Disney Transportation Card Sets


New Member
Wow good job, the sets I know well are 4 & 5 . Those are the ones I have been involved in . I still hand out "5" , 4 of course has been discontinued however I still have a bunch.
There is a set after that had 33 cards (I have most of them). I am missing the buses (#1-4) and the monorails (#13-24) for that set. Any help finding those would be greatly appreciated. I actually had most of them but let my grandson play with them and now I can't find them.
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New Member
Cool job.
My best guess is that there are 5 sets out there.
Series 1 has 18 cards - Complete
Series 2 has 25 cards - Missing a bunch
Series 3 has 26 cards - Missing a bunch
Series 4 has 27 cards - Missing most
Series 5 has 34 cards - Complete

I know the set sizes from the cards that I do have. I just don't know the breakdown of the sets.
I have a couple from Series 1 (18 cards); all of series 2 (25 cards); was not aware of series 3!; all of series 4 (27 cards); most of series 5 (33 cards) and all of series 6 (34 cards). I have a few duplicates and am looking for the buses and monorails for the 33 card set. The sets are all very similar ... they start with the buses; then the boats; then the monorails; trams were added in the 33 card set; Minnie Vans as well. They just add what's new.
18 card set: Buses: Gillig, Nova, ATS - Boats: Ferryboat, Motor Cruiser, Motor Launch - Monorails: Mark VI twelve different colors but it doesn't list the color, numbered 7-18. (7. Mark VI Monorail Buzz Lightyear; 8. Mark VI Monorail. Figment; 9. Mark VI Monorail. Jasmine; 10. Mark VI Monorail. Jiminy Cricket; 11. Mark VI Monorail. Sulley; 12. Mark VI Monorail Simba; 13. Mark VI Monorail. Donald Duck; 14. Mark VI Monorail. Snow White; 15. Mark VI Monorail. Mike Wazowski; 16. Mark VI Monorail. Cinderella; 17. Mark VI Monorail. Daisy Duck; 18. Mark VI Monorail. Goofy) The characters on the cards change some from set to set.

25 card set: Buses: Gillig, Nova, ATS - Boats: Ferryboat, Motor Cruiser, Motor Launch, Sassagouola River Cruise, Downtown Disney Water Taxi, Disney Vacation Club Ferry Blue Launch, Disney Vacation Club Ferry Green Launch, Magic Kingdom Boat, Grand One Yacht; Electric Water Parade - Monorails: Mark VI twelve different colorsbut it doesn't list the color but each has a different character, numbered 14-25.

27 card set: Buses: Gillig, Nova, ATS, Nova (different than the first one) - Boats: Ferryboat, Motor Cruiser, Motor Launch, Sassagouola River Cruise, Downtown Disney Water Taxi, Disney Vacation Club Ferry Blue Launch, Disney Vacation Club Ferry Green Launch, Magic Kingdom Boat, Grand One Yacht, Electric Water Parade, Friendship Boat - Monorails: Mark VI twelve different colors but it doesn't list the color but each has a different character, numbered 16-27.
33 card set: Buses: Gillig, Nova, Nova Articulated, New Flyer Articulated - Boats: Ferryboat, Motor Cruiser, Motor Launch, Sassagouola River Cruise, Magic Kingdom Boat, Grand One Yacht, Electric Water Parade, Friendship Boat - Monorails: Silver, Black, Teal, Blue, Green, Orange, Gold, Coral, Lime, Yellow, Red, Peach each having a different character - Trams: Blue, Coral, Green, Orange, Red, Silver, Teal, Yellow each having a different character - Minnie Van

34 card set: Buses: Gillig, Nova, Nova Articulated, New Flyer Articulated - Boats: Ferryboat, Motor Cruiser, Motor Launch, Sassagouola River Cruise, Magic Kingdom Boat, Grand One Yacht, Electric Water Parade, Friendship Boat - Monorails: Silver, Black, Teal, Blue, Green, Orange, Gold, Coral, Lime, Yellow, Red, Peach each has a different character - Trams: Blue, Coral, Green, Orange, Red, Silver, Teal, Yellow each having a different character - Minnie Van (two different ones)


