False. All vaccines include risks beyond the disease the vaccine is trying to keep at bay and the COVID vaccine is no different. That does not mean the risks outweigh the rewards but you are factual wrong in your declaration.You do realize that any side effects of the vaccine are the same side effects from catching COVID, since the vaccine is pretending to be COVID and any side effects come from your body trying to ward off what it thinks is an infection, right?
Again, this is just not accurate. Whether it is the clotting risk to adult women or myocarditis to young men there are risks associated with the vaccine.And you do realize that when you're hit with the real thing, an actual COVID-19 infection, that not only do you get the same side effects from the vaccine, but the actual virus can hospitalize or kill you and damage your organs for months or years or forever, right?
This hyperbole shows how dishonest you are with this debate. The vast majority of infections are mild and for those under 30 most all infections are asymptomatic. The only way we know IFRs is by testing those showing no signs of illness. The survival rate for covid for those under 70 is over 99.5% so the virus does not "tear your organs apart".That's what COVID can do to you. The vaccine can't, because it's not an invading virus tearing your organs apart, but COVID will.
If you really want to get people to get vaccinated be truthful and accurate about the risks both of an infection and the vaccination. Why should I trust your opinion on the vax when your rants are so obviously false?Get vaccinated and stop promoting the propaganda of the anti-vaxxers.