)..<<<

Believe it or not, a 512 MB cart was made for the N64 port of Resident Evil 2. I also think that 256 MB carts were used frequently at the end of the console's lifespan. Unfortunately, these games also cost $60+.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Nintendo just made the decision to drop out of the console market and focus only on games (similar to what Sega did)...so what does that show ya?

(BTW..they said it was Microsoft that caused their decision..not sony...hehe)

Okay...I read the press release regarding this 6 times to be sure I was reading it right. Nintendo has said nothing about not making consoles any more. They were just stating that their resources are going to be devoted MORE to games. Generally gaming consoles have about a 5 year life-span. They were saying that, with current video technologies that are mainstream, there's not much more that can be done at this point in terms of realism, sound and graphics. Basically that the 5 year console life maybe a thing of the past. Just like with a computer...You can only have a processor so fast and so much ram when adding more just isn't noticable in terms of performance. Know what I mean...? They're just not going to be in a technology race for the next CUTTING-EDGE system because there's only so much more you can enhance the gaming experience at this point and they'd rather make games (which actually turn them a profit) at this point then devote everything to the next system.

Plus, think of the benefits of bringing a few of the hardware guys who actually BUILT the system in on the game development. They'd probably be able to work wonders.


New Member
Nintendo dropping Gamecube......... That is a bunch of BS. X-Box is the one who should go out of buisness. X-Box sucks. I know nobody with an X-Box, everybody I know has a GC or a PS2. One reason I stay with Nintendo is thier loyalty to thier characters. When you buy a Nintendo system you know you're going to get your DK, Mario, Luigi, Star Fox, Zelda, Metroid, etc. I love Nintendo and I will never leave them. On the other hand PS2 is a very good system, and I'm thinking about bying one, I will still support GC.


Well-Known Member
As much as I'd love to agree with you James (I'm a bit of a Nintendo fanboy) the X-Box is actually doing almost exactly as well here in the states as the GC.The problem for the X-Box is the Japanese market )which is a MAJOR consumer of video games) just hasn't bought into it. Last time I look the sales results for the M$ system in the Land of the Rising Sun were underwhelming by just about all standards. THAT market could be what helps make/break these systems. If you need proof...Look at the Famitsu Top 30 from a week or two ago. (Famitsu is a Japanese magazine that tracks console game sales and posts the top 30. In that top 30 17 were PS2 titles, 3 were PS titles and 10 were GCN or GBA titles...There was not a single XoBox title in the entire list. As it is the title in the number 30 position only sold 3,469 copies and NONE of the X-Box titles could pass that. It's kind of an indicator if you ask me. X-Box is a solid system but I, personally, will ALWAYS prefer the Nintendo franchises.


Well-Known Member
Oy...hereeeeeeeee we go...

Loyalty to the characters..yes..loyalty to the GAME style..no way...

Zelda is already a huge dissapointment amoung gamers and its not even out yet...Metroid is also scaring people..it looks great..but people want it to be like the OLD game..not a FPS here...

Remember guys..GC wasnt doing VVVVVVVVVVVVVERY badly in japan until they released it in new colors...Microsoft will realize that soon enough...and try to release new colors of their system....

And uh..I like X-box in the market..they actually LISTENED to what fans wanted in their system..DVD...hard drive...etc...Nintendo would just assume what is good for people..and 9 times out of 10..they failed.

Woah..talk about a massive thread drift here ;)


RunDisney Addict
I used to own a gamecube....i sold it to the Electronics Boutique for $160. 2 weeks later the price fell to $150...so I came out ahead on the deal.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Loyalty to the characters..yes..loyalty to the GAME style..no way...

Zelda is already a huge dissapointment amoung gamers and its not even out yet...Metroid is also scaring people..it looks great..but people want it to be like the OLD game..not a FPS here...

Remember guys..GC wasnt doing VVVVVVVVVVVVVERY badly in japan until they released it in new colors...Microsoft will realize that soon enough...and try to release new colors of their system....