New Member
Disney Transportation Cards

When we visit Disney World, our favorite thing to do is anything that is “free!” It started when the cost of getting into the parks themselves became way too expensive. A friend at church, who had five children, shared with me some of the fun stuff they would do when they went camping at Disney’s Fort Wilderness. By this time our children were grown and had moved on but we still enjoyed going. I decided I would do some more research on it and was so pleased with what I found. I began to put an itinerary together for our 40th anniversary of “Free Things To Do At Disney.” One thing we paid for was two nights at the Contemporary Resort … it was our 40th Anniversary after all. We spent three days and two nights exploring resorts … finding wonderful, beautiful places together … and we did it all with the help of Disney transportation. We rode buses, boats and the monorails and enjoyed every minute. One of the free things I had learned about were “Transportation Cards.” They were not handed out but all you had to do was ask your driver/captain/pilot if they had any and if they did, they just handed them over. My original intention was to pass them on to the grandchildren (which I did) but then I found out that this had been going on since 2006 … that there were several different sets of cards out there … and me being the collector that I am and loving Disney like I do, got hooked. Following is what I have learned about the cards. If the characters name is listed by the card then I have that card.

Series one had eighteen cards, which were issued in Jun of 2006. Their identification number located on the back, lower left corner is: 1875822 MISC5024 0606 (buses); 1875831 MISC5031 0606 (watercraft) and 1875828 MISC5026 0606 (monorails). The set consisted of 3 bus, 3 watercraft and 12 monorail cards. There were two cards with different identification numbers – Card #5, Motor Cruiser with Tinker Bell, Card #6 Motor Launch with Chip has ID # 1875831 MISC5025 0606. They were released on the same date so perhaps there was a misprint and they had to be redone before release. I have the complete set.

  • Gillig – Mickey Mouse
  • Nova – Minnie Mouse
  • RTS – Pluto
  • Ferryboat – Woody
  • Motor Cruiser – Tinker Bell
  • Motor Launch – Chip
  • Mark VI Monorail Silver – Buzz Lightyear
  • Mark VI Monorail Black – Figment
  • Mark VI Monorail Pink – Jasmine
  • Mark VI Monorail Blue – Jiminy Cricket
  • Mark VI Monorail Green – Sulley
  • Mark VI Monorail Orange – Simba
  • Mark VI Monorail Purple – Donald Duck
  • Mark VI Monorail Coral – Snow White
  • Mark VI Monorail Lime – Mike Wazowski
  • Mark VI Monorail Yellow – Cinderella
  • Mark VI Monorail Red – Daisy Duck
  • Mark VI Monorail Gold – Goofy
In Dec 2010, Series two came out. This is a very hard set to collect because there was a second edition released in Dec 2011. Here’s why – On 5 Jul 2009 there was a fatal crash between the Mark VI Pink Monorail (card #9) and the Mark VI Purple monorail (card #13). These monorail colors were retired and Disney combined the usable parts of the damaged monorails to make the Mark VI Teal monorail which was added to the fleet in 2010. This new set of cards corrected the monorails and added more watercraft. It consisted of 25 cards: 3 bus, 10 watercraft, and at first 11 monorails and one card picturing all eleven monorails on the same card. There is a bit of a typo on the back of the monorail cards. It says “Currently there are 12 monorails in the fleet.” when there was actually only eleven. However, in 2011 the Mark VI Peach monorail was added and that brought the monorail fleet back up to twelve. It was a result of combined used and new parts. The Mark VI Peach monorail – Sebastian – replaced card #25 from the first edition. The first edition identification numbers are: MISC5024/9141650 1210 (buses); MISC5025/898322 1210 (watercraft); MISC5026/9141620 1210 (monorails). The second edition identification numbers are: MISC5025/9997132 1211 (watercraft) and MISC5026/9959082 1211 (monorails).

