Disney Vacation Nightmares???


Well-Known Member
We actual had one for our upcomeing trip. I thought it was weired we didnt get our luggage tags or anything for our upcomeing trip. Thankfully i told my mom to call. here they never got the check my mom sent. We had to expedite a money order. Above that they had the wrong email adress, so thats why we had no clue. The CM was nice and told them it was a amazing and lucky our reservation wasnt canceled( and all our ADR, including CINDERELLAS LUNCH!!!!!!!!). Also We figured out the check was lost in the mail. We got it back today, only more than a month when we sent it. I was like thank goodness we called or we would have been with out a hotel room dining plan, exc. during next week!!!!!!!!!!
All i have to say is the CMs are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh and i seriously can never sleep the night before we leave for disney. I m serious...its like the commerical, i am seriously too excited for sleep. This year i leave the day after st.pats day, which is a bus. day for me with irish dance shows( I irish dance) i dont get done until like 12, and then i have a slumber party with my bffls who are accompaning my parents and i on disney , college visitits, and then the beach.
But i had a hard time sleeping this week bc my research paper for english III/ American lit was due tues. I couldnt sleep because i had a nitemare i missed shool and didnt turn it in ( which would result as a 0 for something that is worth 50% of the semester grade).now I havent been able to sleep because im nervous what im going to get on it
5 more days til disney :)


Well-Known Member
I had a few bad dreams before our vacation. I had a nightmare once where DH and I were at the wrong park in the morning. We were at MGM/DHS and we were suppose to be at MK for our CRT breakfast ADR and DH acted like he didn't care at all.


Well-Known Member
I have them all the time, but like somebody else said WDW is always vastly different than in real life and very strange. It always seems so wrong.

The last dream however that I had that actually had WDW as it was had my dad, my wife, and myself for some reason taking a trip to the Magic Kingdom. Once we got there my dad took charge and the only thing we were allowed to do was ride Space Mountain all day long. My wife was starting to get ticked because she wanted to see her favorite attraction in the Carousel of Progress but my dad wouldn't let us do it. I love Space Mountain, but 12 times in a row was enough for me to finally lose my cool. The last thing I remember from the dream was him yelling at us that we didn't know how to have a good time as we left him in line at Space Mountain for another twirl while we went somewhere else.

The Mom

Premium Member
Not a WDW vacation, exactly, but I once had a nightmare that I was stuck on a cruise ship with everyone from wdwmagic. :eek: :lol:

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