And uh..I like X-box in the market..they actually LISTENED to what fans wanted in their system..DVD...hard drive...etc...Nintendo would just assume what is good for people..and 9 times out of 10..they failed.

Woah..talk about a massive thread drift here ;)

New...I'm sure we could debate cel-shading & FPS/FPA game formats for days on end but look at it this way...Pick a band you like that's been around for at least 10 years. Listen to their first album...Then listen to their new album. Their style, sound and general effect on you change and evolve. Nintendo is doing a great job of covering their butts. They're releasing a FPS/FPA Matroid title on the GCN but they're also releasing a side-scrolling version on the GBA. Truth of the matter is that if they released a side-scrolling version on the Cube people would mock them for not advancing the genre to meet the new technology. As for Zelda...I'm excited about it but not nearly as much as I was for OoT & MM. I think I'll have to play it some myself before I make judgement. The problem is that you get into a "Danged if you do, danged if you don't" type of thing. If they update then purists and loyalists will call foul and say that their voice is being ignored. If they don't change then they're not being innovative and are stuck in a creative rut. (Remind you of the issues facing some theme parks and their attractions?)

I like X-Box to an extent. Heck...I think all three next-gen systems are amazing. I've just gotten more joy out of my GC but now that the prices for the other two are lower I'm VERY strongly considering getting both of them as soon as I can afford it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, get the rumors off. Here are the facts of both launches, X-Box and GCN.


1.) GCN- Launched September 13th, 2001- Sold inital 150,000 units first weekend, colors available (yes, more than one Now Inc): Indigo, Black, Spice (orange). Has sold modestly well

2.)X-Box- Launched March 2001- Didn't sell inital 100,000 units for over a month.


1.) GCN-November 2001- Sold out faster than X-Box. 200,000 units plus over 1 mill for holidays sold out.

2.) X-Box- November 2001- Sold out first units first day. Plus 1 mill for holidays.

Now Inc, you are spreading rumors, lies and other propaganda. The Nintendo press confrence said that they will be focasing their tallent on games, because WHY WOULD THEY RELEASE A NEW SYSTEM ONE YEAR LATTER! If it's money, what about the Game Boy Advance. Sold over 6.5 million units in a year, same as PS2, with a greater profit margin. So the GBA can support the GCN.

No need to worry folks, Nintendo's words have been twisted.


Active Member
First of all let me start off by saying most of you have no idea when it comes to the console war. First, Nintendo is in no way dropping out of the console buisness. They have recently stated that their enphasis is on games, not hardware. This means they want to continue to develop games that are fun "nintendo" games and want less priority on developing the modem and any other add-ons. Second, the way you guys are discussing this seems like you think Nintendo is dead. This could not be further from the truth. Nintendo Gamecubes are selling well. In fact, as you can read on IGNXBOX the $100 decrease in the price of XBOX is because, after the initial launch, they have slowed too great in sales. The XBOX already COST Microsoft around $100 per unit sold this only increases that margin. So before you try to talk on a topic you quite obviously no nothing about try to stisck to the disney relation...

Now as for my actual comment on this subject. Yes, Sony did take Nintendo by suprise does this mean universal will? Possibly, but the one fact you are missing is that Nintendo is still a very profitable company. They practically have a monopoly in the handheld buisness and are making a considerable chunk of change of the GC. Just because Universal beats Disney in,(admissions?), then that does not mean that they drop from the face of the earth. They will still be there having there near monopoly of the animation(movies) buisness making tons of money and in no way will everone just stop going to their parks.


Active Member
Originally posted by NowInc

yep..thats from the same conference that was posted earlier (only on IGN)...thats what i was referring to also when i said they may be dropping out of the console market.

I'm afraid you got the wrong meaning out of this. Nintendo has always stressed it's focus is games not hardware. This is why they did not include DVD playback and a hard drive ETC. They have always said GC is a GAME machine not something full of features.

"The new Nintendo head reiterated that the firm would not jump directly into the online market -- that it was too early to tell if such a model could prove profitable."

This is what they mean by new hardware. They do not mean to say they're dropping out of the buisness. Hardware does not necessarily mean a new system.
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