NOTE: In the 1st Edition card #12 – Grand Yacht One – Ariel was pulled due to a typographical error on the back before it was released. This card states “available for private charters booked through A LA CARTE.” Although I have never seen one of these cards personally, however some people insist they have one. The second Grand Yacht One card was re-released in Dec 2011 with a corrected statement on the back which states “available for private charters booked by calling (407) WDW-PLAY.” Most sets you can get today are a combination of both releases. I have 18 of the first edition and 7 of the second edition HOWEVER I have seen several “complete” sets and they all seem to have that same combination. I have never personally seen a complete first edition or a complete second edition.

FIRST EDITION – Dec 2010 release
  • Gillig – Mickey Mouse
  • Nova – Minnie Mouse
  • RTS – Pluto
  • Ferryboat –
  • Motor Cruiser –
  • Motor Launch –
  • Sassagoula River Cruise - Flounder
  • Downtown Disney Water Traffic – Peter Pan
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Blue Launch – Stitch
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Green Launch – Merryweather
  • Magic Kingdom Boat –
  • Grand One Yacht - “available for private charters booked through A LA CARTE” – VERY RARE
  • Electric Water Pageant –
  • Mark VI Monorail Silver – Buzz Lightyear
  • Mark VI Monorail Black – Figment
  • Mark VI Monorail Teal – Tramp – New monorail made from combined parts of Pink and Purple
  • Mark VI Monorail Blue – Jiminy Cricket
  • Mark VI Monorail Green –
  • Mark VI Monorail Orange – Simba
  • Mark VI Monorail Gold - Goofy
  • Mark VI Monorail Coral – Snow White
  • Mark VI Monorail Lime – Mike Wazowski
  • Mark VI Monorail Yellow – Cinderella
  • Mark VI Monorail Red – Daisy Duck
  • pictures eleven Mark VI Monorails on the front but still says “12 monorails” on the back – Sebastian
SECOND EDITION – Dec 2011 release
  • Gillig –
  • Nova –
  • RTS –
  • Ferryboat – Woody
  • Motor Cruiser – Tinker Bell
  • Motor Launch – Chip
  • Sassagoula River Cruise -
  • Downtown Disney Water Traffic –
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Blue Launch –
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Green Launch –
  • Magic Kingdom Boat – Dumbo
  • Grand One Yacht – Ariel – “available for private charters booked by calling (407) WDW-PLAY.”
  • Electric Water Pageant – King Triton
  • Mark VI Monorail Silver –
  • Mark VI Monorail Black –
  • Mark VI Monorail Teal –
  • Mark VI Monorail Blue –
  • Mark VI Monorail Green – Sulley
  • Mark VI Monorail Orange –
  • Mark VI Monorail Gold -
  • Mark VI Monorail Coral –
  • Mark VI Monorail Lime –
  • Mark VI Monorail Yellow –
  • Mark VI Monorail Red –
  • Mark VI Monorail Peach – Sebastian – also combined from new and used parts
In Aug (buses and watercraft) and Sep 2012 (monorails), Series three began distribution. The identification numbers are: MISC5024/10332917 0812 (buses); MISC 5025/10196845 0812 (watercraft); MISC5026/10332924 0912 (monorails). This set contains 26 cards: 3 buses, 11 watercraft, and 12 monorails. The new card is #14 – Friendship Boat – Merida.
  • Gillig – Mickey Mouse
  • Nova – Minnie Mouse
  • RTS – Pluto
  • Ferryboat – Woody
  • Motor Cruiser – Tinker Bell
  • Motor Launch – Chip
  • Sassagoula River Cruise – Flounder
  • Downtown Disney Water Traffic – Peter Pan
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Blue Launch – Stitch
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Green Launch – Merryweather
  • Magic Kingdom Boat – Dumbo
  • Grand One Yacht – Ariel
  • Electric Water Pageant – King Triton
  • Friendship Boat – Merida
  • Mark VI Monorail Silver – Buzz Lightyear
  • Mark VI Monorail Black – Figment
  • Mark VI Monorail Teal – Tramp
  • Mark VI Monorail Blue – Jiminy Cricket
  • Mark VI Monorail Green – Sulley
  • Mark VI Monorail Orange – Simba
  • Mark VI Monorail Gold – Goofy
  • Mark VI Monorail Coral – Snow White
