Well-Known Member
So feature wise, for fun, what would you want to see that would be amazing for the SW land? ..((ahem, and before all the guys here say "slave Leia"))...
Here's my wish list:
1. Central feature (area where attractions/dining/shows are based around): Mos Isley Space Port (all rides depart motion, dark or otherwise take you to different planets from this area... Makes sense, right?)
2. Dining: Mos Isley Cantina w/character meals, band, (blue milk and all).
3. Some sort of dark ride that is a hybrid 3D and sim/motion like Transformers at Uni.
...and absolutely NO Jar Jar Binks... ANYWHERE.
I cannot stand that poor-man's Goofy knock off (and I Goofy - just not in SW). I would lose it and rip the selfie-pole out of some chanting Brazilian tour member's hand and beat the character with it. <~~~~~ *Kidding*
... and I'd hope for new tech that has us all like this:
That's all I have for now - thanks for indulging me in my inferior-imagineering SW nerdette-daydream.
That's actually the most realistic prediction I've seen yet. And likely true.