Disney vacation planners


New Member
If you've used Kingdom Konsultants or any of the other Disney specialists;

Do you find it's easier to use them or to book with Disney directly?

Thanks :wave:


Well-Known Member
No offense to KK or any other travel agent, but I've been to WDW, that I really don't think there is anything they know that I don't. Plus, I find it much easier to book myself. That way, if you have to make any changes, you can just call Disney and do it. When booking with a TA, you have to go by their schedule.
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
No offense to KK or any other travel agent, but I've been to WDW, that I really don't think there is anything they know that I don't. Plus, I find it much easier to book myself. That way, if you have to make any changes, you can just call Disney and do it. When booking with a TA, you have to go by their schedule.

Some people prefer to be in complete control of their vacations, and for them a travel agent wouldn't work. However, there are still a lot of people (even fans) who don't know all the details and can use the help of someone trained in every aspect. Also, there is also a matter of convenience that KK provides that even the biggest Disney diehards like to take advantage of. You never have to worry about rebooking when a discount comes out since they do it for you. They will also be the ones who wake up at 6am to book your dining if you don't want to do that.
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Well-Known Member
I am with Captainkidd....planing myself is all apart of the fun. I dont mind doing what it takes to make sure we are getting the best deal...IE - rebooking, 6 am ADR's. But I can see where doing it yourself is not for everyone...and in that case I see no reason not to take advantage of the great services of someone like KK or another Disney TA. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Some people prefer to be in complete control of their vacations, and for them a travel agent wouldn't work. However, there are still a lot of people (even fans) who don't know all the details and can use the help of someone trained in every aspect. Also, there is also a matter of convenience that KK provides that even the biggest Disney diehards like to take advantage of. You never have to worry about rebooking when a discount comes out since they do it for you. They will also be the ones who wake up at 6am to book your dining if you don't want to do that.

I'm not disputing that in the least bit. Just stating what I do and why I do it.
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I'm not disputing that in the least bit. Just stating what I do and why I do it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all disagreeing with what you do. Some people love handling the details of everything themselves and that is great. I just wanted to put the info out there, so the OP knows what the potential benefits of booking with KK could be.
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Well-Known Member
I have been to Disney, both Anaheim and Orlando, 20 plus times, always did the planning myself, but always seemed to do alot of the same things. (and chalked this up as *traditions*) For 2012's trip, I went with Kingdom Konsultants and couldn't be happier! Jessica has been outstanding in helping me experience things, other than the norm. If any discounts come up, she's on top of it, any ADR's I make, she will do her best to make for me. I don't understand why people say you "give up control", anything I want to do, or any place I want to go, Jessica has done her best to make sure its on my agenda. I'm not saying I'm a Disney expert, by no means, but the suggestions and ideas my Kingdom Konsultant has given me, are priceless. Some small details, I seem to have skipped over, (timing, etc,) she is on top of.
I guess, it comes down to "to each their own", however, my entire family is really looking forward to our trip this year. I have Kingdom Konsultants to thank for that. Happy Disney'ing all!!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all disagreeing with what you do. Some people love handling the details of everything themselves and that is great. I just wanted to put the info out there, so the OP knows what the potential benefits of booking with KK could be.

I'm also a complete pain in the butt when it comes to Disney. I change our resort at least once in planing, change dates, change ADR's. I'd drive a poor travel agent insane.
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Well-Known Member
I'm also a complete pain in the butt when it comes to Disney. I change our resort at least once in planing, change dates, change ADR's. I'd drive a poor travel agent insane.

It's all part of the job and happens quite a bit. It's very rare that someone asks us for a quote, gets the pricing, books the trip, makes some ADR's, and that's it.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I used KK for a couple of years before becoming one of their agents. I have AP's and all I was doing were simple room only reservations along with some dining but they even made that easier. I would email Marie dates and resort choices for as many as 3-4 trips at a time and then simply forget about them until it was time to go. When promotions came out I was automatically re-booked so I never had to keep my ear to the ground or worry about getting the best deal. All I had to do was enjoy myself. I never realized how much work I was doing until I all all of a sudden did not have to do it anymore.
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Well-Known Member
I've never used KK, so I can't comment on that but I find booking with AAA a complete pain in the ______ over booking myself. I typically book with AAA because I'm booking a package but still want the discount if I can't get a pin code or some other disney discount. The AAA consultants are far more clueless than I am and I need to go around three or four times on average to get things correct with them.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I've never used KK, so I can't comment on that but I find booking with AAA a complete pain in the ______ over booking myself. I typically book with AAA because I'm booking a package but still want the discount if I can't get a pin code or some other disney discount. The AAA consultants are far more clueless than I am and I need to go around three or four times on average to get things correct with them.
I would agree. I used AAA back in the early 90's and while I would occasionally run into one that knew Disney well, most knew that it was in Florida and that is about where the knowledge peaked.

KK was a complete 180 from that. There was personal and incredibly knowledgeable service. The KK agents eat, breath and sleep Disney and knew every trick in the book.
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