  • Mark VI Monorail Lime – Mike Wazowski
  • Mark VI Monorail Yellow – Cinderella
  • Mark VI Monorail Red – Daisy Duck
  • Mark VI Monorail Peach – Sebastian
In Apr 2015 Series 4 was introduced. The identification numbers are as follows: MISC5024/11260204 0415 (buses); MISC5025/11713482 0415 (watercraft); MISC5026/11713487 0415 (monorails). The set contains 27 cards: 4 buses, 11 watercraft and 12 monorails. The new card is a bus: #4 – Nova – Olaf. I have the complete set.
  • Gillig – Mickey Mouse
  • Nova – Minnie Mouse
  • RTS – Pluto
  • Nova – Olaf
  • Ferryboat – Woody
  • Motor Cruiser – Tinker Bell
  • Motor Launch – Chip
  • Sassagoula River Cruise – Flounder
  • Downtown Disney Water Traffic – Peter Pan
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Blue Launch – Stitch
  • Disney Vacation Club Ferry, Green Launch – Merryweather
  • Magic Kingdom Boat – Dumbo
  • Grand One Yacht – Ariel
  • Electric Water Pageant – King Tritan
  • Friendship Boat – Merida
  • Mark VI Monorail Silver – Buzz Lightyear
  • Mark VI Monorail Black – Figment
  • Mark VI Monorail Teal – Tramp
  • Mark VI Monorail Blue – Jiminy Cricket
  • Mark VI Monorail Green – Sulley
  • Mark VI Monorail Orange – Simba
  • Mark VI Monorail Gold – Goofy
  • Mark VI Monorail Coral – Snow White
  • Mark VI Monorail Lime – Mike Wazowski
  • Mark VI Monorail Yellow – Cinderella
  • Mark VI Monorail Red – Daisy Duck
  • Mark VI Monorail Peach – Sebastian
Series 5 was released in Jun 2018. The identification numbers are: Disney MISC5024/12518734 618 (buses); Disney MISC5025/12518737 618 (watercraft); Disney MISC5026/12518740 681 (monorails); Disney MISC5016/12575503 618 (trams) and Disney MISC5032/FY18PC24470 618 (Minnie vans). It contains 34 cards: 4 buses, 8 watercraft, 12 monorails, 8 trams and 2 Minnie vans. This set includes the out-of-print, extremely rare Minnie Van Disney Transport Official Collector Cards numbered 33 and 34. Disney's Minnie Van Service was a point-to-point, cast member-operated transportation service, powered by Lyft, that began in 2017 and was, sadly, discontinued in 2020 thanks to the pandemic. This set of cards featured two styles of Minnie Vans on the front and factual information about the vehicles on the back. I have the complete set.
  • Gillig – Mickey Mouse
  • Nova – Minnie Mouse
  • Nova Articulated – Dory
  • New Flyer Articulated – Dale
  • Ferryboat – Woody
  • Motor Cruiser – Tinker Bell
  • Motor Launch – Chip
  • Sassagoula Rivercruise – Tiana
  • Magic Kingdom Boat – Dumbo
  • Grand One Yacht – Ariel
  • Electric Water Pageant – King Triton
  • Friendship Boat – Merida
  • Monorail Silver – Buzz Lightyear
  • Monorail Black – Figment
  • Monorail Teal – Tramp
  • Monorail Blue – Jiminy Cricket
  • Monorail Green – Sully
  • Monorail Orange – Simba
  • Monorail Gold – Goofy
  • Monorail Coral – Snow White
  • Monorail Lime – Michael Wazowski
  • Monorail Yellow – Cinderella
  • Monorail Red – Daisy Duck
  • Monorail Peach – Sebastian
  • Blue Tram – Donald Duck
  • Coral Tram – Nemo
  • Green Tram – Flounder
  • Orange Tram – Pluto
  • Red Tram – Cheshire Cat
  • Silver Tram – Thumper
  • Teal Tram – Elsa
  • Yellow Tram – Belle
  • Minnie Van – Olaf – The ADA (wheelchair-accessible) style Minnie Van. This card was pulled from production after an objection from Chevrolet, corporate partner of Disney and sponsor, for the use of a non-Chevrolet vehicle in the card set.
  • Minnie Van – Miguel – The Traverse style Minnie Van. This card was pulled from production after the elimination of card #33 (see below) and re-released as Card #33 (of 33).
This set was quickly pulled from production because Chevrolet Reps working at WDW objected to the use of a non-Chevrolet vehicle being referenced in the description on the reverse of card #33, “There are 140 polka-dots on a Ford Transit Mini Van.” The Minnie Van Ride Service Associates were instructed to dispose of any remaining cards.

The set was then, just as quickly revised to include ONLY the Chevrolet Traverse style Minnie Van which was renumbered as "33 of 33." All other cards were re-numbered accordingly which brings us to Series 6 which was also released in Jun 2018. The identification numbers are: ? (buses); Disney/Pixar MISC5025/12518737 (watercraft); Disney/Pixar MISC5026/12518740 618 (monorails); Disney MISC5016/12575503 618 (trams) and Disney MISC5032/FY18PC24470 618 (Minnie van). This set contains 33 cards: 4 buses, 8 watercraft, 12 monorails, 8 trams and 1 Minnie van.
  • Gillig -
  • Nova -
  • Nova Articulated -
  • New Flyer Articulated -
  • Ferryboat - Woody
  • Motor Cruiser – Tinker Bell
  • Motor Launch – Chip
  • Sassagoula Rivercruise – Tiana
  • Magic Kingdom Boat – Dumbo
  • Grand One Yacht – Ariel
  • Electric Water Pageant – King Triton
  • Friendship Boat -
  • Monorail Silver – Buzz Lightyear
  • Monorail Black -
  • Monorail Teal -
  • Monorail Blue -
  • Monorail Green -
  • Monorail Orange – Simba
  • Monorail Gold -
  • Monorail Coral -
  • Monorail Lime – Michael Wazowski
  • Monorail Yellow -
  • Monorail Red -
  • Monorail Peach -
  • Blue Tram – Donald Duck
  • Coral Tram – Nemo
  • Green Tram – Flounder
  • Orange Tram – Pluto
  • Red Tram – Cheshire Cat
  • Silver Tram – Thumper
  • Teal Tram – Elsa
  • Yellow Tram – Belle
  • Minnie Van – Miguel
We will be heading back to Disney in Nov 2022 and I a have heard there are new transportation cards including ones for the Skyliner. I am hopeful but we will have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Disney Transportation Cards

When we visit Disney World, our favorite thing to do is anything that is “free!” It started when the cost of getting into the parks themselves became way too expensive. A friend at church, who had five children, shared with me some of the fun stuff they would do when they went camping at Disney’s Fort Wilderness. By this time our children were grown and had moved on but we still enjoyed going. I decided I would do some more research on it and was so pleased with what I found. I began to put an itinerary together for our 40th anniversary of “Free Things To Do At Disney.” One thing we paid for was two nights at the Contemporary Resort … it was our 40th Anniversary after all. We spent three days and two nights exploring resorts … finding wonderful, beautiful places together … and we did it all with the help of Disney transportation. We rode buses, boats and the monorails and enjoyed every minute. One of the free things I had learned about were “Transportation Cards.” They were not handed out but all you had to do was ask your driver/captain/pilot if they had any and if they did, they just handed them over. My original intention was to pass them on to the grandchildren (which I did) but then I found out that this had been going on since 2006 … that there were several different sets of cards out there … and me being the collector that I am and loving Disney like I do, got hooked. Following is what I have learned about the cards. If the characters name is listed by the card then I have that card.\

Thank you! What an amazing source of information this is. Can you share pics of each of your sets?


Well-Known Member
I am bumping this thread up because friend is here now. Asked about cards and was given some including 2 Skyliner cards. One CM (coordinator) indicated these came out in October 2023 but most Transportation CMs don’t know anything. These new cards are unnumbered.

So does anyone know anything about new cards?
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Well-Known Member
So does anyone know anything about new cards?

No other than I've seen a few of them on eBay. They appear similar to previous series except consolidated by type and not numbered. For example, it seems there are not multiple monorail or tram cards by color and instead just one card for "Monorail" and one for "Tram" The backs of the cards are also organized a bit differently than previous series.


New Member
I've just came back from WDW and collected the following cards:
  • Bus - Monsters Inc
  • Bus - 4875 (nova)
  • Bus - 5157 (articulated bus)
  • Bus - 5150 (flyer articulated)
  • Ferryboat
  • Motor Cruiser
  • Motor Launch
  • Sassagoula River Cruise
  • Electrical Water Pageant
  • Friendship Boat
  • Monorail Teal (so far this is the only color)
  • Trams (only blue color)
  • Skyliner over Caribbean Beach
  • Skyliner with Spaceship Earth
Couple of the boat cast members commented that the Grand One Yatch card may have been retired. None of the Minnie Van drivers I asked had cards or new if the vans still had a card.

Most transportation cast members I interacted with had the Wild About Safety cards instead of the transportation cards.

Disney dave t22

New Member
I've just came back from WDW and collected the following cards:
  • Bus - Monsters Inc
  • Bus - 4875 (nova)
  • Bus - 5157 (articulated bus)
  • Bus - 5150 (flyer articulated)
  • Ferryboat
  • Motor Cruiser
  • Motor Launch
  • Sassagoula River Cruise
  • Electrical Water Pageant
  • Friendship Boat
  • Monorail Teal (so far this is the only color)
  • Trams (only blue color)
  • Skyliner over Caribbean Beach
  • Skyliner with Spaceship Earth
Couple of the boat cast members commented that the Grand One Yatch card may have been retired. None of the Minnie Van drivers I asked had cards or new if the vans still had a card.

Most transportation cast members I interacted with had the Wild About Safety cards instead of the transportation cards.
There were 2 Minnie van cards one was the ford Ada van and 2 by the boardwalk and both cards were retired I have the whole set. If you wish to see the cards go Disney transportation on fb and ask for the cards I can post them there


New Member
There were 2 Minnie van cards one was the ford Ada van and 2 by the boardwalk and both cards were retired I have the whole set. If you wish to see the cards go Disney transportation on fb and ask for the cards I can post them there
The cards you are referring to are from older sets. When the set with 34 cards came out around 2018/19 it included the two Minnie van cards. This set was reissued with 33 cards eliminating the Ford Minnie van.

Disney dave t22

New Member
The cards you are referring to are from older sets. When the set with 34 cards came out around 2018/19 it included the two Minnie van cards. This set was reissued with 33 cards eliminating the Ford Minnie van.
No, I’m not the new set of cards that are unnumbered had two minivans parked in front of boardwalk plus the ADA minivan because of the contract with Chevrolet They had to pull the handicap minivan card again and the two traverses that were parked in front of boardwalk they had to pull that card as the traverse is no longer around.

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